What I can tell you is, even as much fun as this was it was a very emotional time for me and almost impossible to explain. My biggest regret where that Will and Jon where not with me. Besides spending a week with Hershel McGriff and his wife I was able to personally welcome almost every single team as they arrived in San Miguel de Allende and I even directed them as to where and how to park in the hotel parking lot. Even though the majority of them had been on the road for 4 to 6 days pulling 600 miles a day I could see the looks of relief and their smiles as they realized they had made it half way and knew a few days of relaxation where in order. Many of these faces and cars where familiar while some where knew but for the most part I had been corresponding with many of them over the last year.
To explain the hundreds of photos I have would be near impossible and so what I am going to do is try to break down the next few blog entries into basically three entries. First I will show some of the cars as they arrived in the hotel parking lot in San Miguel de Allende. Then I will post a few from the car show in the beautiful city square called El Jardin. (The Garden) Last will be an entry of some of the things Hershel and myself and our wives enjoyed. What I am not going to post is all the photos I took at 7AM on Monday morning as I waved good bye to every single one of them. You have no idea how difficult it was to deal with the lump in my throat as I wished them all a safe trip and watched their taillights fade a way in the dark and then walk into the empty parking lot. All of them waved and yelled out in return but when Gerie Bledsoe's tow rig got to me they stopped as Gerie had a few very special words of thanks that I began to lose it.
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