While it may not sound like much today my sons, Jon and I accomplished a lot and what a relieve it was I might add. Jon began his assault on the communications setup which is simply nothing short of awesome. Besides the Terratrip which by the way has a remote, there is the driver/navigator communications set-up. Not only can we talk to each other but our crew can listen to everything being said from the crew truck. All of the above is recorded live on the in car solid state camera equipment complete with sounds of the engine and driver/navigator communications. During the transit sections we have headsets which not only allow us to quietly communicate amongst team and crew but it is also wired up to I-pod selections as well as telecommunications that enable us to use our cell phones. Jon might as well install a microwave so we can have fresh popcorn. That is unless he hasn't already thought of it. I will say Jon has a good amount of the work done and all he has left if a few parts to install after he gets some of the power coated parts back.
I got the job of installing the antenna in the top of the car. Do you have any idea what a horrifying feeling it is to drill a one inch hole in the middle of the top of a car after you have gone to this much trouble to make it look good? While Jon worked on Lucky Will and I spent some time on the flatbed trailer installing new taillights and cleaning up the wiring under the trailer. After talking to many who have experienced this adventure before we are taking their advise and leaving my enclosed trailer at home. Besides the fact the small flatbed is much lighter than the enclosed trailer which will be a lot easier to maneuver on the twisted roads of Mexico but it will also be a huge help in saving fuel and some of the narrow streets that racing fans line up along make it difficult to maneuver an enclosed trailer as well. I am also told that enclosed trailers are much more difficult to get accross the border and can cause long delays. Compaired to the enclosed trailer pulling the little flatbed is almost like not having a trailer at all but I must say I will miss having all those back up parts and equipment at my fingertips but sacrafices must be made.
Finally it was my turn to get some things done. I managed to finish installing the second timing control for the dual pickup ignition system which I had been waiting for. Then I finished installing the knock sensor which will help me know when to adjust timing from inside the car as well as help protect the engine from detonation should we get some bad gas or gain altitude. (Whoever hasn't heard of getting bad gas in Mexico hasn't eaten at the border taco stands?) I also installed the new shift light. Last but not least I installed the safety tabs to hold in the front windshield. The theory is, it's like deciding whether or not you should take a coat with you to the races or not. If you don't it will surely rain but if you bring it you're guaranteed it will not rain. After all was said and done I decided to go around the block and see if Officer Pruette was lurking anywhere. I was very pleased to find out everything that I had installed was working perfectly.
Tomorrow some of the crew will come in early to sand the trailer and paint it before I put Lucky on the trailer to deliver him to get the suspension tweaked, corner weighted, springs lowered a little and aligned on Monday morning.
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