If I had any regrets at all there would be two. One would be that Jon, Will and I are not running this year and the other is that we are not going to be on the road with the Convoy and all that that journey encompasses. If it were not for Gerie, we may not have ever made the journey to take part in La Carrera Panamericana an adventure that will last us a lifetime. If it were not for Will the adventure would never have been as successful of pleasurable as it was and if it were not for Jon Emerson my navigator and friend we would never have been as successful as we were. Yes, we are the Three Amigos and I am so fortunate to have shared this adventure with them.

I can already feel the lump forming in my throat that will surely lodge as I watch the Convoy Convoy leave the hotel on their way to the south of Mexico for the beginning of the race and there I will stand for the most part all alone. It's not at all unlike watching your kids move away except these will not be coming back.

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