An ongoing look at the people, places and machines of the worlds most demanding open road race.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
#212 Jag Does Some Agricultural Driving
I can just imagine what happen. I assume the conversation in the car went something like this...
Hey, isnt that that the exact spot where Bledsoe had his bad wreck?
Yeah that sure was.
Man are we lucky we made it through there.
We sure are... By the way, what does the route book say about this next corner?
The sound is really bad so you might as well turn it off.
Hey, isnt that that the exact spot where Bledsoe had his bad wreck?
Yeah that sure was.
Man are we lucky we made it through there.
We sure are... By the way, what does the route book say about this next corner?
The sound is really bad so you might as well turn it off.
Let's Go Back To 2007!
Now it's our turn for those of us who ran the 2007 La Carrera Panamericana. Here is one of GO FAST ENERGY DRINKS cool videos. Let's all hope they return to La Carrera Panamericana too.
Hello... Farmer's Insurance? You'll never believe what happened this weekend.
Recorded phone call from home;
Hello honey!
Yes, everything is just great and we're fine.
What's that you ask?
Oh sure the car is still in one piece....
It's just has a different shape than the last time you saw it.
I have no idea how many times I have heard or read, "La Carrera Panameriacana.... Oh that's not really racin. It's just a rally." Well, I hate to burst that bubble but maybe these photos from last weeks race will change that line of thinjing.
Corvette Before

Corvette After

Volvo Before

Volvo After

Oldsmobile Before

Oldsmobile After

Opel Before

Opel After

Lincoln Before

Lincoln After

Oldsmobile Before

Oldsmobile After

E-Type Jaguar Before

E-Type Juguar After

Maserati Before

Maserati After

Porsche Before

Porsche After (Parallel parking accident)

Studebaker Before

Studebaker After (Yes, even the overall winner suffered some door damage.)
Hello honey!
Yes, everything is just great and we're fine.
What's that you ask?
Oh sure the car is still in one piece....
It's just has a different shape than the last time you saw it.
I have no idea how many times I have heard or read, "La Carrera Panameriacana.... Oh that's not really racin. It's just a rally." Well, I hate to burst that bubble but maybe these photos from last weeks race will change that line of thinjing.
Corvette Before

Corvette After

Volvo Before

Volvo After

Oldsmobile Before

Oldsmobile After

Opel Before

Opel After

Lincoln Before

Lincoln After

Oldsmobile Before

Oldsmobile After

E-Type Jaguar Before

E-Type Juguar After
Maserati Before

Maserati After
Porsche Before

Porsche After (Parallel parking accident)

Studebaker Before

Studebaker After (Yes, even the overall winner suffered some door damage.)

Friday, October 30, 2009
How Bad Do YOU Need a LCP Fix?
Yesterday while listening to an interview with Nascar's legendary Bobby Allison I couldn't help but stop and think about a couple of La Carrera Panamericana teams that had run last year's event and had returned again this year for more. The comment that Allison made that caught my attention was when he said, "It sure would be nice to be remembered for what a good driver I was instead of one of being in one of the most famous crashes."
Last year's La Carrera Panamericana saw what will always remembered as one of it's worst crashes. Fortunately nobody was serious injured. But what I find amazing about the wreck was that I know for a fact most people would not have come back again and for a myriad of reasons much too long to even go in to. However a few that stand out are the cost factor, fear factor, frustration and so on. For any of these reasons making the decision to return for some would be impossible. For some it would be difficult. For a few it would be impossible not to return. Once again... for a myriad of reasons.
One of my favorite quotes is from The Count of Monte Christo when he said, “Life is a storm my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout, as you did in Rome, ‘Do your worst…for I will do mine.’”

In case you haven't already figured out who the teams I am speak of are by now, I am referring to Stewart and Linda Robertson and Bob Summerour and Bud Feldkamp. Both of these teams had beautiful cars and it was obvious both teams had spent countless hours and dollars preparing them for exactly one reason... to compete in La Carrera Panamericana. Knowing full well exactly how attached we become to a car which we have poured our very souls into I completely understand what an indescribable emotional let down that whole event must have been. Not only that but when I saw Stewart leaning over Linda as she lay motionless on the ground I couldn't imagine what a heart stopper that must have been.
The bad news is regardless how well either of these teams do this year or any other year they will always be remembered for that terrible crash in 2008. That crash that could have been so much worse.
But there's good news... First and foremost none of them suffered any more than some superficial injuries bot physical or mental. They are also a testimony that the required safety equipment required does it job when installed properly. Last but not least, their actions prove to the entire racing community there is no race in the world that begs to be run more than La Carrera Panamericana and teams are willing to make large scale sacrifices to keep coming back for more.
When each of these teams returned this year they each brought back just a little bit of each one of us as well and we all own them of heart felt gratitude. There really is a Spirit Of La Carrera and this year it was in the form of a purple Studebaker and a maroon Mustang.
Many of you have probably see the infamous video but this one is the one you must see since it will take you right into the middle of the action.
Congratulations to Cars #120 and #363 for an outstanding comeback.
Last year's La Carrera Panamericana saw what will always remembered as one of it's worst crashes. Fortunately nobody was serious injured. But what I find amazing about the wreck was that I know for a fact most people would not have come back again and for a myriad of reasons much too long to even go in to. However a few that stand out are the cost factor, fear factor, frustration and so on. For any of these reasons making the decision to return for some would be impossible. For some it would be difficult. For a few it would be impossible not to return. Once again... for a myriad of reasons.
One of my favorite quotes is from The Count of Monte Christo when he said, “Life is a storm my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout, as you did in Rome, ‘Do your worst…for I will do mine.’”

In case you haven't already figured out who the teams I am speak of are by now, I am referring to Stewart and Linda Robertson and Bob Summerour and Bud Feldkamp. Both of these teams had beautiful cars and it was obvious both teams had spent countless hours and dollars preparing them for exactly one reason... to compete in La Carrera Panamericana. Knowing full well exactly how attached we become to a car which we have poured our very souls into I completely understand what an indescribable emotional let down that whole event must have been. Not only that but when I saw Stewart leaning over Linda as she lay motionless on the ground I couldn't imagine what a heart stopper that must have been.
The bad news is regardless how well either of these teams do this year or any other year they will always be remembered for that terrible crash in 2008. That crash that could have been so much worse.
But there's good news... First and foremost none of them suffered any more than some superficial injuries bot physical or mental. They are also a testimony that the required safety equipment required does it job when installed properly. Last but not least, their actions prove to the entire racing community there is no race in the world that begs to be run more than La Carrera Panamericana and teams are willing to make large scale sacrifices to keep coming back for more.
When each of these teams returned this year they each brought back just a little bit of each one of us as well and we all own them of heart felt gratitude. There really is a Spirit Of La Carrera and this year it was in the form of a purple Studebaker and a maroon Mustang.
Many of you have probably see the infamous video but this one is the one you must see since it will take you right into the middle of the action.
Congratulations to Cars #120 and #363 for an outstanding comeback.
NEWS FLASH... Lars Stugemo Has Been Disqualified!!!
Class Winners Sport Mayor, Historic B, Turismo Production, Historic A,
Final Overall Results Sport Mayor;
1st Place, #222 LT Special Driven by Edward Hugo

2nd Place, #212 Jaguar Driven by Byron DeFoor

3rd Place, #231 Maserati Driven George Tuma

Final Overall Results Historic B;
1st Place, #317 Porsche 911 Driven by Enrique Nava

2nd Place, #334 Porsche 911 Driven by Andrea Galleti
(Can't find a photo!)
3rd Place, #318 Porsche 911 Driven by Michel Gendre

Final Overall Results Turismo Production;
1st Place, #51 Studebaker Driven by Carlos Castillo

2nd Place, #21 Studebaker Driven by Leo Noetzel

3rd Place, #49 Volvo Driven by Joaquin Conde Sn Vincent

Final Overall Results Historic A;
1st Place, #289 Porsche Driven by Robert Curry

2nd Place, #256 Saab Driven by Albert Fellner

3rd Place, #264 Mini Cooper Driven by Pedro Vidal
1st Place, #222 LT Special Driven by Edward Hugo

2nd Place, #212 Jaguar Driven by Byron DeFoor

3rd Place, #231 Maserati Driven George Tuma

Final Overall Results Historic B;
1st Place, #317 Porsche 911 Driven by Enrique Nava

2nd Place, #334 Porsche 911 Driven by Andrea Galleti
(Can't find a photo!)
3rd Place, #318 Porsche 911 Driven by Michel Gendre

Final Overall Results Turismo Production;
1st Place, #51 Studebaker Driven by Carlos Castillo

