Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gala Dinner Evening

In short, the purpose of the gala event was to raise money to help a few local charities. Over the years there was a good turn out but this years was a sell out with several hundred people in attendance. The other purpose was to honor Hershel McGriff not only for many of his amazing accomplishments but also for winning the very first La Carrera Panamericana. Hershel was amazingly humble but he had a little surprise of his own as you will see in the photos below.

Hershel having some fun as he stands in the exact same position as he did in the photo of him 58 years ago as he accepted the winning check of $17,000. But if you look closely you can see he's not wearing the same dinner jacket.

Left to right, Hershel and his wife Sherry and Gary and his wife Mari Chris.

Hershel waited for the right moment to ask one of the benificeries to come up front and then told everyone that since everyone else wanted to "give back" to the great people of Mexico that he too wanted to take part. Look at her expression as Hershel said, "I would like to give you this check for $10,000.00." You could not believe the jaws that dropped.

Even I got some well appreciated recognition as Gerie said, "I would like to ask all Olympic Atheletes in the room to stand up and be recognised." and then spoke about how well Jon and I had done last year and thanked me for bringing Hershel.

Hershel being awarded a solid silver plate by the citezens of Mexico and people of San Miguel de Allende.

Some of the beautiful ladies in attendance.

Left to right, Angelica Fuentes, Gary Faules, Hershel McGriff, Doug Mockett

What would a La Carrera party be without Coop?

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