There are racers who go to LCP just to say they were there and then there are those guys who go because it's in their blood and it's something they JUST HAVE TO DO. Since I have been involved with LCP I have seen several teams who had some bad luck or woke up one morning and asked themselves, "What in the hell have I gotten myself into?" But regardless there are those special select few who I personally have to take mt hat off too... They are the ones who just don't know the meaning of quiting regardless what had they are dealt.
One such team whom I have had the pleasure of getting to know is the family/fans of the #353 Dodge piloted by Jeremy Bua and navigator Michael Mefford. These guys are my kind of team. They have faced adversity from the word go but they have fought through frustration, lack of sleep, and a hell of a problem with vapor lock but today it all payed off when they finished the day and ended up in Morelia after having completed the grueling stage of Mil Cumbre. I AM IMPRESSED!
This is what racers do. They get knocked down and the jump back up and say try that again.

Check out THAT smile!

This is so awesome - THANK YOU Gary!! I told Jeremy about the info and history on Mil Cumbre, and he is more excited than ever now.
I am SO proud of and impressed by my brother and Mike for not giving up! Gary, you are right, it IS in Jeremy's blood to do this race! GO JEREMY!!!!!
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