2nd Place, #21 Studebaker Driven by Leo Noetzel

3rd Place, #49 Volvo Driven by Joaquin Conde Sn Vincent

Final Overall Results Historic A;
1st Place, #289 Porsche Driven by Robert Curry

2nd Place, #256 Saab Driven by Albert Fellner

3rd Place, #264 Mini Cooper Driven by Pedro Vidal

Absloute Overall Results 2009
110 Stig Blomqvist Ana Goni Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:56:33 0:49:55 0:42:07 0:59:59 0:18:07 0:37:28 0:18:19 4:42:28 4:42:28 1 1 110
114 Lars Stugemo Jonny Olofsson Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:57:11 0:50:28 0:00:02 0:50:58 0:02:01 1:01:32 0:17:58 0:37:40 0:17:10 4:52:57 0:02:03 4:55:00 2 2 114
144 Alejandro Pimentel Mauricio Pimentel Dodge Turismo Mayor 0:56:36 0:50:59 0:54:17 0:02:00 0:59:36 0:17:55 0:37:13 0:17:47 4:54:23 0:02:00 4:56:23 3 3 144
109 Francisco Márquez García Araceli Ramírez Islas Hudson Turismo Mayor 0:59:44 0:53:18 0:00:07 0:45:45 1:03:02 0:19:26 0:39:20 0:18:26 4:59:01 0:00:07 4:59:08 4 4 109
121 Karl Scheible Dyana Marlett Volvo Turismo Mayor 0:58:23 0:52:19 0:00:01 0:44:37 0:00:05 1:00:30 0:26:48 0:01:30 0:41:28 0:00:31 0:18:23 0:00:05 5:02:28 0:02:12 5:04:40 5 5 121
222 Edward Hugo Marco Hernández LT Sport Mayor 1:02:02 0:54:10 0:46:07 1:04:02 0:19:27 0:40:49 0:19:26 5:06:03 5:06:03 6 1 222
115 Hilaire Damiron Manuel Iguíniz Buick Turismo Mayor 1:01:03 0:54:44 0:49:51 0:01:36 1:02:51 0:18:58 0:39:50 0:19:12 5:06:29 0:01:36 5:08:05 7 6 115
51 Carlos Castillo Carlos Antonio Ramírez Studebaker Turismo Prod 1:00:03 0:54:32 0:00:01 0:46:35 1:05:14 0:19:03 0:45:04 0:01:30 0:18:59 5:09:30 0:01:31 5:11:01 8 1 51
317 Enrique Nava José Luis Pérez Rubio Porsche 911 Historic B 1:00:51 0:56:20 0:47:18 1:03:49 0:20:27 0:41:02 0:21:18 0:00:05 5:11:05 0:00:05 5:11:10 9 1 317
388 Bill Shannahan Murray Smith Ford Falcon Historic C 1:01:28 0:55:20 0:00:01 0:47:08 0:00:05 1:06:55 0:20:07 0:41:00 0:00:01 0:19:37 5:11:35 0:00:07 5:11:42 10 1 388
21 Leo Noetzel David Henry Foulkes Studebaker Turismo Prod 1:02:01 0:55:43 0:48:31 1:05:34 0:20:01 0:40:46 0:00:06 0:19:37 5:12:13 0:00:06 5:12:19 11 2 21
334 Andrea Galleti Rodrigo González Porsche 911 Historic B 0:00:30 1:02:22 0:57:09 0:47:35 1:04:16 0:20:41 0:00:01 0:40:18 0:20:22 0:00:02 5:12:43 0:00:03 5:12:46 12 2 334
105 Francisco Javier Tato Cesar Javier Robles Studebaker Turismo Mayor 1:12:39 0:00:06 0:54:45 0:00:13 0:45:09 0:00:05 1:02:47 0:18:54 0:38:54 0:20:03 5:13:11 0:00:24 5:13:35 13 7 105
318 Michel Gendre Dominique Peraldi Porsche 911 Historic B 1:06:21 0:59:32 0:00:03 0:47:49 0:00:25 1:05:12 0:20:05 0:40:39 0:00:10 0:20:56 5:20:34 0:00:38 5:21:12 14 3 318
152 Richard Clark Andrew Prill Porsche Sport Menor 1:04:06 1:02:52 0:47:49 1:06:25 0:20:33 0:42:03 0:20:39 5:24:27 5:24:27 15 1 152
290 Richard Bailey Nate Wilson Volvo Historic A + 1:07:00 0:57:07 0:00:01 0:49:00 1:06:48 0:20:32 0:43:00 0:21:10 5:24:37 0:00:01 5:24:38 16 1 290
212 Byron DeFoor David Hinton Jaguar Sport Mayor 1:05:11 0:58:08 0:49:26 1:06:00 0:00:01 0:20:46 0:43:48 0:00:05 0:21:56 5:25:15 0:00:06 5:25:21 17 2 212
351 Berndt Langewiesche Wolfgang Kurth Ford Falcon Historic C 1:05:21 0:00:25 0:57:22 0:48:10 0:00:01 1:06:21 0:20:33 0:05:00 0:42:02 0:20:25 5:20:14 0:05:26 5:25:40 18 2 351
291 Martin Lauber Conrad Stevenson Alfa Romeo Historic A + 1:14:33 0:01:30 0:56:24 0:00:01 0:48:16 0:00:01 1:04:57 0:19:50 0:40:58 0:20:34 5:25:32 0:01:32 5:27:04 19 2 291
331 Miguel Diez Jeronimo de la Macorra Porsche 911 Historic B 0:00:30 1:07:22 0:00:18 0:59:57 0:49:11 0:00:05 1:09:09 0:21:08 0:43:09 0:00:05 0:21:05 5:31:01 0:00:28 5:31:29 20 4 331
363 Bob Summerour Bud Feldkamp Mustang Historic C 1:09:52 0:00:05 0:59:15 0:00:16 0:49:47 0:00:06 1:07:12 0:00:10 0:20:40 0:42:37 0:00:01 0:21:41 5:31:04 0:00:38 5:31:42 21 3 363
133 Doug Mockett Angélica Fuentes Oldsmobile Turismo Mayor 1:16:33 0:01:30 0:50:22 0:05:00 0:43:09 0:00:01 0:58:38 0:17:59 0:56:53 0:05:30 0:17:10 5:20:44 0:12:01 5:32:45 22 8 133
311 Gunter Sundag Barbara Hernández Mercedes Historic B 1:06:12 1:00:54 0:51:24 1:10:28 0:21:30 0:43:40 0:21:18 0:00:06 5:35:26 0:00:06 5:35:32 23 5 311
261 Richard Row James Row BMW Historic A + 1:05:47 0:00:01 0:59:44 0:00:01 0:49:25 1:16:32 0:00:37 0:21:30 0:42:02 0:00:04 0:20:53 0:00:06 5:35:53 0:00:49 5:36:42 24 3 261
257 Jo Ramírez Alberto Cruz Volvo Historic A + 1:05:46 0:00:02 1:00:32 0:51:19 0:00:06 1:10:17 0:21:56 0:00:11 0:45:00 0:00:10 0:23:35 0:00:01 5:38:25 0:00:30 5:38:55 25 4 257
120 Stewart Robertson Linda Robertson Studebaker Turismo Mayor 1:19:28 0:00:30 0:57:12 0:47:17 0:00:02 1:06:45 0:19:48 0:00:10 0:48:46 0:01:30 0:19:44 0:00:01 5:39:00 0:02:13 5:41:13 26 9 120
425 John Gregory Chrislana Gregory Studebaker Original Panam 1:11:24 0:00:03 1:01:11 0:51:18 1:09:36 0:00:01 0:21:13 0:44:15 0:22:14 5:41:11 0:00:04 5:41:15 27 1 425
308 Daniela Wagner Silvia Lindner Porsche 911 Historic B 1:06:39 0:58:57 0:00:01 0:49:28 0:00:25 1:21:03 0:01:03 0:21:15 0:43:13 0:21:12 0:00:01 5:41:47 0:01:30 5:43:17 28 6 308
333 Emilio Azcarraga Andres Gomez Porsche 911 Historic B 0:00:30 1:28:15 0:06:30 0:56:49 0:48:26 0:00:05 1:04:23 0:19:45 0:41:43 0:00:01 0:20:32 5:39:53 0:06:36 5:46:29 29 7 333
313 Michael Shadbolt Aron Shadbolt Porsche 911 Historic B 1:13:01 0:00:18 1:04:21 0:00:29 0:52:20 0:00:22 1:09:02 0:00:12 0:21:54 0:00:01 0:43:49 0:00:01 0:22:46 5:47:13 0:01:23 5:48:36 30 8 313
356 John Chip Fudge Jonathan Fudge Chevrolet Historic C 0:00:30 1:05:46 0:58:15 0:50:59 1:20:03 0:01:00 0:20:36 0:42:04 0:05:00 0:24:29 0:01:00 5:42:12 0:07:00 5:49:12 31 4 356
433 Carson Scheller Lauren Scheller Ford Original Panam 1:06:01 0:59:51 0:51:33 1:10:11 0:25:02 0:54:08 0:02:14 0:22:36 0:00:01 5:49:22 0:02:15 5:51:37 32 2 433
382 Thomas Ledergerber Alexandra Treptow Mercedes Historic C 1:11:50 0:00:34 1:04:41 0:00:05 0:54:54 0:00:15 1:12:01 0:00:05 0:22:04 0:44:38 0:21:44 5:51:52 0:00:59 5:52:51 33 5 382
153 Robert Gett Bob Paltrow Alfa Giulietta Sport Menor 1:05:48 0:00:06 0:58:38 0:00:08 1:02:16 0:00:30 1:07:26 0:20:57 0:53:10 0:02:00 0:24:13 0:00:05 5:52:28 0:02:49 5:55:17 34 2 153
370 Christian Dumolin Pierre Adyns Falcon Historic C 1:09:30 0:05:05 0:59:15 0:00:27 1:04:33 0:00:30 1:09:17 0:21:17 0:43:53 0:21:50 5:49:35 0:06:02 5:55:37 35 6 370
389 Xavier Lamadrid Jorge de la Huerta Mustang Historic C 1:18:53 0:01:55 0:57:30 0:05:07 0:49:01 0:00:10 1:06:33 0:00:03 0:20:28 0:00:02 0:46:42 0:01:00 0:27:03 0:02:00 5:46:10 0:10:17 5:56:27 36 7 389
281 Oscar Uribe Fernandez Mauricio Uribe Balsa Porsche 914 Historic A + 0:00:30 1:02:19 0:00:09 0:57:35 0:00:01 0:47:51 0:00:16 1:24:34 0:03:00 0:21:16 0:00:12 0:57:27 0:01:00 0:21:43 0:00:09 5:52:45 0:04:47 5:57:32 37 5 281
258 Uwe Heusel Volker Hauser Alfa Romeo Historic A + 1:11:27 1:04:10 0:53:22 0:00:05 1:12:49 0:23:54 0:47:34 0:25:07 5:58:23 0:00:05 5:58:28 38 6 258
282 Danny Stewart CH De Haan BMW Historic A + 1:13:25 0:00:07 1:01:57 0:00:06 0:53:36 0:00:17 1:13:55 0:00:05 0:23:24 0:00:01 0:48:21 0:00:37 0:23:12 5:57:50 0:01:13 5:59:03 39 7 282
151 Paul Frame Bailey Darrell Porsche Sport Menor 1:09:55 0:01:00 1:03:58 0:52:51 1:18:04 0:23:15 0:48:18 0:00:07 0:25:10 6:01:31 0:01:07 6:02:38 40 3 151
395 Gerie Bledsoe Chris Cooper Chevrolet Historic C 0:00:30 1:20:10 0:02:30 0:59:04 0:00:05 1:04:33 0:00:30 1:08:49 0:20:45 0:00:01 0:42:53 0:00:31 0:23:30 0:00:30 5:59:44 0:04:07 6:03:51 41 8 395
332 Xavier von Bertram Fernando Poo Porsche 911 Historic B 0:00:30 1:12:26 0:00:30 1:08:17 0:02:00 0:51:54 1:09:11 0:20:48 0:48:06 0:01:00 0:28:14 0:02:00 5:58:56 0:05:30 6:04:26 42 9 332
262 Stanley Bauer Doug Weitman Alfa Romeo Historic A + 1:16:08 0:01:00 1:03:12 0:00:02 0:52:04 1:13:14 0:00:05 0:22:29 0:00:01 0:47:41 0:00:45 0:23:02 0:05:20 5:57:50 0:07:13 6:05:03 43 8 262
374 Anthony Strelzow Lee-Ann Strelzow Covette Historic C 1:10:11 0:05:51 0:57:58 0:00:16 0:50:30 0:00:23 1:10:07 0:00:06 0:23:51 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:27:03 0:02:00 5:54:30 0:12:06 6:06:36 44 9 374
113 José Cortés Valdespino Guillermo Izquierdo Chevrolet Turismo Mayor 1:07:37 0:58:27 0:56:16 0:00:30 1:36:33 0:03:30 0:20:44 0:42:44 0:20:55 6:03:16 0:04:00 6:07:16 45 10 113
364 Klaus Peter Rechle Betty Kucharova Ford Falcon Historic C 1:14:39 0:01:35 1:03:22 0:05:06 0:53:35 0:05:00 1:12:12 0:00:15 0:22:14 0:00:05 0:47:03 0:00:18 0:22:54 0:00:30 5:55:59 0:12:49 6:08:48 46 10 364
127 José Aragón Kuri GurrionJose Aragón Kuri Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:00:30 1:01:10 1:14:53 0:03:30 0:48:57 1:34:02 0:03:00 0:20:18 0:43:11 0:00:08 0:20:40 6:03:11 0:06:38 6:09:49 47 11 127
303 Carlos Martínez de CampRoosberto Mendoza Porsche 911 Historic B 1:26:05 0:01:30 1:03:21 0:00:45 0:54:13 0:00:05 1:12:49 0:22:33 0:45:53 0:00:04 0:23:53 6:08:47 0:02:24 6:11:11 48 10 303
101 Ralph S. Carungi Bill Richert Lincoln Turismo Mayor 1:41:25 0:02:30 1:00:09 0:00:48 0:49:06 0:00:03 1:07:20 0:00:12 0:20:32 0:00:02 0:42:39 0:00:01 0:26:42 0:00:38 6:07:53 0:04:14 6:12:07 49 12 101
361 Tony Leivo Timo Hänninen Chevrolet Impala Historic C 1:07:51 0:00:47 1:04:08 0:00:02 0:54:28 0:05:08 1:12:32 0:05:20 0:22:15 0:00:07 0:47:10 0:05:38 0:21:44 0:05:01 5:50:08 0:22:03 6:12:11 50 11 361
137 Steve Waldman Felipe Arguelles Ford Turismo Mayor 1:09:21 0:00:02 0:58:42 0:49:42 1:09:46 0:28:50 0:02:00 0:56:53 0:03:30 0:32:54 0:02:00 6:06:08 0:07:32 6:13:40 51 13 137
310 Alain Tanzi Jacques Bailly Jean Porsche 911 Historic B 1:14:15 0:00:35 1:08:04 0:05:30 0:48:45 0:00:41 1:27:19 0:00:35 0:21:10 0:00:35 0:43:48 0:00:20 0:22:18 0:00:20 6:05:39 0:08:36 6:14:15 52 11 310
231 George Tuma Jim Pace Maseratti Sport Mayor 1:14:59 1:02:01 0:01:05 0:54:25 0:04:00 1:12:42 0:04:00 0:22:52 0:02:00 0:47:44 0:03:30 0:24:11 0:02:00 5:58:54 0:16:35 6:15:29 53 3 231
130 Roberto Dávalos Javier Dávalos Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:00:30 1:41:25 0:02:30 1:14:53 0:03:30 0:49:15 0:00:17 1:06:37 0:00:08 0:19:34 0:40:09 0:00:20 0:18:52 6:10:45 0:06:45 6:17:30 54 14 130
49 Joaquín Conde Sn VicenteJuan Carlos Zuani Volvo Turismo Prod 0:00:30 1:14:31 0:01:24 1:07:43 0:00:06 0:57:52 0:00:14 1:20:03 0:00:32 0:24:10 0:44:52 0:00:30 0:26:26 0:00:01 6:15:37 0:02:47 6:18:24 55 3 49
307 Jack Lewis Kim Watkins Porsche 911 Historic B 1:08:56 0:00:02 1:03:29 0:00:17 0:51:38 0:10:00 1:20:09 0:01:36 0:23:49 0:00:02 0:49:17 0:05:01 0:24:44 0:00:01 6:02:02 0:16:59 6:19:01 56 12 307
293 Luis Barona Gael Rodríguez Volvo Historic A + 1:14:57 1:06:21 0:57:50 1:18:17 0:00:05 0:24:42 0:51:16 0:00:02 0:26:11 0:00:05 6:19:34 0:00:12 6:19:46 57 9 293
58 Baltasar Cavazos Alejandro Marín Studebaker Turismo Prod 1:22:30 0:02:30 1:03:39 0:05:00 0:51:58 1:12:15 0:21:53 0:51:44 0:07:00 0:21:48 6:05:47 0:14:30 6:20:17 58 4 58
316 Gabriel Jochen Oender Tuerker Mercedes Historic B 1:09:39 0:00:07 1:03:05 0:00:12 0:52:53 0:05:10 1:25:46 0:06:20 0:22:29 0:05:05 0:47:13 0:00:40 0:23:00 0:00:15 6:04:05 0:17:49 6:21:54 59 13 316
