I agree with my good friend Ralf, Mil Cumbre is my favorite.
The La Carrera Panamericana...
An ongoing look at the people, places and machines of the worlds most demanding open road race.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Sunday, November 06, 2011
It's Just A Rally, Not Really A Race... WRONG!
I was impressed with several of the good sites with respect to this years LCP coverage. That said, it's hard to have a good/accurate understanding of the grand scope of things going on and even made worse by never having any daily updates as to the standings of each team. For those of us watching the race from afar, it would be exciting if we knew who was moving up or back in each class.
There have been so many times that I have heard someone say, "Oh, the La Carrera Panamericana. From what I hear it's just a bunch of people who don't really race. They just drive from party to party." I got two words for you folks... Bull Shit.

There have been so many times that I have heard someone say, "Oh, the La Carrera Panamericana. From what I hear it's just a bunch of people who don't really race. They just drive from party to party." I got two words for you folks... Bull Shit.

Thursday, October 06, 2011
Carrera News October 2011
**CHIHUAHUA EXPRESS, March 23-25, 2012
At last count, over 100 cars have been accepted into the 24th modern Pan Am event This year. According to Eduardo “Lalo” Leon, the Organizer of the race, 45 cars remain on the wait list.
Why the great influx in participation in recent years? It’s primarily due to a huge increase in Mexican entries, plus a smaller increase from Europe. Entries from the U.S. and Canada (44 applications, 38 accepted) are down from their high of 54 entries in 2005, probably because of the bad press Mexico gets in the U.S. and the overall economy, plus the pressure from Mexican hopefuls.
Mustang-Falcons and Porsche 911s will dominate the event numerically this year. At last count there are 22-24 Mustang-Falcons and 15-17 Porsche 911s registered. Over one-third of all entries will be these models.
Oh, where did all the Chevys go? Fortunately, there are three or four midyear Corvettes enrolled, plus one funky blue Chevy II Nova 400 and perhaps, a Chevelle.
Sadly, one of the three ’55 Chrysler 300s being prepared by Mr. Kevin Kelly in North Carolina had to drop out. But the entry list includes four VWs running in Exhibition and Hayden Groendyke’s beautiful ’49 Cadillac, sporting a “built” Corvette 427 under the bonnet.
Stafford Galen and Kaminc Ko will represent Mopar enthusiasts in a ’65 Dart that made a big impression on the track in Aguascalientes last year. The car will also pay special tribute to Loyal “Tio” Truesdale, reputedly one of the founders of the Pan Am and long-time guru for American racers. Truesdale passed away a year ago, and will be remembered as one of the great raconteurs of all time.
Competitors to watch? Aficionados are eagerly awaiting the rematch between los norteamericanos Taz Harvey and Rudy Vajak in their Datsun 510, against Martin Lauder and his ace co-driver/mechanico Conrad Stevenson in a Alfa sedan, a.k.a. ”Taxi Perdido,” in Historic A+.
Last year the two cars were only seconds apart on most speed stages. After giving up 20 minutes the first day, Harvey was faster three of the following six days and tied Lauber-Stevenson one day. At the end, Harvey finished only 4 minutes behind the Taxi. Lauber was first in class and 8th overall. This year, expect to see two of the Historic A+ cars in the top ten. Not bad for under 2000 c.c.
Overall winner this year? The favorite is Michel Jordain, Jr. (Mexico), the LCP runner up in 2010 and victor in the Chihuahua Express last April. Jordain’s Studebaker will be prepared by Mats Hammarlund Racing, whose cars have won the last two Carreras and the recent Patrio Rally. Doug Mockett and Angelica Fuentes in their ’54 “Oldsmobile” will be strong challengers. There are several other Mexican crews capable of pulling off an upset, including the Pimentel boys.
In the huge Historic C class, The Pony Car Derby, look for former F1 driver Jochen Mass, driving a non-FIA Mustang, to lead the herd of ‘Stangs to victory, if Ralph Christensson falters in his Rally Falcon. Of course, there may be a sleeper among the Corvettes, and Bill Shanahan should return to the top ten in his well-prepared FIA Rally Falcon.
