Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bring Back GO FAST

Something everyone involved with La Carrera Panamericana looks to and enjoys is photos of the event. Over the last few years La Carrera Panamericana association hooked up with GO FAST who did am awesome job not only with the high quality photos but they were awesome at getting lots of them from numerous locations and they had them posted in the blink of an eye.

I wish I could say that was true of MexSport Online who is the official photographers for this years LCP but sadly that is not the case. Their photos are few, poor quality, few locations and if that wasn't bad enough they plaster their damn name with the biggest watermark known to man which absolutely destroys the photo. The end result is the photos are trash and nobody will be able to use them and everybody loses in the end including MexSport online.

If you want to see what an awsome example of good quality LCP photos shoule be like check out the awesome work GO FAST has done in past years CLICK HERE.

Thanks for NOTHING MexSport online! BRING BACK GO FAST!!!


bbeilharz said...

I had the same thought. Coop has some good photos on his flickr account.

Bill said...

Gary - I *really* appreciate your blog. Cell reception down there is iffy, the race site is worse, and you are keeping us all in touch, and it's great!

I figured a little bit out with the MexSport site. If you follow the link from the La Pana website to theirs, then there's a username and password box in the top right. Enter carrera for the UN and panamericana for the PW. Then pick the photo you want, and you can now click on it. Do that, and it'll get you to the last page, where it just shows that photo and some details on it. Scroll down, you'll se a button labelled "Descargar." That's download in spanish. It'll downlaod a big high res image without the MexSport watermark.

Keep up the blogging, and doggoneit, I'm going to send carrier pigeons for those scores next year.