365 Wilhelm Ostrop Randy Penner Chevy Chevelle Historic C 1:19:04 0:02:00 1:03:41 0:00:01 1:04:33 0:03:30 1:14:42 0:00:15 0:22:40 0:48:27 0:00:30 0:22:44 6:15:51 0:06:16 6:22:07 60 12 365
302 Walter Lechler Olaf Löber Mercedes Historic B 1:15:42 0:00:42 1:08:50 0:06:20 0:54:35 0:00:26 1:15:55 0:00:15 0:23:09 0:00:08 0:55:41 0:01:00 0:23:02 6:16:54 0:08:51 6:25:45 61 14 302
11 Vance Stewart Vance Stewart II Ford Turismo Prod 1:13:20 0:00:18 1:20:22 0:56:14 0:00:01 1:16:32 0:23:15 0:49:54 0:01:05 0:25:36 6:25:13 0:01:24 6:26:37 62 5 11
304 Russell Gee Chris Nussbaum Porsche 911 Historic B 1:14:28 0:00:11 1:02:38 0:00:14 0:56:25 0:05:26 1:13:17 0:00:20 0:22:53 0:05:02 0:55:41 0:08:00 0:22:11 0:00:08 6:07:33 0:19:21 6:26:54 63 15 304
319 Mike Harris Larry Ligas Jaguar XKE Historic B 1:13:13 0:00:05 1:01:56 0:51:41 0:00:11 1:20:16 0:02:15 0:26:35 0:02:00 0:55:41 0:03:30 0:28:14 0:02:00 6:17:36 0:10:01 6:27:37 64 16 319
289 Robert Curry Ricky Shaw Porsche Historic A 1:13:40 0:00:30 1:09:34 0:03:30 1:03:23 0:01:00 1:11:31 0:00:02 0:25:49 0:00:30 0:54:15 0:01:00 0:23:20 0:00:35 6:21:32 0:07:07 6:28:39 65 1 289
298 Baltasar Cavazos Gabriel Domenzain VW Historic A + 1:28:50 0:02:05 1:14:14 0:03:30 0:55:08 1:12:13 0:26:22 0:00:30 0:47:38 0:00:07 0:25:08 6:29:33 0:06:12 6:35:45 66 10 298
112 Helge Nyland Christopher Cochrane Studebaker Turismo Mayor 1:19:40 0:01:00 0:58:01 0:00:01 0:58:17 0:05:35 1:36:33 0:04:00 0:22:54 0:00:30 0:47:12 0:22:57 6:25:34 0:11:06 6:36:40 67 15 112
155 Juan Luis Calderón Alejandro Gómez Alfa Romeo Sport Menor 1:14:37 0:02:30 1:12:55 0:03:30 0:56:34 0:00:29 1:18:04 0:00:20 0:25:44 0:00:02 0:53:10 0:03:30 0:25:50 6:26:54 0:10:21 6:37:15 68 4 155
263 Peter Aman Hans Lindbohm Volvo Historic A + 1:09:28 0:00:05 1:04:21 0:00:35 1:00:12 0:03:00 1:20:40 0:02:31 0:26:35 0:01:30 0:57:27 0:01:05 0:29:01 0:02:00 6:27:44 0:10:46 6:38:30 69 11 263
139 Alfredo Selbach Guillermo Fernández BarSrtaugdáenbaker Turismo Mayor 1:07:05 0:00:02 1:01:23 0:00:28 1:07:55 0:08:30 1:14:21 0:00:07 0:26:25 0:00:31 0:53:58 0:07:06 0:29:56 0:01:30 6:21:03 0:18:14 6:39:17 70 16 139
373 Enrique Bardasano Juan Bardasano Mustang Historic C 0:00:30 1:20:10 0:02:30 1:12:13 0:03:30 0:56:58 0:01:03 1:11:45 0:05:48 0:22:46 0:00:11 0:51:41 0:06:35 0:24:16 0:00:20 6:19:49 0:19:57 6:39:46 71 13 373
350 Sakari Jarvenpaa Hannu Toivonen Corvette Historic C 1:13:35 0:01:55 1:08:46 0:05:48 0:56:35 0:00:26 1:19:25 0:05:52 0:23:56 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:24:23 0:05:00 6:21:30 0:22:31 6:44:01 72 14 350
256 Albert Fellner Fernando García Saab Historic A 1:23:51 0:01:05 1:09:34 0:03:30 0:55:49 1:26:23 0:03:00 0:23:31 0:00:02 0:49:28 0:00:34 0:27:18 6:35:54 0:08:11 6:44:05 73 2 256
309 Brian De Vries Merrick Pratt Porsche 911 Historic B 1:05:09 1:00:23 1:04:39 0:04:00 1:28:58 0:04:00 0:26:35 0:02:00 0:55:41 0:03:30 0:28:14 0:02:00 6:29:39 0:15:30 6:45:09 74 17 309
349 Duane Wilcoxon Lorrainne Hamilton Jaguar XKE Historic B 1:24:14 0:01:00 1:19:50 0:00:30 0:57:51 0:00:06 1:17:21 0:00:20 0:24:08 0:50:31 0:00:01 0:25:17 0:05:30 6:39:12 0:07:27 6:46:39 75 18 349
264 Pedro Vidal José Abreu Mini Historic A 1:27:08 0:02:30 1:09:34 0:03:30 1:00:49 0:01:30 1:18:29 0:24:42 0:52:04 0:26:57 6:39:43 0:07:30 6:47:13 76 3 264
132 Víctor Manuel Esquivel C.Victor Manuel Esquivel G.Ford Turismo Mayor 1:20:12 0:00:01 1:08:01 0:00:13 1:01:38 0:05:16 1:25:06 0:00:10 0:26:11 0:52:17 0:05:35 0:26:38 6:40:03 0:11:15 6:51:18 77 17 132
122 Gabriel Pérez Horacio Chousal Studebaker Turismo Mayor 1:07:02 0:49:50 0:05:00 1:01:22 0:02:30 1:36:33 0:04:00 0:28:50 0:02:00 0:56:53 0:03:30 0:32:54 0:02:00 6:33:24 0:19:00 6:52:24 78 18 122
426 Tom Overbaugh Paul Wendt Lincoln Original Panam 1:18:44 0:00:30 1:09:25 1:03:14 0:02:00 1:19:47 0:24:39 0:59:13 0:03:00 0:30:03 0:02:00 6:45:05 0:07:30 6:52:35 79 3 426
61 Eduardo Vargas Jesús Casas de la HuertaFord Turismo Prod 0:00:30 1:16:41 0:01:31 1:07:18 0:00:23 1:00:55 0:02:26 1:24:28 0:04:00 0:25:54 0:01:20 0:53:52 0:06:45 0:28:24 0:02:00 6:37:32 0:18:25 6:55:57 80 6 61
124 Eduardo Selbach J. Arnulfo Berlanga S. Studebaker Turismo Mayor 1:25:43 0:01:06 1:08:25 0:06:07 1:00:19 0:00:09 1:27:24 0:00:36 0:24:55 0:00:07 0:51:47 0:06:29 0:28:34 0:00:35 6:47:07 0:15:09 7:02:16 81 19 124
368 Ralf Huber Raul Villareal Mustang Historic C 0:00:30 1:20:10 0:02:30 0:59:26 1:04:33 0:04:00 1:32:01 0:04:00 0:26:21 0:02:00 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:27:03 0:02:00 6:44:24 0:18:00 7:02:24 82 15 368
150 Erwin Martinez Amador Hector Castaneda Porsche Sport Menor 0:00:30 1:14:37 0:02:30 1:12:55 0:03:30 1:02:16 0:04:00 1:25:56 0:04:00 0:28:20 0:02:00 0:53:10 0:03:30 0:28:41 0:02:00 6:45:55 0:21:30 7:07:25 83 5 150
352 Juan Felipe Ramirez Alexander Hauffe Ford Mustang Historic C 0:00:30 1:20:10 0:02:30 1:12:13 0:03:30 1:04:33 0:04:00 1:32:01 0:04:00 0:26:21 0:02:00 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:27:03 0:02:00 6:57:11 0:21:30 7:18:41 84 16 352
369 John Nielsen Emine Nielsen Mustang Historic C 0:00:30 1:20:10 0:02:30 1:12:13 0:03:30 1:04:33 0:04:00 1:32:01 0:04:00 0:26:21 0:02:00 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:27:03 0:02:00 6:57:11 0:21:30 7:18:41 85 17 369
376 J.L. Jake Shuttlesworth Tony Bogovich Ford Galaxie Historic C 1:20:10 0:02:30 1:12:13 0:03:30 1:04:33 0:04:00 1:32:01 0:04:00 0:26:21 0:02:00 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:27:03 0:02:00 6:57:11 0:21:30 7:18:41 86 18 376
377 Jorge Silva Ricardo Sanchez Mustang Historic C 1:20:10 0:02:30 1:12:13 0:03:30 1:04:33 0:04:00 1:32:01 0:04:00 0:26:21 0:02:00 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:27:03 0:02:00 6:57:11 0:21:30 7:18:41 87 19 377
312 Remi Shadbolt Justin Shadbolt Porsche 911 Historic B 1:13:03 0:00:05 1:23:55 0:03:30 1:04:39 0:04:00 1:28:58 0:04:00 0:26:35 0:02:00 0:55:41 0:03:30 0:28:14 0:02:00 7:01:05 0:19:05 7:20:10 88 19 312
408 Hayden Groendyke Charles Samples Hudson Original Panam 1:41:16 0:00:34 1:13:37 0:01:00 1:03:14 0:04:00 1:20:26 0:00:01 0:25:35 0:05:05 0:52:49 0:00:30 0:30:03 0:02:00 7:07:00 0:13:10 7:20:10 89 4 408
252 Paul Friddle Don Paxton VW Historic A 1:22:07 0:02:05 1:09:34 0:03:30 1:03:23 0:04:00 1:26:23 0:04:00 0:27:12 0:06:30 0:57:21 0:03:30 0:29:42 0:02:00 6:55:42 0:25:35 7:21:17 90 4 252
283 Joaquin Alberto Conde Joaquin Conde Castilleja Volvo Historic A 0:00:30 1:27:08 0:02:30 1:09:34 0:03:30 1:03:23 0:04:00 1:26:23 0:04:00 0:27:12 0:02:00 0:57:21 0:03:30 0:29:42 0:02:00 7:00:43 0:21:30 7:22:13 91 5 283
117 Leopoldo Escamilla Carlos Garcés Chevrolet Turismo Mayor 1:41:25 0:02:30 1:14:53 0:03:30 1:03:34 0:00:41 1:24:19 0:25:11 0:00:02 0:56:53 0:02:30 0:27:16 0:05:03 7:13:31 0:14:16 7:27:47 92 20 117
420 Benjamín de la Peña Adolfo Guerra Mercedes Original Panam 1:47:32 0:01:41 1:10:30 0:00:06 0:58:57 0:06:08 1:26:50 0:02:31 0:27:52 0:05:30 0:57:40 0:01:35 0:27:16 0:00:11 7:16:37 0:17:42 7:34:19 93 5 420
48 Juan José Peña Castillo Sergio Gallardo Volvo Turismo Prod 0:00:30 1:22:30 0:02:30 1:32:23 0:03:30 1:03:56 0:04:00 1:24:28 0:04:00 0:26:37 0:02:00 0:55:25 0:03:30 0:29:36 0:02:00 7:14:55 0:21:30 7:36:25 94 7 48
329 Jorge Bernal Soriano Rodrigo Camacho Trejo Porsche 911 Historic B 1:29:39 0:02:30 1:23:55 0:03:30 1:04:39 0:04:00 1:28:58 0:04:00 0:26:35 0:02:00 0:55:41 0:03:30 0:28:14 0:02:00 7:17:41 0:21:30 7:39:11 95 20 329
421 Clyde Morter Carl Jensen Oldsmobile Original Panam 1:54:12 0:02:30 1:18:12 0:03:30 1:03:14 0:04:00 1:28:36 0:04:00 0:24:50 0:00:03 0:52:09 0:00:17 0:24:19 0:00:55 7:25:32 0:15:15 7:40:47 96 6 421
116 Michel Jourdain Miguel Ángel Diez Studebaker Exhibition 0:00:30 1:31:48 0:06:05 0:50:09 0:05:06 0:41:51 0:00:06 0:57:18 0:19:28 0:36:47 0:17:21 5:14:42 0:11:17 5:25:59 116
330 David Jassan Martina Franz Porsche 911 Exhibition 0:00:30 1:03:28 0:00:55 1:07:45 0:03:30 0:47:36 0:06:15 1:03:47 0:00:08 0:19:27 0:42:28 0:00:30 0:19:37 0:00:08 5:24:08 0:11:26 5:35:34 330
230 Santiago Casanueva José Antonio Casanueva Porsche Exhibition 0:00:30 1:39:50 0:01:30 1:01:32 0:00:21 0:52:51 0:10:51 1:10:12 0:00:55 0:22:34 0:01:15 0:44:57 0:22:45 0:00:01 6:14:41 0:14:53 6:29:34 230
513 Ricardo Vega Gerardo Uriarte Maseratti Exhibition 0:00:30 1:34:44 0:00:30 0:53:34 0:00:15 1:00:32 0:04:00 1:10:12 0:04:00 0:22:34 0:02:00 0:49:30 0:03:30 0:25:05 0:02:00 6:16:11 0:16:15 6:32:26 513
510 Hubertus von Wangenheim Maximilian Hambloch Opel Diplomat Exhibition 0:00:30 1:44:34 0:02:30 1:07:45 0:03:30 0:51:49 0:00:38 1:10:12 0:04:00 0:19:52 0:00:05 0:45:20 0:01:05 0:22:09 0:00:30 6:21:41 0:12:18 6:33:59 510
189 Eduardo Henkel Sergio Puente Porsche Sport Menor 0:02:30 1:01:55 0:57:04 0:49:30 1:06:05 0:20:41 0:42:48 0:21:20 5:19:23 DSQ 189
114 Lars Stugemo Jonny Olofsson Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:57:11 0:50:28 0:00:02 0:50:58 0:02:01 1:01:32 0:17:58 0:37:40 0:17:10 4:52:57 0:02:03 4:55:00 2 2 114
144 Alejandro Pimentel Mauricio Pimentel Dodge Turismo Mayor 0:56:36 0:50:59 0:54:17 0:02:00 0:59:36 0:17:55 0:37:13 0:17:47 4:54:23 0:02:00 4:56:23 3 3 144
109 Francisco Márquez García Araceli Ramírez Islas Hudson Turismo Mayor 0:59:44 0:53:18 0:00:07 0:45:45 1:03:02 0:19:26 0:39:20 0:18:26 4:59:01 0:00:07 4:59:08 4 4 109
121 Karl Scheible Dyana Marlett Volvo Turismo Mayor 0:58:23 0:52:19 0:00:01 0:44:37 0:00:05 1:00:30 0:26:48 0:01:30 0:41:28 0:00:31 0:18:23 0:00:05 5:02:28 0:02:12 5:04:40 5 5 121
222 Edward Hugo Marco Hernández LT Sport Mayor 1:02:02 0:54:10 0:46:07 1:04:02 0:19:27 0:40:49 0:19:26 5:06:03 5:06:03 6 1 222
115 Hilaire Damiron Manuel Iguíniz Buick Turismo Mayor 1:01:03 0:54:44 0:49:51 0:01:36 1:02:51 0:18:58 0:39:50 0:19:12 5:06:29 0:01:36 5:08:05 7 6 115
51 Carlos Castillo Carlos Antonio Ramírez Studebaker Turismo Prod 1:00:03 0:54:32 0:00:01 0:46:35 1:05:14 0:19:03 0:45:04 0:01:30 0:18:59 5:09:30 0:01:31 5:11:01 8 1 51
317 Enrique Nava José Luis Pérez Rubio Porsche 911 Historic B 1:00:51 0:56:20 0:47:18 1:03:49 0:20:27 0:41:02 0:21:18 0:00:05 5:11:05 0:00:05 5:11:10 9 1 317
388 Bill Shannahan Murray Smith Ford Falcon Historic C 1:01:28 0:55:20 0:00:01 0:47:08 0:00:05 1:06:55 0:20:07 0:41:00 0:00:01 0:19:37 5:11:35 0:00:07 5:11:42 10 1 388
21 Leo Noetzel David Henry Foulkes Studebaker Turismo Prod 1:02:01 0:55:43 0:48:31 1:05:34 0:20:01 0:40:46 0:00:06 0:19:37 5:12:13 0:00:06 5:12:19 11 2 21
334 Andrea Galleti Rodrigo González Porsche 911 Historic B 0:00:30 1:02:22 0:57:09 0:47:35 1:04:16 0:20:41 0:00:01 0:40:18 0:20:22 0:00:02 5:12:43 0:00:03 5:12:46 12 2 334
105 Francisco Javier Tato Cesar Javier Robles Studebaker Turismo Mayor 1:12:39 0:00:06 0:54:45 0:00:13 0:45:09 0:00:05 1:02:47 0:18:54 0:38:54 0:20:03 5:13:11 0:00:24 5:13:35 13 7 105
318 Michel Gendre Dominique Peraldi Porsche 911 Historic B 1:06:21 0:59:32 0:00:03 0:47:49 0:00:25 1:05:12 0:20:05 0:40:39 0:00:10 0:20:56 5:20:34 0:00:38 5:21:12 14 3 318
152 Richard Clark Andrew Prill Porsche Sport Menor 1:04:06 1:02:52 0:47:49 1:06:25 0:20:33 0:42:03 0:20:39 5:24:27 5:24:27 15 1 152
290 Richard Bailey Nate Wilson Volvo Historic A + 1:07:00 0:57:07 0:00:01 0:49:00 1:06:48 0:20:32 0:43:00 0:21:10 5:24:37 0:00:01 5:24:38 16 1 290
