A couple of friends who are fighting for all it's worth in the Historic A Plus Class and putting on one hell of a show in the process are the #299 Datsun piloted by Francisco Ortiz and co-piloto Marco Martinez and the #288 Datsun piloted by Joe
Brubaker and co-piloto Michael Emery.

Photo Courtesy Of Go Fast
On day 2 #299 was in 73rd overall and 7th in class and #288 was in 103rd overall and 8th in class. But as of yesterday both have made huge moves bringing car #288 up to 60th and 7th in class and the #299 has passed them and climbed into 52nd overall and 5th in class!!!

Photo Courtesy Of Coop
This is a perfect example of why you never count anyone out of the race or think you have things in control. Like they say... It ain't over till it's over.
Gary feel free to post this under its own heading. New totals after today!
1. Bill @ 3:38.47 (He is slowing down...smart)
2. Jorge @ 3:39.33 (Should be able to hold off Doug)
3. Doug @ 3:42.32 (Can hold off Stig easily)
4. Stig @ 3:47.16
5. Lars @ 3:47.43 (As predicted, fell behind Stig)
Thanks Karl! For curiousity how do they add up to the results I just posted?
My results are the total of 5 days and what you posted is the total for 4 days!
Just compared my "day 4" math to the official results and everything checked out perfectly, so I am confident of my totals after day 5.
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