Tyler Gene loves to drive, Tricycle, boat or car... just give him the wheel.
It's common knowledge that many of today's top drivers got started early, many of them in carting and the sooner they get started the sooner they get "that feel in the seat of their pants" not to mention both seat time and experience. It is all of the above that helps give each of them their own personal advantage and accompanied with the right coaching and reinforcement of good lessons and with the best equipment they can go on to be one of the greats themselves. You can NEVER get started too soon.
The other day, Tyler Gene, my two year old grandson walked into my den and he said, "Papa, look. That's your race car." When I looked to see what he was talking about he was pointing at a photo on the wall of Jon and I in Lucky racing down some twisted road in Mexico. Ironic as it seems, when I was his age they were trying to teach me to say, "Look. See Jane Run." And now here's a two year old who can tell the difference between a car in the mall parking lot and a full on race car.

"Yes, Tyler, that's Papa's race car alright and that's my friend Jon and I racing in Mexico." I said. Without hesitation Tyler said, "I want to race in Mexico Papa." Tyler, God willing, I am sure you will and if Papa is around to watch, that's just icing on the cake. Then I began asking myself, what is the age limit to run La Carrera anyway? I wonder what we should start building?
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