212 Byron DeFoor David Hinton Jaguar Sport Mayor 1:05:11 0:58:08 0:49:26 1:06:00 0:00:01 0:20:46 0:43:48 0:00:05 0:21:56 5:25:15 0:00:06 5:25:21 17 2 212
351 Berndt Langewiesche Wolfgang Kurth Ford Falcon Historic C 1:05:21 0:00:25 0:57:22 0:48:10 0:00:01 1:06:21 0:20:33 0:05:00 0:42:02 0:20:25 5:20:14 0:05:26 5:25:40 18 2 351
291 Martin Lauber Conrad Stevenson Alfa Romeo Historic A + 1:14:33 0:01:30 0:56:24 0:00:01 0:48:16 0:00:01 1:04:57 0:19:50 0:40:58 0:20:34 5:25:32 0:01:32 5:27:04 19 2 291
331 Miguel Diez Jeronimo de la Macorra Porsche 911 Historic B 0:00:30 1:07:22 0:00:18 0:59:57 0:49:11 0:00:05 1:09:09 0:21:08 0:43:09 0:00:05 0:21:05 5:31:01 0:00:28 5:31:29 20 4 331
363 Bob Summerour Bud Feldkamp Mustang Historic C 1:09:52 0:00:05 0:59:15 0:00:16 0:49:47 0:00:06 1:07:12 0:00:10 0:20:40 0:42:37 0:00:01 0:21:41 5:31:04 0:00:38 5:31:42 21 3 363
133 Doug Mockett Angélica Fuentes Oldsmobile Turismo Mayor 1:16:33 0:01:30 0:50:22 0:05:00 0:43:09 0:00:01 0:58:38 0:17:59 0:56:53 0:05:30 0:17:10 5:20:44 0:12:01 5:32:45 22 8 133
311 Gunter Sundag Barbara Hernández Mercedes Historic B 1:06:12 1:00:54 0:51:24 1:10:28 0:21:30 0:43:40 0:21:18 0:00:06 5:35:26 0:00:06 5:35:32 23 5 311
261 Richard Row James Row BMW Historic A + 1:05:47 0:00:01 0:59:44 0:00:01 0:49:25 1:16:32 0:00:37 0:21:30 0:42:02 0:00:04 0:20:53 0:00:06 5:35:53 0:00:49 5:36:42 24 3 261
257 Jo Ramírez Alberto Cruz Volvo Historic A + 1:05:46 0:00:02 1:00:32 0:51:19 0:00:06 1:10:17 0:21:56 0:00:11 0:45:00 0:00:10 0:23:35 0:00:01 5:38:25 0:00:30 5:38:55 25 4 257
120 Stewart Robertson Linda Robertson Studebaker Turismo Mayor 1:19:28 0:00:30 0:57:12 0:47:17 0:00:02 1:06:45 0:19:48 0:00:10 0:48:46 0:01:30 0:19:44 0:00:01 5:39:00 0:02:13 5:41:13 26 9 120
425 John Gregory Chrislana Gregory Studebaker Original Panam 1:11:24 0:00:03 1:01:11 0:51:18 1:09:36 0:00:01 0:21:13 0:44:15 0:22:14 5:41:11 0:00:04 5:41:15 27 1 425
308 Daniela Wagner Silvia Lindner Porsche 911 Historic B 1:06:39 0:58:57 0:00:01 0:49:28 0:00:25 1:21:03 0:01:03 0:21:15 0:43:13 0:21:12 0:00:01 5:41:47 0:01:30 5:43:17 28 6 308
333 Emilio Azcarraga Andres Gomez Porsche 911 Historic B 0:00:30 1:28:15 0:06:30 0:56:49 0:48:26 0:00:05 1:04:23 0:19:45 0:41:43 0:00:01 0:20:32 5:39:53 0:06:36 5:46:29 29 7 333
313 Michael Shadbolt Aron Shadbolt Porsche 911 Historic B 1:13:01 0:00:18 1:04:21 0:00:29 0:52:20 0:00:22 1:09:02 0:00:12 0:21:54 0:00:01 0:43:49 0:00:01 0:22:46 5:47:13 0:01:23 5:48:36 30 8 313
356 John Chip Fudge Jonathan Fudge Chevrolet Historic C 0:00:30 1:05:46 0:58:15 0:50:59 1:20:03 0:01:00 0:20:36 0:42:04 0:05:00 0:24:29 0:01:00 5:42:12 0:07:00 5:49:12 31 4 356
433 Carson Scheller Lauren Scheller Ford Original Panam 1:06:01 0:59:51 0:51:33 1:10:11 0:25:02 0:54:08 0:02:14 0:22:36 0:00:01 5:49:22 0:02:15 5:51:37 32 2 433
382 Thomas Ledergerber Alexandra Treptow Mercedes Historic C 1:11:50 0:00:34 1:04:41 0:00:05 0:54:54 0:00:15 1:12:01 0:00:05 0:22:04 0:44:38 0:21:44 5:51:52 0:00:59 5:52:51 33 5 382
153 Robert Gett Bob Paltrow Alfa Giulietta Sport Menor 1:05:48 0:00:06 0:58:38 0:00:08 1:02:16 0:00:30 1:07:26 0:20:57 0:53:10 0:02:00 0:24:13 0:00:05 5:52:28 0:02:49 5:55:17 34 2 153
370 Christian Dumolin Pierre Adyns Falcon Historic C 1:09:30 0:05:05 0:59:15 0:00:27 1:04:33 0:00:30 1:09:17 0:21:17 0:43:53 0:21:50 5:49:35 0:06:02 5:55:37 35 6 370
389 Xavier Lamadrid Jorge de la Huerta Mustang Historic C 1:18:53 0:01:55 0:57:30 0:05:07 0:49:01 0:00:10 1:06:33 0:00:03 0:20:28 0:00:02 0:46:42 0:01:00 0:27:03 0:02:00 5:46:10 0:10:17 5:56:27 36 7 389
281 Oscar Uribe Fernandez Mauricio Uribe Balsa Porsche 914 Historic A + 0:00:30 1:02:19 0:00:09 0:57:35 0:00:01 0:47:51 0:00:16 1:24:34 0:03:00 0:21:16 0:00:12 0:57:27 0:01:00 0:21:43 0:00:09 5:52:45 0:04:47 5:57:32 37 5 281
258 Uwe Heusel Volker Hauser Alfa Romeo Historic A + 1:11:27 1:04:10 0:53:22 0:00:05 1:12:49 0:23:54 0:47:34 0:25:07 5:58:23 0:00:05 5:58:28 38 6 258
282 Danny Stewart CH De Haan BMW Historic A + 1:13:25 0:00:07 1:01:57 0:00:06 0:53:36 0:00:17 1:13:55 0:00:05 0:23:24 0:00:01 0:48:21 0:00:37 0:23:12 5:57:50 0:01:13 5:59:03 39 7 282
151 Paul Frame Bailey Darrell Porsche Sport Menor 1:09:55 0:01:00 1:03:58 0:52:51 1:18:04 0:23:15 0:48:18 0:00:07 0:25:10 6:01:31 0:01:07 6:02:38 40 3 151
395 Gerie Bledsoe Chris Cooper Chevrolet Historic C 0:00:30 1:20:10 0:02:30 0:59:04 0:00:05 1:04:33 0:00:30 1:08:49 0:20:45 0:00:01 0:42:53 0:00:31 0:23:30 0:00:30 5:59:44 0:04:07 6:03:51 41 8 395
332 Xavier von Bertram Fernando Poo Porsche 911 Historic B 0:00:30 1:12:26 0:00:30 1:08:17 0:02:00 0:51:54 1:09:11 0:20:48 0:48:06 0:01:00 0:28:14 0:02:00 5:58:56 0:05:30 6:04:26 42 9 332
262 Stanley Bauer Doug Weitman Alfa Romeo Historic A + 1:16:08 0:01:00 1:03:12 0:00:02 0:52:04 1:13:14 0:00:05 0:22:29 0:00:01 0:47:41 0:00:45 0:23:02 0:05:20 5:57:50 0:07:13 6:05:03 43 8 262
374 Anthony Strelzow Lee-Ann Strelzow Covette Historic C 1:10:11 0:05:51 0:57:58 0:00:16 0:50:30 0:00:23 1:10:07 0:00:06 0:23:51 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:27:03 0:02:00 5:54:30 0:12:06 6:06:36 44 9 374
113 José Cortés Valdespino Guillermo Izquierdo Chevrolet Turismo Mayor 1:07:37 0:58:27 0:56:16 0:00:30 1:36:33 0:03:30 0:20:44 0:42:44 0:20:55 6:03:16 0:04:00 6:07:16 45 10 113
364 Klaus Peter Rechle Betty Kucharova Ford Falcon Historic C 1:14:39 0:01:35 1:03:22 0:05:06 0:53:35 0:05:00 1:12:12 0:00:15 0:22:14 0:00:05 0:47:03 0:00:18 0:22:54 0:00:30 5:55:59 0:12:49 6:08:48 46 10 364
127 José Aragón Kuri GurrionJose Aragón Kuri Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:00:30 1:01:10 1:14:53 0:03:30 0:48:57 1:34:02 0:03:00 0:20:18 0:43:11 0:00:08 0:20:40 6:03:11 0:06:38 6:09:49 47 11 127
303 Carlos Martínez de CampRoosberto Mendoza Porsche 911 Historic B 1:26:05 0:01:30 1:03:21 0:00:45 0:54:13 0:00:05 1:12:49 0:22:33 0:45:53 0:00:04 0:23:53 6:08:47 0:02:24 6:11:11 48 10 303
101 Ralph S. Carungi Bill Richert Lincoln Turismo Mayor 1:41:25 0:02:30 1:00:09 0:00:48 0:49:06 0:00:03 1:07:20 0:00:12 0:20:32 0:00:02 0:42:39 0:00:01 0:26:42 0:00:38 6:07:53 0:04:14 6:12:07 49 12 101
361 Tony Leivo Timo Hänninen Chevrolet Impala Historic C 1:07:51 0:00:47 1:04:08 0:00:02 0:54:28 0:05:08 1:12:32 0:05:20 0:22:15 0:00:07 0:47:10 0:05:38 0:21:44 0:05:01 5:50:08 0:22:03 6:12:11 50 11 361
137 Steve Waldman Felipe Arguelles Ford Turismo Mayor 1:09:21 0:00:02 0:58:42 0:49:42 1:09:46 0:28:50 0:02:00 0:56:53 0:03:30 0:32:54 0:02:00 6:06:08 0:07:32 6:13:40 51 13 137
310 Alain Tanzi Jacques Bailly Jean Porsche 911 Historic B 1:14:15 0:00:35 1:08:04 0:05:30 0:48:45 0:00:41 1:27:19 0:00:35 0:21:10 0:00:35 0:43:48 0:00:20 0:22:18 0:00:20 6:05:39 0:08:36 6:14:15 52 11 310
231 George Tuma Jim Pace Maseratti Sport Mayor 1:14:59 1:02:01 0:01:05 0:54:25 0:04:00 1:12:42 0:04:00 0:22:52 0:02:00 0:47:44 0:03:30 0:24:11 0:02:00 5:58:54 0:16:35 6:15:29 53 3 231
130 Roberto Dávalos Javier Dávalos Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:00:30 1:41:25 0:02:30 1:14:53 0:03:30 0:49:15 0:00:17 1:06:37 0:00:08 0:19:34 0:40:09 0:00:20 0:18:52 6:10:45 0:06:45 6:17:30 54 14 130
49 Joaquín Conde Sn VicenteJuan Carlos Zuani Volvo Turismo Prod 0:00:30 1:14:31 0:01:24 1:07:43 0:00:06 0:57:52 0:00:14 1:20:03 0:00:32 0:24:10 0:44:52 0:00:30 0:26:26 0:00:01 6:15:37 0:02:47 6:18:24 55 3 49
307 Jack Lewis Kim Watkins Porsche 911 Historic B 1:08:56 0:00:02 1:03:29 0:00:17 0:51:38 0:10:00 1:20:09 0:01:36 0:23:49 0:00:02 0:49:17 0:05:01 0:24:44 0:00:01 6:02:02 0:16:59 6:19:01 56 12 307
293 Luis Barona Gael Rodríguez Volvo Historic A + 1:14:57 1:06:21 0:57:50 1:18:17 0:00:05 0:24:42 0:51:16 0:00:02 0:26:11 0:00:05 6:19:34 0:00:12 6:19:46 57 9 293
58 Baltasar Cavazos Alejandro Marín Studebaker Turismo Prod 1:22:30 0:02:30 1:03:39 0:05:00 0:51:58 1:12:15 0:21:53 0:51:44 0:07:00 0:21:48 6:05:47 0:14:30 6:20:17 58 4 58
316 Gabriel Jochen Oender Tuerker Mercedes Historic B 1:09:39 0:00:07 1:03:05 0:00:12 0:52:53 0:05:10 1:25:46 0:06:20 0:22:29 0:05:05 0:47:13 0:00:40 0:23:00 0:00:15 6:04:05 0:17:49 6:21:54 59 13 316
365 Wilhelm Ostrop Randy Penner Chevy Chevelle Historic C 1:19:04 0:02:00 1:03:41 0:00:01 1:04:33 0:03:30 1:14:42 0:00:15 0:22:40 0:48:27 0:00:30 0:22:44 6:15:51 0:06:16 6:22:07 60 12 365
302 Walter Lechler Olaf Löber Mercedes Historic B 1:15:42 0:00:42 1:08:50 0:06:20 0:54:35 0:00:26 1:15:55 0:00:15 0:23:09 0:00:08 0:55:41 0:01:00 0:23:02 6:16:54 0:08:51 6:25:45 61 14 302
11 Vance Stewart Vance Stewart II Ford Turismo Prod 1:13:20 0:00:18 1:20:22 0:56:14 0:00:01 1:16:32 0:23:15 0:49:54 0:01:05 0:25:36 6:25:13 0:01:24 6:26:37 62 5 11
304 Russell Gee Chris Nussbaum Porsche 911 Historic B 1:14:28 0:00:11 1:02:38 0:00:14 0:56:25 0:05:26 1:13:17 0:00:20 0:22:53 0:05:02 0:55:41 0:08:00 0:22:11 0:00:08 6:07:33 0:19:21 6:26:54 63 15 304
319 Mike Harris Larry Ligas Jaguar XKE Historic B 1:13:13 0:00:05 1:01:56 0:51:41 0:00:11 1:20:16 0:02:15 0:26:35 0:02:00 0:55:41 0:03:30 0:28:14 0:02:00 6:17:36 0:10:01 6:27:37 64 16 319
289 Robert Curry Ricky Shaw Porsche Historic A 1:13:40 0:00:30 1:09:34 0:03:30 1:03:23 0:01:00 1:11:31 0:00:02 0:25:49 0:00:30 0:54:15 0:01:00 0:23:20 0:00:35 6:21:32 0:07:07 6:28:39 65 1 289
298 Baltasar Cavazos Gabriel Domenzain VW Historic A + 1:28:50 0:02:05 1:14:14 0:03:30 0:55:08 1:12:13 0:26:22 0:00:30 0:47:38 0:00:07 0:25:08 6:29:33 0:06:12 6:35:45 66 10 298
112 Helge Nyland Christopher Cochrane Studebaker Turismo Mayor 1:19:40 0:01:00 0:58:01 0:00:01 0:58:17 0:05:35 1:36:33 0:04:00 0:22:54 0:00:30 0:47:12 0:22:57 6:25:34 0:11:06 6:36:40 67 15 112
155 Juan Luis Calderón Alejandro Gómez Alfa Romeo Sport Menor 1:14:37 0:02:30 1:12:55 0:03:30 0:56:34 0:00:29 1:18:04 0:00:20 0:25:44 0:00:02 0:53:10 0:03:30 0:25:50 6:26:54 0:10:21 6:37:15 68 4 155
263 Peter Aman Hans Lindbohm Volvo Historic A + 1:09:28 0:00:05 1:04:21 0:00:35 1:00:12 0:03:00 1:20:40 0:02:31 0:26:35 0:01:30 0:57:27 0:01:05 0:29:01 0:02:00 6:27:44 0:10:46 6:38:30 69 11 263
139 Alfredo Selbach Guillermo Fernández BarSrtaugdáenbaker Turismo Mayor 1:07:05 0:00:02 1:01:23 0:00:28 1:07:55 0:08:30 1:14:21 0:00:07 0:26:25 0:00:31 0:53:58 0:07:06 0:29:56 0:01:30 6:21:03 0:18:14 6:39:17 70 16 139
373 Enrique Bardasano Juan Bardasano Mustang Historic C 0:00:30 1:20:10 0:02:30 1:12:13 0:03:30 0:56:58 0:01:03 1:11:45 0:05:48 0:22:46 0:00:11 0:51:41 0:06:35 0:24:16 0:00:20 6:19:49 0:19:57 6:39:46 71 13 373
350 Sakari Jarvenpaa Hannu Toivonen Corvette Historic C 1:13:35 0:01:55 1:08:46 0:05:48 0:56:35 0:00:26 1:19:25 0:05:52 0:23:56 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:24:23 0:05:00 6:21:30 0:22:31 6:44:01 72 14 350
256 Albert Fellner Fernando García Saab Historic A 1:23:51 0:01:05 1:09:34 0:03:30 0:55:49 1:26:23 0:03:00 0:23:31 0:00:02 0:49:28 0:00:34 0:27:18 6:35:54 0:08:11 6:44:05 73 2 256
309 Brian De Vries Merrick Pratt Porsche 911 Historic B 1:05:09 1:00:23 1:04:39 0:04:00 1:28:58 0:04:00 0:26:35 0:02:00 0:55:41 0:03:30 0:28:14 0:02:00 6:29:39 0:15:30 6:45:09 74 17 309
