Morf Mobile enables any individual, group, business or brand to create a mobile community in just a few days. Morf users create a mobile profile with photo and video albums, picture blog, friends’ group messaging and more. Morf Mobiles’ customers, from small businesses to large global companies, have validated that they create a more loyal and engaged user for their business or brand by establishing a MorfMob mobile presence.
Team California's Best Racing will be using the Morf Mobile platform to provide up-to-the-minute news, pictures and video during the entire course of our La Carrera Adventure, and we encourage all of you to sign yourselves up, and to get your friends and family to signup as well. It's fun, easy and extremely cool!
You can sign up for the Team CBR MorfMob through our official team website at www.teamcbracing.com. While your there take a minute to learn a little more about Gary, Jon, and Team CBR.
We want to thank Morf Mobile for suporting our La Carrera efforts, and we look forward to keeping you in touch!

Viva La Carrera!
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