As noted above, about one-third of this year’s entries are Ford Mustang-Falcons and Porsche 911/912s. Given this situation, the Organizing Committee is encouraging future competitors to select a different brand of automobile to ensure diversity and increase spectator interest.
The new Historic A+ class should be of interest to potential rookies. It includes all four-cylinder sports cars and sedans made from 1965-1972 with engines of up to 2 liters. Cars made after 1972, which offer no mechanical advantage over the ‘72 model may participate. These cars may use a modern engine of up to 1600 cc. Right now, the class enrolls mostly Volvos, Alfas, Datsun 510s, and two Porsche 914s, one driven by Carrera book author Johnny Tipler and his beautiful and skilled co-driver Sarah Bennett-Baggs.
What to earn a trophy by just finishing? Enter Sports Mayor and Sports Menor. Given the fact that there are only three or four cars in each class, there’s a good chance if you just finish the race, you will be on the podium. Some replicas are accepted in each class, too.
The Organizers also like the Datsun Z cars and have amended the rules to allow them to participate in Historic B. Two are entered this year.
Original Pan Am is another class that is vastly under-subscribed this year. This class enlists cars made from 1940-1954, as did the original race in 1950. By rule, the cars should be prepared like they ran in 1954, that is, “pretty much stock.”
OPA cars may use disc brakes, dual master cylinders, 12 volt electronics, modern ignitions, and aluminum radiators/updated cooling systems. The Organizers want these cars to be dependable, safe, and fast enough to keep up with the pack. The gap between OPA and Historic C is a becoming a little blurry.
In this class a ’54 Ford V8 with manual transmission and overdrive--think six speeds--seems to be the pick of the class. Other popular cars include: ’54 Lincolns, ‘54 Studebakers, ’54 Olds, and ’54 Hudsons.
Because the moving parts of engines in the Pan Am are “free,” some of these older engines produce significantly more power than they did in 1954. Unfortunately, most of these cars were not available in ’54 with manual transmissions, so some drivers have a problem finding an automatic box that will perform well in the mountains of Mexico and survive the heat for seven punishing days.
Personally, I would like to see a Nash with a big straight six run the event, like the car used by NASCAR founder Bill France and Curtis Turner, NASCAR piloto, back in the ‘50s. There’s a rumor that someone is building such a car in Northern California. And where is that “fabulous” Hudson Hornet that was supposed to return to Mexico!?
Like Bobby Johnson once said, “we need more of these original cars to restore the Pan Am as a true vintage event, and not just a race dominated by hot rods that only look old.
In fact some have argued that the rules should be altered to allow more entries from the large number of historic cars racing in vintage leagues in the U.S.
**CHIHUAHUA EXPRESS, March 23-25, 2012
The next Express is scheduled for March 23-25, 2012, Chihuahua City, Mexico. It will three days of exciting racing over 1000 miles of paved, excellent roads, with about 300 miles of speed stages. The registration fee is $2400 USD, but there will a discount if paid before December 1. Accommodations at the luxury Soberano Hotel are extra.
The event is open to modern and classic cars. Pan Am cars will race in their respective classes.
Don’t want to put a six-point cage in your C Jag or Maybach? OK, you may also enroll in the regularity (TSD) rally, bracket racing, or the Express Tour for a much lower fee. All things considered, this event is clearly more bang for your buck. Driving these roads, across these impressive landscapes at any decent speed, is just plain fun.
If you are interested, please request the three-page brochure about the Express by hitting the reply button, and go to the official web site, www.chihuahuaexpress.com.
The Express is highly recommended for competitors who want to learn how to stage rally in Mexico before the LCP in October, since both events use the same rules. Also, the Express offers an excellent opportunity to test your car at speed, on a twisty Mexican road. It also will take only a week or less of your time.
After all, we get to return to the same hotel each night and sleep in the same bed. No hunting for the hotel or driver’s meeting each night, or toting suitcases across town. What could be sweeter, the maids?
What are you waiting for?

Visit the famous Copper Canyon during the Chihuahua Express
Competitors towing their cars or having them transported to Huatulco in October and other interested parties are invited to participate in the 10th Annual Coyote Convoy. The Convoy will leave Laredo, Texas on Friday, October 14, a day earlier than usual. It will again stop for two nights in San Miguel de Allende for a little R & R, before going on to Oaxaca on Sunday and Huatulco on Monday, October 17. Registration and inspection do not open until the next day around 10:00 AM.
