Well, if there is anything to Jon's theory with respect to our fortune cookies then Lucky's future is beginning to look pretty good according to the fortune cookie I got last night at dinner. It said,
"SOMETHING ON FOUR WHEELS WILL SOON BE A FUN INVESTMENT FOR YOU!" Regardless of what happens, this whole adventure already has been a good investment. It has already reaped many rewards, camaraderie, hard work, satisfaction, excitement, thrilling, sensational, emotional, and more. It has brought friends and family together for a common goal and dream and it holds what could be days of danger, breathtaking, over-whelming, inspiring, soul stirring, bloodcurdling and mind blowing days to come. If all of that isn't getting a good return on an investment I don't know what is.
Today I finished all the brake work and bled the brakes with
MOTUL 600 and have an awesome pedal and some very impressive brakes. I can't wait to try them out and will then need to recheck everything for leaks and wear, etc.
I also finished up the majority of the wiring in the engine compartment, filled up the radiator with
RED LINE WATER WETTER and water. I sure hope nobody else is using coolant in their cooling system. Coolant is NOT something that should be used in a race engine on any surface where racing is going on since when it leaks it can't be seen and is very dangerous. Most racing organizations will not allow it to be in any car taken out in a race.
Then I topped off the oil, filled the transmission and the rear end and checked for leaks and everything looked great. Afterwards I installed the starter and starter cable and brackets. I also put some fuel for the first time into the fuel cell and turned on the pumps and checked for leaks. Considering how complex the fuel system is (for a non-fuel injected engine) I am pleased to report there was not one single leak. I also made some changes to the billet throttle rod to improve what they said was the best linkage available.
Hopefully the tires will arrive Monday of Tuesday and both sets of wheels have already arrived. I still have lots of wiring to do inside the car for various devices. In the meantime Anthony stayed this afternoon and helped me hook up one of the two ignition boxes because tomorrow morning at 10:30 AM Jon and I the filming crew will be at the shop to film the first attempt to fire him up. Since I saw the engine come fresh off the dyno with the timing and carb already set and then I personally installed it into the car I am positive it will fire up with no problems whatsoever... even so I can't wait. After all, listening to an engine run on a dyno that took me months of research to design is exciting but seeing, smelling, feeling and hearing it run for the first time in the car is... well let's just say, it's the best thing there is to a racer's senses. And don't forget, it will be with open headers. BIG TOOL MAN GRUNT... Oh Ohhh Ohhhhh!!!