C.A.S.A. provides a wide variety of programs to thousands of Mexican families in the San Miguel area from medical clinics to family planning, child care, and anti-family violence programs. C.A.S.A. also has a world class midwifery program that is being emulated throughout Mexico and South America.
With the support of Carreraistas in the U.S. and Mexico, C.A.S.A. is also planning to launch a program to educate and train mechanics and I am honored that I have been asked to be a technical adviser on setting up a school at CASA for mechanics.
Ms. Nadine Goodman and Mr. Alejandro Gonzalaez, and to hear more about this wonderful organization.
During the evening there was lots of wonderful Mexican food, music and a few words from our gracious host to share more about all that C.A.S.A is doing and where they are headed. Afterwards there was a fund raisewr consisting of a wonderful silent auction. There was a lot to choose from including many paintings, a weekend of golf, a week in San Miguel de Allende and lots more including some furniture.
Also in attendance were several other good LCP friends which made the evening all the more pleasurable but what really made the evening for me was watching one particular item of the silent auction as the bids on it kept increasing. No it wasn't the weekend of golf nor was it the trip to San Miguel de Allend... More specifically it was a La Carrera Panameriacana cap that was donated by Gerie Bledsoe. I couldn't help but crack up every time I saw someone pick it up, try it on and then write in a higher bid. I won't even try to tell you how much it sold for because you wouldn't believe me. But the good news is it served a very worth cause and I was impressed. If there was ever such a thing as a top hat, this one was it. Even funnier was Gerie's loveys wife's comment... "Gee, had I know it would do that well I would have brought more."
Additional info is available at www.casa.org.mx and www.casa.org.mx/donate.html. C.A.S.A. is registered as a non-profit under the IRS code, so contributions are tax-deductible.
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