Most of the competitors will import their race cars and tow vehicles with temporary tourist vehicle permits. The permits cost around $42 USD, plus a deposit of from $200-$400 USD to ensure the vehicles are exported from Mexico after the race. The deposit may be paid in cash or by credit/debit card. When the vehicle is properly exported, the deposit will be refunded.
It is also possible to use the services of a Mexican Customs Agent (broker.)
Following the end of the race in Zacatecas, the convoy, or portions of it, will return to Nuevo Laredo on Friday, October 28, at 08:00. Some of the competitors plan to return to the West coast via El Paso, Texas.
The convoy is open to all competitors and spectators. It is a service provided by the North American Coordinator. According to the rules, however, competitors are solely responsible for getting their cars to the start of the race.

Guanajuato Crowds – this city will be crowded not because the Carrera will stop there for the night, but during this period, the city (and San Miguel de Allende) is the site of the famous Cervantino, one of the biggest music festivals in the world. Too bad we won’t have time to take in a concert. Bring your viola and join the fun!
Pan Am Pre-Race Tour – nine racers, including several spouses, attended the first Pan Am Pre-Race Tour in San Miguel de Allende in early September. The tour included training in stage-rally navigation, plus visits to several key speed stages in the area, plus the cities of Morelia and Guanajuato. Some spouses made the best of San Miguel’s cultural attractions and spas. The tour will be offered again next year in late August or early September.
Carrera Panamericana Museum Opens – in Cancun. It may not be in the center of the country or in one of the cities along the usual route, but LCP now has its own museum. Check out the official LCP home page for a nice photo.
Carrera Fiesta in Carmel-- thanks to the hard work of host Bill Hemmer (Historic A+) the annual fiesta in conjunction with the historic races at Laguna Seca was an unqualified success. Around 85 people attended, along with ten Carrera cars on display. Hemmer had souvenir hats specially made for Eduardo Leon and Monica Grossman Leon, the Organizers of the Pan Am. Although they were unable to attend, the hats were presented to them during the Patrio Rally in Morelia on September 17.
Guanjuato Capital
Promised way back in February, the rules for the 2011 LCP were finally posted on the official web site in Spanish late last month and were issued in English a week or two later.
The primarily change in the rules, a concept first announced officially in June, is the limit on speed for these classes: Turismo Production, Turismo Mayor, Sports Mayor, and Historic C. The first three classes are from the highly modified Panamericana Group (1940-1954), while the Historic C cars (with V8 engines) belong to the Historic Group (1955-1965).
Each car in these classes must use an electronic ignition system, like MSD or Mallory, that allows the engine’s RPM to be limited. The maximum RPM depends on the rear-gear ratio (differential) and the diameter of the tires. (The ratio of the top gear in the transmission must be 1:1.)
The limits on speed are: Turismo Production (144.6 MPH), Turismo Mayor (146.6 MPH), Sports Mayor (142.8 MPH), and Historic C (142.8 MPH). 144.6 MPH=232.6 KPH, and 142.8 MPH=229.8 KPH, according to the information provided by the committee.
Given the fact that there are few long straights in the current Pan Am’s route, the limit on top speed is not considered by some vets to be a significant in the outcome of the race, although it does limit the playing field (track?) somewhat, giving Historic C and, perhaps, Historic B cars (like Porsche 911s) a better chance at an overall win.
This race is mostly about the amount of torque the engine produces and how it is applied. In this race, the most successful cars produce a lot of torque in the lower and mid-ranges for climbing the hills and mountains. An engine that produces most of its torque at redline, like a track car, is just about useless in this event.
The new rules go into much greater detail about the modifications allowed, especially In Historic C. A special report on new the Historic C rules will be provided in the next CARRERA NEWS.
Proposed North American entries for the 25th Anniversary Carrera Panamericana next year will be accepted by the North American Coordinator (NAC) in November, shortly after the dust settles from this year’s event. Application forms will be provided to this list by the end of the first week in November. Based on last year’s experience and anticipated demand, North Americans should expect between 35 and 40 slots.
Applicants should remember that the Organizers, who will make the final selection, will seek to provide a diverse field. Rookies should choose their car accordingly.