349 Duane Wilcoxon Lorrainne Hamilton Jaguar XKE Historic B 1:24:14 0:01:00 1:19:50 0:00:30 0:57:51 0:00:06 1:17:21 0:00:20 0:24:08 0:50:31 0:00:01 0:25:17 0:05:30 6:39:12 0:07:27 6:46:39 75 18 349
264 Pedro Vidal José Abreu Mini Historic A 1:27:08 0:02:30 1:09:34 0:03:30 1:00:49 0:01:30 1:18:29 0:24:42 0:52:04 0:26:57 6:39:43 0:07:30 6:47:13 76 3 264
132 Víctor Manuel Esquivel C.Victor Manuel Esquivel G.Ford Turismo Mayor 1:20:12 0:00:01 1:08:01 0:00:13 1:01:38 0:05:16 1:25:06 0:00:10 0:26:11 0:52:17 0:05:35 0:26:38 6:40:03 0:11:15 6:51:18 77 17 132
122 Gabriel Pérez Horacio Chousal Studebaker Turismo Mayor 1:07:02 0:49:50 0:05:00 1:01:22 0:02:30 1:36:33 0:04:00 0:28:50 0:02:00 0:56:53 0:03:30 0:32:54 0:02:00 6:33:24 0:19:00 6:52:24 78 18 122
426 Tom Overbaugh Paul Wendt Lincoln Original Panam 1:18:44 0:00:30 1:09:25 1:03:14 0:02:00 1:19:47 0:24:39 0:59:13 0:03:00 0:30:03 0:02:00 6:45:05 0:07:30 6:52:35 79 3 426
61 Eduardo Vargas Jesús Casas de la HuertaFord Turismo Prod 0:00:30 1:16:41 0:01:31 1:07:18 0:00:23 1:00:55 0:02:26 1:24:28 0:04:00 0:25:54 0:01:20 0:53:52 0:06:45 0:28:24 0:02:00 6:37:32 0:18:25 6:55:57 80 6 61
124 Eduardo Selbach J. Arnulfo Berlanga S. Studebaker Turismo Mayor 1:25:43 0:01:06 1:08:25 0:06:07 1:00:19 0:00:09 1:27:24 0:00:36 0:24:55 0:00:07 0:51:47 0:06:29 0:28:34 0:00:35 6:47:07 0:15:09 7:02:16 81 19 124
368 Ralf Huber Raul Villareal Mustang Historic C 0:00:30 1:20:10 0:02:30 0:59:26 1:04:33 0:04:00 1:32:01 0:04:00 0:26:21 0:02:00 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:27:03 0:02:00 6:44:24 0:18:00 7:02:24 82 15 368
150 Erwin Martinez Amador Hector Castaneda Porsche Sport Menor 0:00:30 1:14:37 0:02:30 1:12:55 0:03:30 1:02:16 0:04:00 1:25:56 0:04:00 0:28:20 0:02:00 0:53:10 0:03:30 0:28:41 0:02:00 6:45:55 0:21:30 7:07:25 83 5 150
352 Juan Felipe Ramirez Alexander Hauffe Ford Mustang Historic C 0:00:30 1:20:10 0:02:30 1:12:13 0:03:30 1:04:33 0:04:00 1:32:01 0:04:00 0:26:21 0:02:00 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:27:03 0:02:00 6:57:11 0:21:30 7:18:41 84 16 352
369 John Nielsen Emine Nielsen Mustang Historic C 0:00:30 1:20:10 0:02:30 1:12:13 0:03:30 1:04:33 0:04:00 1:32:01 0:04:00 0:26:21 0:02:00 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:27:03 0:02:00 6:57:11 0:21:30 7:18:41 85 17 369
376 J.L. Jake Shuttlesworth Tony Bogovich Ford Galaxie Historic C 1:20:10 0:02:30 1:12:13 0:03:30 1:04:33 0:04:00 1:32:01 0:04:00 0:26:21 0:02:00 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:27:03 0:02:00 6:57:11 0:21:30 7:18:41 86 18 376
377 Jorge Silva Ricardo Sanchez Mustang Historic C 1:20:10 0:02:30 1:12:13 0:03:30 1:04:33 0:04:00 1:32:01 0:04:00 0:26:21 0:02:00 0:54:50 0:03:30 0:27:03 0:02:00 6:57:11 0:21:30 7:18:41 87 19 377
312 Remi Shadbolt Justin Shadbolt Porsche 911 Historic B 1:13:03 0:00:05 1:23:55 0:03:30 1:04:39 0:04:00 1:28:58 0:04:00 0:26:35 0:02:00 0:55:41 0:03:30 0:28:14 0:02:00 7:01:05 0:19:05 7:20:10 88 19 312
408 Hayden Groendyke Charles Samples Hudson Original Panam 1:41:16 0:00:34 1:13:37 0:01:00 1:03:14 0:04:00 1:20:26 0:00:01 0:25:35 0:05:05 0:52:49 0:00:30 0:30:03 0:02:00 7:07:00 0:13:10 7:20:10 89 4 408
252 Paul Friddle Don Paxton VW Historic A 1:22:07 0:02:05 1:09:34 0:03:30 1:03:23 0:04:00 1:26:23 0:04:00 0:27:12 0:06:30 0:57:21 0:03:30 0:29:42 0:02:00 6:55:42 0:25:35 7:21:17 90 4 252
283 Joaquin Alberto Conde Joaquin Conde Castilleja Volvo Historic A 0:00:30 1:27:08 0:02:30 1:09:34 0:03:30 1:03:23 0:04:00 1:26:23 0:04:00 0:27:12 0:02:00 0:57:21 0:03:30 0:29:42 0:02:00 7:00:43 0:21:30 7:22:13 91 5 283
117 Leopoldo Escamilla Carlos Garcés Chevrolet Turismo Mayor 1:41:25 0:02:30 1:14:53 0:03:30 1:03:34 0:00:41 1:24:19 0:25:11 0:00:02 0:56:53 0:02:30 0:27:16 0:05:03 7:13:31 0:14:16 7:27:47 92 20 117
420 Benjamín de la Peña Adolfo Guerra Mercedes Original Panam 1:47:32 0:01:41 1:10:30 0:00:06 0:58:57 0:06:08 1:26:50 0:02:31 0:27:52 0:05:30 0:57:40 0:01:35 0:27:16 0:00:11 7:16:37 0:17:42 7:34:19 93 5 420
48 Juan José Peña Castillo Sergio Gallardo Volvo Turismo Prod 0:00:30 1:22:30 0:02:30 1:32:23 0:03:30 1:03:56 0:04:00 1:24:28 0:04:00 0:26:37 0:02:00 0:55:25 0:03:30 0:29:36 0:02:00 7:14:55 0:21:30 7:36:25 94 7 48
329 Jorge Bernal Soriano Rodrigo Camacho Trejo Porsche 911 Historic B 1:29:39 0:02:30 1:23:55 0:03:30 1:04:39 0:04:00 1:28:58 0:04:00 0:26:35 0:02:00 0:55:41 0:03:30 0:28:14 0:02:00 7:17:41 0:21:30 7:39:11 95 20 329
421 Clyde Morter Carl Jensen Oldsmobile Original Panam 1:54:12 0:02:30 1:18:12 0:03:30 1:03:14 0:04:00 1:28:36 0:04:00 0:24:50 0:00:03 0:52:09 0:00:17 0:24:19 0:00:55 7:25:32 0:15:15 7:40:47 96 6 421
116 Michel Jourdain Miguel Ángel Diez Studebaker Exhibition 0:00:30 1:31:48 0:06:05 0:50:09 0:05:06 0:41:51 0:00:06 0:57:18 0:19:28 0:36:47 0:17:21 5:14:42 0:11:17 5:25:59 116
330 David Jassan Martina Franz Porsche 911 Exhibition 0:00:30 1:03:28 0:00:55 1:07:45 0:03:30 0:47:36 0:06:15 1:03:47 0:00:08 0:19:27 0:42:28 0:00:30 0:19:37 0:00:08 5:24:08 0:11:26 5:35:34 330
230 Santiago Casanueva José Antonio Casanueva Porsche Exhibition 0:00:30 1:39:50 0:01:30 1:01:32 0:00:21 0:52:51 0:10:51 1:10:12 0:00:55 0:22:34 0:01:15 0:44:57 0:22:45 0:00:01 6:14:41 0:14:53 6:29:34 230
513 Ricardo Vega Gerardo Uriarte Maseratti Exhibition 0:00:30 1:34:44 0:00:30 0:53:34 0:00:15 1:00:32 0:04:00 1:10:12 0:04:00 0:22:34 0:02:00 0:49:30 0:03:30 0:25:05 0:02:00 6:16:11 0:16:15 6:32:26 513
510 Hubertus von Wangenheim Maximilian Hambloch Opel Diplomat Exhibition 0:00:30 1:44:34 0:02:30 1:07:45 0:03:30 0:51:49 0:00:38 1:10:12 0:04:00 0:19:52 0:00:05 0:45:20 0:01:05 0:22:09 0:00:30 6:21:41 0:12:18 6:33:59 510
189 Eduardo Henkel Sergio Puente Porsche Sport Menor 0:02:30 1:01:55 0:57:04 0:49:30 1:06:05 0:20:41 0:42:48 0:21:20 5:19:23 DSQ 189
1 114 Lars Stugemo Jonny Olofsson Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:06:54 0:02:32 0:03:32 0:01:47 0:02:25 0:17:10 0:17:10.0 1 1 114
2 133 Doug Mockett Angélica Fuentes Oldsmobile Turismo Mayor 0:06:51 0:02:24 0:03:39 0:01:52 0:02:24 0:17:10 0:17:10.0 1 1 133
4 144 Alejandro Pimentel Mauricio Pimentel Dodge Turismo Mayor 0:07:08 0:02:34 0:03:49 0:01:51 0:02:25 0:17:47 0:17:47.0 3 3 144
5 110 Stig Blomqvist Ana Goni Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:07:13 0:02:42 0:03:44 0:01:52 0:02:48 0:18:19 0:18:19.0 4 4 110
6 109 Francisco Márquez García Araceli Ramírez Islas Hudson Turismo Mayor 0:07:32 0:02:40 0:03:49 0:01:57 0:02:28 0:18:26 0:18:26.0 5 5 109
7 121 Karl Scheible Dyana Marlett Volvo Turismo Mayor 0:07:26 0:02:40 0:03:29 0:02:08 0:02:40 0:18:23 0:00:05 0:18:28.0 6 6 121
8 130 Roberto Dávalos Javier Dávalos Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:07:27 0:02:40 0:04:00 0:02:15 0:02:30 0:18:52 0:18:52.0 7 7 130
9 51 Carlos Castillo Carlos Antonio Ramírez Studebaker Turismo Prod 0:07:24 0:02:51 0:04:09 0:02:02 0:02:33 0:18:59 0:18:59.0 8 1 51
10 115 Hilaire Damiron Manuel Iguíniz Buick Turismo Mayor 0:07:43 0:02:44 0:04:09 0:02:00 0:02:36 0:19:12 0:19:12.0 9 8 115
11 222 Edward Hugo Marco Hernández LT Sport Mayor 0:07:33 0:02:45 0:04:18 0:02:05 0:02:45 0:19:26 0:19:26.0 10 1 222
13 388 Bill Shannahan Murray Smith Ford Falcon Historic C 0:08:02 0:02:46 0:04:09 0:02:05 0:02:35 0:19:37 0:19:37.0 11 1 388
12 21 Leo Noetzel David Henry Foulkes Studebaker Turismo Prod 0:07:43 0:02:51 0:04:06 0:02:10 0:02:47 0:19:37 0:19:37.0 11 2 21
14 120 Stewart Robertson Linda Robertson Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:08:13 0:02:48 0:04:06 0:01:56 0:02:41 0:19:44 0:00:01 0:19:45.0 13 9 120
16 105 Francisco Javier Tato Cesar Javier Robles Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:07:33 0:02:44 0:04:27 0:02:22 0:02:57 0:20:03 0:20:03.0 14 10 105
17 334 Andrea Galleti Rodrigo González Porsche 911 Historic B 0:07:41 0:03:00 0:04:34 0:02:16 0:02:51 0:20:22 0:00:02 0:20:24.0 15 1 334
18 351 Berndt Langewiesche Wolfgang Kurth Ford Falcon Historic C 0:07:58 0:02:55 0:04:29 0:02:17 0:02:46 0:20:25 0:20:25.0 16 2 351
19 333 Emilio Azcarraga Andres Gomez Porsche 911 Historic B 0:07:58 0:03:03 0:04:28 0:02:18 0:02:45 0:20:32 0:20:32.0 17 2 333
20 291 Martin Lauber Conrad Stevenson Alfa Romeo Historic A + 0:08:00 0:02:55 0:04:35 0:02:20 0:02:44 0:20:34 0:20:34.0 18 1 291
21 152 Richard Clark Andrew Prill Porsche Sport Menor 0:08:02 0:02:56 0:04:30 0:02:22 0:02:49 0:20:39 0:20:39.0 19 1 152
22 127 José Aragón Kuri Gurrion Jose Aragón Kuri Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:08:05 0:03:03 0:04:25 0:02:12 0:02:55 0:20:40 0:20:40.0 20 11 127
23 113 José Cortés Valdespino Guillermo Izquierdo Chevrolet Turismo Mayor 0:08:41 0:02:58 0:04:25 0:02:07 0:02:44 0:20:55 0:20:55.0 21 12 113
24 318 Michel Gendre Dominique Peraldi Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:13 0:02:52 0:04:32 0:02:26 0:02:53 0:20:56 0:20:56.0 22 3 318
25 261 Richard Row James Row BMW Historic A + 0:07:54 0:02:55 0:04:37 0:02:26 0:03:01 0:20:53 0:00:06 0:20:59.0 23 2 261
26 331 Miguel Diez Jeronimo de la Macorra Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:18 0:03:00 0:04:22 0:02:17 0:03:08 0:21:05 0:21:05.0 24 4 331
27 290 Richard Bailey Nate Wilson Volvo Historic A + 0:08:17 0:02:57 0:04:39 0:02:24 0:02:53 0:21:10 0:21:10.0 25 3 290
28 308 Daniela Wagner Silvia Lindner Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:26 0:02:58 0:04:27 0:02:24 0:02:57 0:21:12 0:00:01 0:21:13.0 26 5 308
29 189 Eduardo Henkel Sergio Puente Porsche Sport Menor 0:08:08 0:02:58 0:04:38 0:02:29 0:03:07 0:21:20 0:21:20.0 27 2 189
30 317 Enrique Nava José Luis Pérez Rubio Porsche 911 Historic B 0:07:55 0:03:06 0:04:47 0:02:33 0:02:57 0:21:18 0:00:05 0:21:23.0 28 6 317
31 311 Gunter Sundag Barbara Hernández Mercedes Historic B 0:08:19 0:03:04 0:04:38 0:02:24 0:02:53 0:21:18 0:00:06 0:21:24.0 29 7 311
32 363 Bob Summerour Bud Feldkamp Mustang Historic C 0:08:31 0:02:59 0:04:32 0:02:29 0:03:10 0:21:41 0:21:41.0 30 3 363
33 382 Thomas Ledergerber Alexandra Treptow Mercedes Historic C 0:08:41 0:03:06 0:04:43 0:02:19 0:02:55 0:21:44 0:21:44.0 31 4 382
34 58 Baltasar Cavazos Alejandro Marín Studebaker Turismo Prod 0:08:48 0:03:06 0:04:51 0:02:12 0:02:51 0:21:48 0:21:48.0 32 3 58
36 281 Oscar Uribe Fernandez Mauricio Uribe Balsa Porsche 914 Historic A + 0:08:12 0:03:13 0:04:46 0:02:26 0:03:06 0:21:43 0:00:09 0:21:52.0 33 4 281
37 212 Byron DeFoor David Hinton Jaguar Sport Mayor 0:08:34 0:03:07 0:04:45 0:02:30 0:03:00 0:21:56 0:21:56.0 34 2 212
38 425 John Gregory Chrislana Gregory Studebaker Original Panam 0:08:29 0:03:10 0:05:03 0:02:29 0:03:03 0:22:14 0:22:14.0 35 1 425
39 304 Russell Gee Chris Nussbaum Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:36 0:03:06 0:04:52 0:02:30 0:03:07 0:22:11 0:00:08 0:22:19.0 36 8 304
40 433 Carson Scheller Lauren Scheller Ford Original Panam 0:08:53 0:03:08 0:04:47 0:02:35 0:03:13 0:22:36 0:00:01 0:22:37.0 37 2 433
41 310 Alain Tanzi Jacques Bailly Jean Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:10 0:03:03 0:05:04 0:02:46 0:03:15 0:22:18 0:00:20 0:22:38.0 38 9 310
