Thursday, October 22, 2009

Everything Is Secure & The First Casualty Of The Race

In Mexico they take parking lot security very serious. To hell with barking dogs. Looks as if Carson and Lauren's car is in good hands.

Photo courtesy of Apple Farmer Team.

Speaking of security and the Apple Farmer Team... I had a good laugh at someone else's expense last night. I was talking on the phone with Richard Bailey, Co-Piloto for Apple Farmer Team and he was telling me a hilarious story about some LCP guys standing around talking when all of a sudden one of them was flat on the ground. It seems a coconut had fallen out of a tree and knocked his lights out. They said when they saw him later in the day he had a big red knot on his head. Maybe the teams should consider wearing their helmets during the relaxation periods. In past years there was all kinds of things that could get you in trouble... donkeys, roads washed out, rain, pigs, spectators but I never heard of anyone having suffered from a coconut before. Always something new when competing in La Carrera Panamericana!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LMAO!!! This guy sure has a story to tell, different to any other.