The 5th Annual Chihuahua Express!
Race the Wind -- Part of the Silver State International Challenge
What? Unlimited open-road racing on paved highways across northern Mexico.
When? April 8-9-10, 2011. Three days of racing with no limit on your speed.
Where? City and State of Chihuahua, Mexico
Why? Where else in the world can you race at top speed for three days on public highway and have lunch at one of the greatest tourist attractions in the world?
Location? Chihuahua City is only 145 miles west of Presidio, Texas.
Cost? $2000 entry free until November 1. Then it goes to $2200. Hotel accommodations are additional. The TSD “regularity” rally, bracket, and Express Tour classes are $1200, plus hotels. Training in stage rally timing is provided.
Eligible Cars? any car from any era is eligible for unlimited competition, if equipped with an acceptable six-point roll cage and safety equipment, such as five/six point seat belts, fire system, and HANS devices.
Classes? for unlimited competition the eight classes of modern cars are: normally aspirated engines: (1) up to 1.6 liters, (2) above 1.6 to 2.4 liters, (3) above 2.4 to 6.2 liters, (4) above 6.2 liters, (5) Specials, and (6) Unlimited. There will be two turbo classes: (7) stock turbo-charged cars up to 2.4 liter, (8) stock turbo-charged over 2.4 liter. Brake pads, shocks, springs, and certain other parts may be upgraded on “stock” cars. Vintage and Pan Am classes are also offered.
Length? The event includes nearly 325 miles of unlimited speed stages in a total of length of about 1,000 miles.
No cage? Cars without roll cages may participate in the TSD rally, “bracket” competition (min. and max. speed in the speed stages) or the Tour.
Car Crews? A driver and navigator are required in all cars, in all classes, and there can be no more than two people in any car during the event. Drivers should have sufficient training or racing/rallyexperience before attempting the unlimited competition.
Prizes? Daily awards by class for driver and co-driver and overall trophies at the final awards ceremony. There are no cash prizes.
Format? competitors follow detailed directions in a route book and line up eight or more times a day to drive “speed stages.” The cars are started in one-minute intervals over highways closed to traffic by the Mexican Highway Patrol. The fastest cars go first, but passing is allowed. The length of the closed road or speed stage will normally be five to fifteen miles. Electronic timing is used. Road surfaces in northern Mexico are generally excellent. After each speed stage, the competitors will drive a short “transit section” to the next speed stage. The cars must check in at the next speed stage within 59 seconds of their assigned time.
The cars with the lowest total elapsed time (E.T.) for the speed stages, plus any time penalties, will be declared the winner by class and overall each day and for the entire event.
Border Crossing? Mexican tourist permit for vehicles cost $35 at the border. Permits may be purchased at some Mexican consulates and at http://www.banjercito.com.mx/. Competitors also need a US passport and Mexican tourist visa (free for one week).
Police Services? Officers of the Mexican Highway Patrol accompany the event and work with 300 local police on clearing the roads and providing security. Rescue and medical crews, along with the timing and scoring staff, travel with the race.
Auspices? The Federation of Mexican Auto Sports (FMAD), an affiliate of FIA, sanctions this event. All individuals riding in a car, in all classes, must hold a FMAD rally license for calendar 2011 to participate ($260+ USD). The license provides personal medical, death, and dismemberment insurance.
Entry Payments? May be made by personal/business check, PayPal, credit card, money order, or wire transfer. Please contact Gerie Bledsoe gbledso@aol.com for details.
Hotel information will be provided upon request.
Warning: Auto racing in any form is dangerous and may lead to property damage, serious injury, or death. Competitors assume all risk, and hold the Organizers and their agents harmless.
For information on the Silver State Classic Challenge Events:
Steve Waldman (702) 631-6166
www.silverstateclassic.com or www.sscc.us
For Chihuahua Express Rules and Information:
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