43 365 Wilhelm Ostrop Randy Penner Chevy Chevelle Historic C 0:09:30 0:03:23 0:04:32 0:02:24 0:02:55 0:22:44 0:22:44.0 39 5 365
44 313 Michael Shadbolt Aron Shadbolt Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:47 0:03:15 0:04:50 0:02:37 0:03:17 0:22:46 0:22:46.0 40 10 313
46 112 Helge Nyland Christopher Cochrane Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:09:20 0:03:19 0:04:55 0:02:20 0:03:03 0:22:57 0:22:57.0 41 13 112
47 302 Walter Lechler Olaf Löber Mercedes Historic B 0:08:48 0:03:15 0:05:14 0:02:38 0:03:07 0:23:02 0:23:02.0 42 11 302
48 282 Danny Stewart CH De Haan BMW Historic A + 0:09:04 0:03:14 0:05:18 0:02:34 0:03:02 0:23:12 0:23:12.0 43 5 282
49 316 Gabriel Jochen Oender Tuerker Mercedes Historic B 0:08:57 0:03:14 0:05:07 0:02:37 0:03:05 0:23:00 0:00:15 0:23:15.0 44 12 316
50 364 Klaus Peter Rechle Betty Kucharova Ford Falcon Historic C 0:09:21 0:03:17 0:04:49 0:02:22 0:03:05 0:22:54 0:00:30 0:23:24.0 45 6 364
51 257 Jo Ramírez Alberto Cruz Volvo Historic A + 0:08:57 0:03:11 0:05:24 0:02:50 0:03:13 0:23:35 0:00:01 0:23:36.0 46 6 257
52 303 Carlos Martínez de CamposRoberto Mendoza Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:39 0:03:16 0:05:21 0:03:04 0:03:33 0:23:53 0:23:53.0 47 13 303
55 373 Enrique Bardasano Juan Bardasano Mustang Historic C 0:09:36 0:03:25 0:05:15 0:02:40 0:03:20 0:24:16 0:00:20 0:24:36.0 48 7 373
56 307 Jack Lewis Kim Watkins Porsche 911 Historic B 0:09:57 0:03:32 0:05:23 0:02:32 0:03:20 0:24:44 0:00:01 0:24:45.0 49 14 307
57 258 Uwe Heusel Volker Hauser Alfa Romeo Historic A + 0:09:28 0:03:30 0:05:36 0:03:03 0:03:30 0:25:07 0:25:07.0 50 7 258
60 151 Paul Frame Bailey Darrell Porsche Sport Menor 0:09:13 0:03:31 0:05:25 0:03:22 0:03:39 0:25:10 0:25:10.0 51 3 151
61 421 Clyde Morter Carl Jensen Oldsmobile Original Panam 0.09.55 0:03:28 0:05:08 0:02:35 0:03:13 0:24:19 0:00:55 0:25:14.0 52 3 421
63 11 Vance Stewart Vance Stewart II Ford Turismo Prod 0:09:54 0:03:28 0:05:23 0:02:49 0:04:02 0:25:36 0:25:36.0 53 4 11
64 155 Juan Luis Calderón Alejandro Gómez Alfa Romeo Sport Menor 0.09.18 0:03:40 0:06:03 0:03:11 0:03:38 0:25:50 0:25:50.0 54 4 155
66 293 Luis Barona Gael Rodríguez Volvo Historic A + 0:09:42 0:03:22 0:05:51 0:03:20 0:03:56 0:26:11 0:00:05 0:26:16.0 55 8 293
67 49 Joaquín Conde Sn Vicente Juan Carlos Zuani Volvo Turismo Prod 0:09:54 0:03:46 0:06:04 0:03:06 0:03:36 0:26:26 0:00:01 0:26:27.0 56 5 49
68 132 Víctor Manuel Esquivel C. Victor Manuel Esquivel G. Ford Turismo Mayor 0:10:04 0:03:43 0:05:42 0:03:15 0:03:54 0:26:38 0:26:38.0 57 14 132
69 361 Tony Leivo Timo Hänninen Chevrolet Impala Historic C 0:08:32 0:03:03 0:04:42 0:02:33 0:02:54 0:21:44 0:05:01 0:26:45.0 58 8 361
70 264 Pedro Vidal José Abreu Mini Historic A 0:09:50 0:03:42 0.06.05 0.03.05 0:04:15 0:26:57 0:26:57.0 59 2 264
74 420 Benjamín de la Peña Adolfo Guerra Mercedes Original Panam 0.09.55 0:03:55 0.05.42 0:03:33 0:04:11 0:27:16 0:00:11 0:27:27.0 60 4 420
75 262 Stanley Bauer Doug Weitman Alfa Romeo Historic A + 0:08:55 0:03:09 0:05:12 0:02:37 0:03:09 0:23:02 0:05:20 0:28:22.0 61 9 262
83 124 Eduardo Selbach J. Arnulfo Berlanga S. Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:10:25 0:03:43 0:05:19 0.05.47 0:03:20 0:28:34 0:00:35 0:29:09.0 62 15 124
84 350 Sakari Jarvenpaa Hannu Toivonen Corvette Historic C 0:09:45 0:03:32 0:05:13 0:02:38 0:03:15 0:24:23 0:05:00 0:29:23.0 63 9 350
92 349 Duane Wilcoxon Lorrainne Hamilton Jaguar XKE Historic B 0:09:56 0:03:26 0:05:31 0:02:53 0:03:31 0:25:17 0:05:30 0:30:47.0 64 15 349
35 370 Christian Dumolin Pierre Adyns Falcon Historic C 0:08:22 0:02:59 0:04:37 0:02:11 0:03:41 0:21:50 0:21:50.0 65 370
100 117 Leopoldo Escamilla Carlos Garcés Chevrolet Turismo Mayor 0:10:11 0:03:49 0:05:55 0:03:24 0:03:57 0:27:16 0:05:03 0:32:19.0 65 16 117
53 395 Gerie Bledsoe Chris Cooper Chevrolet Historic C 0:08:07 0:02:58 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:23:30 0:00:30 0:24:00.0 67 395
54 153 Robert Gett Bob Paltrow Alfa Giulietta Sport Menor 0:08:20 0:03:09 0:05:00 0:03:43 0:04:01 0:24:13 0:00:05 0:24:18.0 68 153
58 298 Baltasar Cavazos Gabriel Domenzain VW Historic A + 0:08:48 0:03:20 0:05:42 0:02:58 0:04:20 0:25:08 0:25:08.0 69 298
59 289 Robert Curry Ricky Shaw Porsche Historic A 0:08:36 0:03:11 0:05:28 0:02:47 0:03:18 0:23:20 0:00:35 0:23:55.0 70 1 289
62 356 John Chip Fudge Jonathan Fudge Chevrolet Historic C 0:08:10 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:24:29 0:01:00 0:25:29.0 71 356
65 231 George Tuma Jim Pace Maseratti Sport Mayor 0:09:26 0:03:26 0:05:14 0:02:46 0:03:19 0:24:11 0:02:00 0:26:11.0 72 231
72 256 Albert Fellner Fernando García Saab Historic A 0:09:09 0:03:22 0:06:42 0:03:24 0:04:41 0:27:18 0:27:18.0 73 256
73 101 Ralph S. Carungi Bill Richert Lincoln Turismo Mayor 0:08:11 0:03:18 0:04:30 0:06:22 0:04:21 0:26:42 0:00:38 0:27:20.0 74 101
76 352 Juan Felipe Ramirez Alexander Hauffe Ford Mustang Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 352
77 368 Ralf Huber Raul Villareal Mustang Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 368
78 369 John Nielsen Emine Nielsen Mustang Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 369
79 374 Anthony Strelzow Lee-Ann Strelzow Covette Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 374
80 376 J.L. Jake Shuttlesworth Tony Bogovich Ford Galaxie Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 376
81 377 Jorge Silva Ricardo Sanchez Mustang Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 377
82 389 Xavier Lamadrid Jorge de la Huerta Mustang Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 389
85 309 Brian De Vries Merrick Pratt Porsche 911 Historic B 0:10:57 0:03:54 0:06:05 0:03:23 0:03:55 0:28:14 0:02:00 0:30:14.0 82 309
86 312 Remi Shadbolt Justin Shadbolt Porsche 911 Historic B 0:10:57 0:03:54 0:06:05 0:03:23 0:03:55 0:28:14 0:02:00 0:30:14.0 82 312
87 319 Mike Harris Larry Ligas Jaguar XKE Historic B 0:10:57 0:03:54 0:06:05 0:03:23 0:03:55 0:28:14 0:02:00 0:30:14.0 82 319
88 329 Jorge Bernal Soriano Rodrigo Camacho Trejo Porsche 911 Historic B 0:10:57 0:03:54 0:06:05 0:03:23 0:03:55 0:28:14 0:02:00 0:30:14.0 82 329
89 332 Xavier von Bertram Fernando Poo Porsche 911 Historic B 0:10:57 0:03:54 0:06:05 0:03:23 0:03:55 0:28:14 0:02:00 0:30:14.0 82 332
90 61 Eduardo Vargas Jesús Casas de la Huerta Ford Turismo Prod 0:09:42 0:04:09 0:06:41 0:03:25 0:04:27 0:28:24 0:02:00 0:30:24.0 87 61
91 150 Erwin Martinez Amador Hector Castaneda Porsche Sport Menor 0:10:14 0:04:03 0:06:40 0:03:43 0:04:01 0:28:41 0:02:00 0:30:41.0 88 150
93 263 Peter Aman Hans Lindbohm Volvo Historic A + 0:10:41 0:03:52 0:06:27 0:03:41 0:04:20 0:29:01 0:02:00 0:31:01.0 89 263
94 139 Alfredo Selbach Guillermo Fernández BarragSátundebaker Turismo Mayor 0:08:30 0:04:12 0:06:31 0:06:22 0:04:21 0:29:56 0:01:30 0:31:26.0 90 139
95 48 Juan José Peña Castillo Sergio Gallardo Volvo Turismo Prod 0:10:54 0:04:09 0:06:41 0:03:25 0:04:27 0:29:36 0:02:00 0:31:36.0 91 48
96 252 Paul Friddle Don Paxton VW Historic A 0:10:50 0:04:05 0:06:42 0:03:24 0:04:41 0:29:42 0:02:00 0:31:42.0 92 252
97 283 Joaquin Alberto Conde Joaquin Conde Castilleja Volvo Historic A 0:10:50 0:04:05 0:06:42 0:03:24 0:04:41 0:29:42 0:02:00 0:31:42.0 92 283
98 408 Hayden Groendyke Charles Samples Hudson Original Panam 0:10:55 0:04:19 0:06:17 0:03:55 0:04:37 0:30:03 0:02:00 0:32:03.0 94 408
99 426 Tom Overbaugh Paul Wendt Lincoln Original Panam 0:10:55 0:04:19 0:06:17 0:03:55 0:04:37 0:30:03 0:02:00 0:32:03.0 94 426
101 122 Gabriel Pérez Horacio Chousal Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:11:28 0:04:12 0:06:31 0:06:22 0:04:21 0:32:54 0:02:00 0:34:54.0 96 122
102 137 Steve Waldman Felipe Arguelles Ford Turismo Mayor 0:11:28 0:04:12 0:06:31 0:06:22 0:04:21 0:32:54 0:02:00 0:34:54.0 96 137
116 Michel Jourdain Miguel Ángel Diez Studebaker Exhibition 0:07:03 0:02:31 0:03:39 0:01:51 0:02:17 0:17:21 0:17:21.0 116
330 David Jassan Martina Franz Porsche 911 Exhibition 0:07:57 0:02:47 0:04:08 0:02:08 0:02:37 0:19:37 0:00:08 0:19:45.0 330
510 Hubertus von Wangenheim Maximilian Hambloch Opel Diplomat Exhibition 0:07:30 0:02:44 0:05:13 0:02:58 0:03:44 0:22:09 0:00:30 0:22:39.0 510
230 Santiago Casanueva José Antonio Casanueva Porsche Exhibition 0.08.25 0:03:32 0.04.44 0.02.41 0:03:23 0:22:45 0:00:01 0:22:46.0 230
513 Ricardo Vega Gerardo Uriarte Maseratti Exhibition 0:09:16 0:03:54 0:05:13 0:02:58 0:03:44 0:25:05 0:02:00 0:27:05.0 513
2 133 Doug Mockett Angélica Fuentes Oldsmobile Turismo Mayor 0:06:51 0:02:24 0:03:39 0:01:52 0:02:24 0:17:10 0:17:10.0 1 1 133
4 144 Alejandro Pimentel Mauricio Pimentel Dodge Turismo Mayor 0:07:08 0:02:34 0:03:49 0:01:51 0:02:25 0:17:47 0:17:47.0 3 3 144
5 110 Stig Blomqvist Ana Goni Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:07:13 0:02:42 0:03:44 0:01:52 0:02:48 0:18:19 0:18:19.0 4 4 110
6 109 Francisco Márquez García Araceli Ramírez Islas Hudson Turismo Mayor 0:07:32 0:02:40 0:03:49 0:01:57 0:02:28 0:18:26 0:18:26.0 5 5 109
7 121 Karl Scheible Dyana Marlett Volvo Turismo Mayor 0:07:26 0:02:40 0:03:29 0:02:08 0:02:40 0:18:23 0:00:05 0:18:28.0 6 6 121
8 130 Roberto Dávalos Javier Dávalos Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:07:27 0:02:40 0:04:00 0:02:15 0:02:30 0:18:52 0:18:52.0 7 7 130
9 51 Carlos Castillo Carlos Antonio Ramírez Studebaker Turismo Prod 0:07:24 0:02:51 0:04:09 0:02:02 0:02:33 0:18:59 0:18:59.0 8 1 51
10 115 Hilaire Damiron Manuel Iguíniz Buick Turismo Mayor 0:07:43 0:02:44 0:04:09 0:02:00 0:02:36 0:19:12 0:19:12.0 9 8 115
11 222 Edward Hugo Marco Hernández LT Sport Mayor 0:07:33 0:02:45 0:04:18 0:02:05 0:02:45 0:19:26 0:19:26.0 10 1 222
13 388 Bill Shannahan Murray Smith Ford Falcon Historic C 0:08:02 0:02:46 0:04:09 0:02:05 0:02:35 0:19:37 0:19:37.0 11 1 388
12 21 Leo Noetzel David Henry Foulkes Studebaker Turismo Prod 0:07:43 0:02:51 0:04:06 0:02:10 0:02:47 0:19:37 0:19:37.0 11 2 21
14 120 Stewart Robertson Linda Robertson Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:08:13 0:02:48 0:04:06 0:01:56 0:02:41 0:19:44 0:00:01 0:19:45.0 13 9 120
16 105 Francisco Javier Tato Cesar Javier Robles Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:07:33 0:02:44 0:04:27 0:02:22 0:02:57 0:20:03 0:20:03.0 14 10 105
17 334 Andrea Galleti Rodrigo González Porsche 911 Historic B 0:07:41 0:03:00 0:04:34 0:02:16 0:02:51 0:20:22 0:00:02 0:20:24.0 15 1 334
18 351 Berndt Langewiesche Wolfgang Kurth Ford Falcon Historic C 0:07:58 0:02:55 0:04:29 0:02:17 0:02:46 0:20:25 0:20:25.0 16 2 351
19 333 Emilio Azcarraga Andres Gomez Porsche 911 Historic B 0:07:58 0:03:03 0:04:28 0:02:18 0:02:45 0:20:32 0:20:32.0 17 2 333
20 291 Martin Lauber Conrad Stevenson Alfa Romeo Historic A + 0:08:00 0:02:55 0:04:35 0:02:20 0:02:44 0:20:34 0:20:34.0 18 1 291
21 152 Richard Clark Andrew Prill Porsche Sport Menor 0:08:02 0:02:56 0:04:30 0:02:22 0:02:49 0:20:39 0:20:39.0 19 1 152
22 127 José Aragón Kuri Gurrion Jose Aragón Kuri Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:08:05 0:03:03 0:04:25 0:02:12 0:02:55 0:20:40 0:20:40.0 20 11 127
