Monday, November 03, 2008

Let's All Support These Young Men. They Deserve it.

Team Sol Shine Alternatives running the alternative energy Mercedes are making their way around the U.S. in an effort to spread the word and teach others about alternative energy. Here is a nice note they sent today. When you have time be sure and check out their blog which will give you a whole different appreciation for a worthy cause brought about by one more team who was drawn to La Carrera Panamerican.

Hello Gary,

I wanted to write you an email to thank you personally for your support during the last couple of weeks. Kip and I had a chance to read your blog post and it really meant a lot to us. I am currently in Boulder, CO on my way to Jackson, WY. I'm really excited about the event there so be sure to check the blog for pictures and updates. We're hoping to use the momentum from the race to further develop the educational resources of SolShine, and reach as many people as possible with our message of sustainable alternative energy education. We will be spending the next year fundraising for the 2009 Carrera. We will also be trying to find grant funding to develop our educational resources for the U.S. and Mexico. We've talked about putting together a program to distribute the portable solar panels that we had with us on our trip. We also met a young engineer in Tuxtla and would like to send him a grease kit to install in his own diesel, so that he can begin teaching locals in the Chiapas region how to do it on their own. We hope to have our website and blog up in Spanish in 2 or 3 months. Can't wait to see your documentary. Again we really appreciate you support, and look forward to seeing you next year!

Best Regards,


Michael C. DeVine
Co-founder: Sol Shine Alternatives
Racing the green roads to a more sustainable future...

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