23 113 José Cortés Valdespino Guillermo Izquierdo Chevrolet Turismo Mayor 0:08:41 0:02:58 0:04:25 0:02:07 0:02:44 0:20:55 0:20:55.0 21 12 113
24 318 Michel Gendre Dominique Peraldi Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:13 0:02:52 0:04:32 0:02:26 0:02:53 0:20:56 0:20:56.0 22 3 318
25 261 Richard Row James Row BMW Historic A + 0:07:54 0:02:55 0:04:37 0:02:26 0:03:01 0:20:53 0:00:06 0:20:59.0 23 2 261
26 331 Miguel Diez Jeronimo de la Macorra Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:18 0:03:00 0:04:22 0:02:17 0:03:08 0:21:05 0:21:05.0 24 4 331
27 290 Richard Bailey Nate Wilson Volvo Historic A + 0:08:17 0:02:57 0:04:39 0:02:24 0:02:53 0:21:10 0:21:10.0 25 3 290
28 308 Daniela Wagner Silvia Lindner Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:26 0:02:58 0:04:27 0:02:24 0:02:57 0:21:12 0:00:01 0:21:13.0 26 5 308
29 189 Eduardo Henkel Sergio Puente Porsche Sport Menor 0:08:08 0:02:58 0:04:38 0:02:29 0:03:07 0:21:20 0:21:20.0 27 2 189
30 317 Enrique Nava José Luis Pérez Rubio Porsche 911 Historic B 0:07:55 0:03:06 0:04:47 0:02:33 0:02:57 0:21:18 0:00:05 0:21:23.0 28 6 317
31 311 Gunter Sundag Barbara Hernández Mercedes Historic B 0:08:19 0:03:04 0:04:38 0:02:24 0:02:53 0:21:18 0:00:06 0:21:24.0 29 7 311
32 363 Bob Summerour Bud Feldkamp Mustang Historic C 0:08:31 0:02:59 0:04:32 0:02:29 0:03:10 0:21:41 0:21:41.0 30 3 363
33 382 Thomas Ledergerber Alexandra Treptow Mercedes Historic C 0:08:41 0:03:06 0:04:43 0:02:19 0:02:55 0:21:44 0:21:44.0 31 4 382
34 58 Baltasar Cavazos Alejandro Marín Studebaker Turismo Prod 0:08:48 0:03:06 0:04:51 0:02:12 0:02:51 0:21:48 0:21:48.0 32 3 58
36 281 Oscar Uribe Fernandez Mauricio Uribe Balsa Porsche 914 Historic A + 0:08:12 0:03:13 0:04:46 0:02:26 0:03:06 0:21:43 0:00:09 0:21:52.0 33 4 281
37 212 Byron DeFoor David Hinton Jaguar Sport Mayor 0:08:34 0:03:07 0:04:45 0:02:30 0:03:00 0:21:56 0:21:56.0 34 2 212
38 425 John Gregory Chrislana Gregory Studebaker Original Panam 0:08:29 0:03:10 0:05:03 0:02:29 0:03:03 0:22:14 0:22:14.0 35 1 425
39 304 Russell Gee Chris Nussbaum Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:36 0:03:06 0:04:52 0:02:30 0:03:07 0:22:11 0:00:08 0:22:19.0 36 8 304
40 433 Carson Scheller Lauren Scheller Ford Original Panam 0:08:53 0:03:08 0:04:47 0:02:35 0:03:13 0:22:36 0:00:01 0:22:37.0 37 2 433
41 310 Alain Tanzi Jacques Bailly Jean Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:10 0:03:03 0:05:04 0:02:46 0:03:15 0:22:18 0:00:20 0:22:38.0 38 9 310
43 365 Wilhelm Ostrop Randy Penner Chevy Chevelle Historic C 0:09:30 0:03:23 0:04:32 0:02:24 0:02:55 0:22:44 0:22:44.0 39 5 365
44 313 Michael Shadbolt Aron Shadbolt Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:47 0:03:15 0:04:50 0:02:37 0:03:17 0:22:46 0:22:46.0 40 10 313
46 112 Helge Nyland Christopher Cochrane Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:09:20 0:03:19 0:04:55 0:02:20 0:03:03 0:22:57 0:22:57.0 41 13 112
47 302 Walter Lechler Olaf Löber Mercedes Historic B 0:08:48 0:03:15 0:05:14 0:02:38 0:03:07 0:23:02 0:23:02.0 42 11 302
48 282 Danny Stewart CH De Haan BMW Historic A + 0:09:04 0:03:14 0:05:18 0:02:34 0:03:02 0:23:12 0:23:12.0 43 5 282
49 316 Gabriel Jochen Oender Tuerker Mercedes Historic B 0:08:57 0:03:14 0:05:07 0:02:37 0:03:05 0:23:00 0:00:15 0:23:15.0 44 12 316
50 364 Klaus Peter Rechle Betty Kucharova Ford Falcon Historic C 0:09:21 0:03:17 0:04:49 0:02:22 0:03:05 0:22:54 0:00:30 0:23:24.0 45 6 364
51 257 Jo Ramírez Alberto Cruz Volvo Historic A + 0:08:57 0:03:11 0:05:24 0:02:50 0:03:13 0:23:35 0:00:01 0:23:36.0 46 6 257
52 303 Carlos Martínez de CamposRoberto Mendoza Porsche 911 Historic B 0:08:39 0:03:16 0:05:21 0:03:04 0:03:33 0:23:53 0:23:53.0 47 13 303
55 373 Enrique Bardasano Juan Bardasano Mustang Historic C 0:09:36 0:03:25 0:05:15 0:02:40 0:03:20 0:24:16 0:00:20 0:24:36.0 48 7 373
56 307 Jack Lewis Kim Watkins Porsche 911 Historic B 0:09:57 0:03:32 0:05:23 0:02:32 0:03:20 0:24:44 0:00:01 0:24:45.0 49 14 307
57 258 Uwe Heusel Volker Hauser Alfa Romeo Historic A + 0:09:28 0:03:30 0:05:36 0:03:03 0:03:30 0:25:07 0:25:07.0 50 7 258
60 151 Paul Frame Bailey Darrell Porsche Sport Menor 0:09:13 0:03:31 0:05:25 0:03:22 0:03:39 0:25:10 0:25:10.0 51 3 151
61 421 Clyde Morter Carl Jensen Oldsmobile Original Panam 0.09.55 0:03:28 0:05:08 0:02:35 0:03:13 0:24:19 0:00:55 0:25:14.0 52 3 421
63 11 Vance Stewart Vance Stewart II Ford Turismo Prod 0:09:54 0:03:28 0:05:23 0:02:49 0:04:02 0:25:36 0:25:36.0 53 4 11
64 155 Juan Luis Calderón Alejandro Gómez Alfa Romeo Sport Menor 0.09.18 0:03:40 0:06:03 0:03:11 0:03:38 0:25:50 0:25:50.0 54 4 155
66 293 Luis Barona Gael Rodríguez Volvo Historic A + 0:09:42 0:03:22 0:05:51 0:03:20 0:03:56 0:26:11 0:00:05 0:26:16.0 55 8 293
67 49 Joaquín Conde Sn Vicente Juan Carlos Zuani Volvo Turismo Prod 0:09:54 0:03:46 0:06:04 0:03:06 0:03:36 0:26:26 0:00:01 0:26:27.0 56 5 49
68 132 Víctor Manuel Esquivel C. Victor Manuel Esquivel G. Ford Turismo Mayor 0:10:04 0:03:43 0:05:42 0:03:15 0:03:54 0:26:38 0:26:38.0 57 14 132
69 361 Tony Leivo Timo Hänninen Chevrolet Impala Historic C 0:08:32 0:03:03 0:04:42 0:02:33 0:02:54 0:21:44 0:05:01 0:26:45.0 58 8 361
70 264 Pedro Vidal José Abreu Mini Historic A 0:09:50 0:03:42 0.06.05 0.03.05 0:04:15 0:26:57 0:26:57.0 59 2 264
74 420 Benjamín de la Peña Adolfo Guerra Mercedes Original Panam 0.09.55 0:03:55 0.05.42 0:03:33 0:04:11 0:27:16 0:00:11 0:27:27.0 60 4 420
75 262 Stanley Bauer Doug Weitman Alfa Romeo Historic A + 0:08:55 0:03:09 0:05:12 0:02:37 0:03:09 0:23:02 0:05:20 0:28:22.0 61 9 262
83 124 Eduardo Selbach J. Arnulfo Berlanga S. Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:10:25 0:03:43 0:05:19 0.05.47 0:03:20 0:28:34 0:00:35 0:29:09.0 62 15 124
84 350 Sakari Jarvenpaa Hannu Toivonen Corvette Historic C 0:09:45 0:03:32 0:05:13 0:02:38 0:03:15 0:24:23 0:05:00 0:29:23.0 63 9 350
92 349 Duane Wilcoxon Lorrainne Hamilton Jaguar XKE Historic B 0:09:56 0:03:26 0:05:31 0:02:53 0:03:31 0:25:17 0:05:30 0:30:47.0 64 15 349
35 370 Christian Dumolin Pierre Adyns Falcon Historic C 0:08:22 0:02:59 0:04:37 0:02:11 0:03:41 0:21:50 0:21:50.0 65 370
100 117 Leopoldo Escamilla Carlos Garcés Chevrolet Turismo Mayor 0:10:11 0:03:49 0:05:55 0:03:24 0:03:57 0:27:16 0:05:03 0:32:19.0 65 16 117
53 395 Gerie Bledsoe Chris Cooper Chevrolet Historic C 0:08:07 0:02:58 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:23:30 0:00:30 0:24:00.0 67 395
54 153 Robert Gett Bob Paltrow Alfa Giulietta Sport Menor 0:08:20 0:03:09 0:05:00 0:03:43 0:04:01 0:24:13 0:00:05 0:24:18.0 68 153
58 298 Baltasar Cavazos Gabriel Domenzain VW Historic A + 0:08:48 0:03:20 0:05:42 0:02:58 0:04:20 0:25:08 0:25:08.0 69 298
59 289 Robert Curry Ricky Shaw Porsche Historic A 0:08:36 0:03:11 0:05:28 0:02:47 0:03:18 0:23:20 0:00:35 0:23:55.0 70 1 289
62 356 John Chip Fudge Jonathan Fudge Chevrolet Historic C 0:08:10 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:24:29 0:01:00 0:25:29.0 71 356
65 231 George Tuma Jim Pace Maseratti Sport Mayor 0:09:26 0:03:26 0:05:14 0:02:46 0:03:19 0:24:11 0:02:00 0:26:11.0 72 231
72 256 Albert Fellner Fernando García Saab Historic A 0:09:09 0:03:22 0:06:42 0:03:24 0:04:41 0:27:18 0:27:18.0 73 256
73 101 Ralph S. Carungi Bill Richert Lincoln Turismo Mayor 0:08:11 0:03:18 0:04:30 0:06:22 0:04:21 0:26:42 0:00:38 0:27:20.0 74 101
76 352 Juan Felipe Ramirez Alexander Hauffe Ford Mustang Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 352
77 368 Ralf Huber Raul Villareal Mustang Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 368
78 369 John Nielsen Emine Nielsen Mustang Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 369
79 374 Anthony Strelzow Lee-Ann Strelzow Covette Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 374
80 376 J.L. Jake Shuttlesworth Tony Bogovich Ford Galaxie Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 376
81 377 Jorge Silva Ricardo Sanchez Mustang Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 377
82 389 Xavier Lamadrid Jorge de la Huerta Mustang Historic C 0:10:44 0:03:54 0:05:47 0:02:57 0:03:41 0:27:03 0:02:00 0:29:03.0 75 389
85 309 Brian De Vries Merrick Pratt Porsche 911 Historic B 0:10:57 0:03:54 0:06:05 0:03:23 0:03:55 0:28:14 0:02:00 0:30:14.0 82 309
86 312 Remi Shadbolt Justin Shadbolt Porsche 911 Historic B 0:10:57 0:03:54 0:06:05 0:03:23 0:03:55 0:28:14 0:02:00 0:30:14.0 82 312
87 319 Mike Harris Larry Ligas Jaguar XKE Historic B 0:10:57 0:03:54 0:06:05 0:03:23 0:03:55 0:28:14 0:02:00 0:30:14.0 82 319
88 329 Jorge Bernal Soriano Rodrigo Camacho Trejo Porsche 911 Historic B 0:10:57 0:03:54 0:06:05 0:03:23 0:03:55 0:28:14 0:02:00 0:30:14.0 82 329
89 332 Xavier von Bertram Fernando Poo Porsche 911 Historic B 0:10:57 0:03:54 0:06:05 0:03:23 0:03:55 0:28:14 0:02:00 0:30:14.0 82 332
90 61 Eduardo Vargas Jesús Casas de la Huerta Ford Turismo Prod 0:09:42 0:04:09 0:06:41 0:03:25 0:04:27 0:28:24 0:02:00 0:30:24.0 87 61
91 150 Erwin Martinez Amador Hector Castaneda Porsche Sport Menor 0:10:14 0:04:03 0:06:40 0:03:43 0:04:01 0:28:41 0:02:00 0:30:41.0 88 150
93 263 Peter Aman Hans Lindbohm Volvo Historic A + 0:10:41 0:03:52 0:06:27 0:03:41 0:04:20 0:29:01 0:02:00 0:31:01.0 89 263
94 139 Alfredo Selbach Guillermo Fernández BarragSátundebaker Turismo Mayor 0:08:30 0:04:12 0:06:31 0:06:22 0:04:21 0:29:56 0:01:30 0:31:26.0 90 139
95 48 Juan José Peña Castillo Sergio Gallardo Volvo Turismo Prod 0:10:54 0:04:09 0:06:41 0:03:25 0:04:27 0:29:36 0:02:00 0:31:36.0 91 48
96 252 Paul Friddle Don Paxton VW Historic A 0:10:50 0:04:05 0:06:42 0:03:24 0:04:41 0:29:42 0:02:00 0:31:42.0 92 252
97 283 Joaquin Alberto Conde Joaquin Conde Castilleja Volvo Historic A 0:10:50 0:04:05 0:06:42 0:03:24 0:04:41 0:29:42 0:02:00 0:31:42.0 92 283
98 408 Hayden Groendyke Charles Samples Hudson Original Panam 0:10:55 0:04:19 0:06:17 0:03:55 0:04:37 0:30:03 0:02:00 0:32:03.0 94 408
99 426 Tom Overbaugh Paul Wendt Lincoln Original Panam 0:10:55 0:04:19 0:06:17 0:03:55 0:04:37 0:30:03 0:02:00 0:32:03.0 94 426
101 122 Gabriel Pérez Horacio Chousal Studebaker Turismo Mayor 0:11:28 0:04:12 0:06:31 0:06:22 0:04:21 0:32:54 0:02:00 0:34:54.0 96 122
102 137 Steve Waldman Felipe Arguelles Ford Turismo Mayor 0:11:28 0:04:12 0:06:31 0:06:22 0:04:21 0:32:54 0:02:00 0:34:54.0 96 137
116 Michel Jourdain Miguel Ángel Diez Studebaker Exhibition 0:07:03 0:02:31 0:03:39 0:01:51 0:02:17 0:17:21 0:17:21.0 116
330 David Jassan Martina Franz Porsche 911 Exhibition 0:07:57 0:02:47 0:04:08 0:02:08 0:02:37 0:19:37 0:00:08 0:19:45.0 330
510 Hubertus von Wangenheim Maximilian Hambloch Opel Diplomat Exhibition 0:07:30 0:02:44 0:05:13 0:02:58 0:03:44 0:22:09 0:00:30 0:22:39.0 510
230 Santiago Casanueva José Antonio Casanueva Porsche Exhibition 0.08.25 0:03:32 0.04.44 0.02.41 0:03:23 0:22:45 0:00:01 0:22:46.0 230
513 Ricardo Vega Gerardo Uriarte Maseratti Exhibition 0:09:16 0:03:54 0:05:13 0:02:58 0:03:44 0:25:05 0:02:00 0:27:05.0 513
Another Upbeat Account By El Taxi Perdido

Here's a couple of guys who didn't even have a trailer but they hooked up a car the size of a box of Cracker Jacks to the back of a friend's SUV and towed it to Mexico to compete with 100 world class cars. Who would have ever thought they would come home with a trunk load of trophies but that's exactly what they did. That enough should be enough to impress anyone who knows anything about La Carrera Panamericana or that races for that matter and rightfully so.
#291 Alfa Romeo Driven by Martin Lauber and Co-Piloto Conrad Stevenson

But what really impressed me wasn't the trophies and it wasn't the car (still gotta admit that's a pretty cool car). Nope, what impressed me was two things... I was impressed by the support they got from friends and family who left comments on their blog but most impressive of all was their, no excuses, no B/S, for not winning their class and what fine gentleman racers they proved themselves to be when they spoke about the team that beat them in their class. They pretty much gave dredit was credit was due and they admitted they got bested by a better team on a given day.
Nothing but class and these are the sort of guys any of us would be proud to be affiliated with. I tip my hat to them.

Here is one of the post from their blog. (By the way, keeping a blog updated regularly while racing in LCP is not easy and these guys did an outstanding job doing so.)
"We’re all safely back in the USA and I’m waiting for my connecting flight in Denver, where there is snow on the ground. Funny to think that this time yesterday I was going 220 Km an hour on ten miles of closed freeway, sweating in my race suit. Today, I just sitting here reliving all the excitement. Here’s how things turned out at the awards ceremony. For Day seven, we won our third consecutive 1st place podium finish. This was just fantastic and Conrad and I were proud to once again stand up there and celebrate a great day. After the day’s results they announced the overall results and we knew that since we broke down on the first day, we had over six minutes to make up for to catch our nearest competitor, Team Apple Farmer. Well, we hustled all week and we made up most of those six minutes, besting their times in each stage, but in the end, their consistency, fast times and quality preparations prevailed and the very deserving Team Apple Farmer and their Volvo 122S took 1st place overall in Historic A plus class. We took second and we’re pretty damn pleased. Firstly, because Team Apple Farmer (Richard and Nate) are two of the nicest guys and they absolutely deserve the win. Not only did they run strong every day, they also helped us with advice and support throughout the week. They are true champions and great guys. We’re also excited about our result because it being our first time, we were happy just to finish. We surprised a lot of people and our little taxi was well loved amongst the other teams. Even by the German guy who thought it was a Lada."
And Now My Own Bed Calls Out To Me

Have you ever heard of PCSD (Post Carrera Stress Disorder)? Rookie LCP teams are about to learn about for the first time and it's a very real disorder. Marcia explains it best on her blog Road Rally Rhythms...
Woke Up Today And Thought I Was Late For The Start

It's so good to hear upbeat accounts of the race but some of the best are written by team mates who are dead-beat tired. Many times because of all that wear and tear not to mention the fact they have had very little time to themselves or rest it's only normal for some minor depression to set in. But here is a sample of nothing but a positive outlook when Lauren Scheller, co-piloto of the #433 Ford wrote;
"Fun day yesterday for the last day of racing. Started out on La Bufa
coming out of Zacatecas (after my morning uphill sprint) then 4 high
speed sections. The last 2 were on a beautiful toll road that was shut
down for us. The car ran well, not 100% but maybe 90%. We had a lot
of fun. Really long transit into Nuevo Laredo but well worth it.
It was an amazing feeling getting into N. Laredo with car running
having survived against the odds. I've heard it said many times and it
is so true - anyone who finishes this race and crosses the finish line
truly deserves a big congratulations. This ain't no Sunday drive to
Last night was a fun dinner and awards at the cultural center in N.
Laredo. Our table had a rockin' good time, especially after the third
bottle of tequila! We sat with the Fudges and Ricky (and) Bobby. Big
congrats to Ricky (and) Bobby on winning Historic A in their yellow
We got 2nd in our class by 23 seconds and 2nd overall to Chrislana and
John Gregory in the studebaker. Given our trials we are pretty darn
stoked with that. We also got an award for having the prettiest car in
class. I wonder if they voted for that before we crashed??
Leaving Laredo now, can't wait to sleep in my own bed. Woke up this
morning thinking we had to rush to the starting arch..."
Class Winners Historic C, A Plus, Original Panamericana
Final Overall Results Historic C;
1st Place; #388 Falcon Driven by Bill Shanahan

2nd Place; #351 Falcon Driven by Berndt Langewiesche

3rd Place; #363 Mustang Driven by Bob Summerour

Final Overall Results Original Panamericana;
1st Place; #425 Studebaker Driven by John Gregory

2nd Place; #433 Ford Driven by Carson Scheller

3rd Place; #426 Lincoln Driven by Tom Overbaugh

Final Overall Results Historic A-plus;
1st Place; #290 Volvo Driven by Richard Bailey

2nd Place; #281 Alfa Romeo Driven Martin Lauber

3rd Place; #261 BMW Driven by Richard Row
1st Place; #388 Falcon Driven by Bill Shanahan

2nd Place; #351 Falcon Driven by Berndt Langewiesche

3rd Place; #363 Mustang Driven by Bob Summerour

Final Overall Results Original Panamericana;
1st Place; #425 Studebaker Driven by John Gregory

2nd Place; #433 Ford Driven by Carson Scheller

3rd Place; #426 Lincoln Driven by Tom Overbaugh

Final Overall Results Historic A-plus;
1st Place; #290 Volvo Driven by Richard Bailey

2nd Place; #281 Alfa Romeo Driven Martin Lauber

3rd Place; #261 BMW Driven by Richard Row

The Clock Is Ticking
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