Mercedes 300SL on La Bufa, 2010
The views expressed in CARRERA NEWS are those of the author and may not (probably don’t) represent the views of the Organizing Committee. The author is a competitor and any advice he offers may constitute a conflict of interest.
All forms of motor sports are inherently dangerous, and La Carrera Panamericana is no exception. It is a long, hard endurance race at high speeds mostly along mountain roads. Mechanical failures are common, accidents not uncommon, and serious injury and even death are possible. Crews will sign a waiver holding the Organizers harmless.
Cars should be carefully prepared, with an emphasis on safety (brakes, seat belts, roll cage, etc.), and driven prudently. Drivers and navigators should remember that the most important goal is to finish. Unless you finish, nothing else counts.
Gerie Bledsoe, North American Coordinator (U.S. and Canada)
La Carrera Panamericana and Chihuahua Express
USPO address:
220 N. Zapata Hwy Ste 11
Laredo, TX 78043
1-650-525-9190 (Home office)
Mexican phone number +52-415-185-8470
Mailing Address in Mexico (FedEx, UPS only):
La Quinta Prolong. 5-A
Centro-Ojo de Agua
San Miguel de Allende
37700 GTO
Email: gbledso@aol.com, Skype: gerie.bledsoe
Carrera car number 395, Chevy II Nova, Historic C (1999-2011)
©Gerie Bledsoe 2011
**CHIHUAHUA EXPRESS, March 23-25, 2012
At last count, over 100 cars have been accepted into the 24th modern Pan Am event This year. According to Eduardo “Lalo” Leon, the Organizer of the race, 45 cars remain on the wait list.
Why the great influx in participation in recent years? It’s primarily due to a huge increase in Mexican entries, plus a smaller increase from Europe. Entries from the U.S. and Canada (44 applications, 38 accepted) are down from their high of 54 entries in 2005, probably because of the bad press Mexico gets in the U.S. and the overall economy, plus the pressure from Mexican hopefuls.
Mustang-Falcons and Porsche 911s will dominate the event numerically this year. At last count there are 22-24 Mustang-Falcons and 15-17 Porsche 911s registered. Over one-third of all entries will be these models.
Oh, where did all the Chevys go? Fortunately, there are three or four midyear Corvettes enrolled, plus one funky blue Chevy II Nova 400 and perhaps, a Chevelle.
Sadly, one of the three ’55 Chrysler 300s being prepared by Mr. Kevin Kelly in North Carolina had to drop out. But the entry list includes four VWs running in Exhibition and Hayden Groendyke’s beautiful ’49 Cadillac, sporting a “built” Corvette 427 under the bonnet.
Stafford Galen and Kaminc Ko will represent Mopar enthusiasts in a ’65 Dart that made a big impression on the track in Aguascalientes last year. The car will also pay special tribute to Loyal “Tio” Truesdale, reputedly one of the founders of the Pan Am and long-time guru for American racers. Truesdale passed away a year ago, and will be remembered as one of the great raconteurs of all time.
Competitors to watch? Aficionados are eagerly awaiting the rematch between los norteamericanos Taz Harvey and Rudy Vajak in their Datsun 510, against Martin Lauder and his ace co-driver/mechanico Conrad Stevenson in a Alfa sedan, a.k.a. ”Taxi Perdido,” in Historic A+.
Last year the two cars were only seconds apart on most speed stages. After giving up 20 minutes the first day, Harvey was faster three of the following six days and tied Lauber-Stevenson one day. At the end, Harvey finished only 4 minutes behind the Taxi. Lauber was first in class and 8th overall. This year, expect to see two of the Historic A+ cars in the top ten. Not bad for under 2000 c.c.
Overall winner this year? The favorite is Michel Jordain, Jr. (Mexico), the LCP runner up in 2010 and victor in the Chihuahua Express last April. Jordain’s Studebaker will be prepared by Mats Hammarlund Racing, whose cars have won the last two Carreras and the recent Patrio Rally. Doug Mockett and Angelica Fuentes in their ’54 “Oldsmobile” will be strong challengers. There are several other Mexican crews capable of pulling off an upset, including the Pimentel boys.
In the huge Historic C class, The Pony Car Derby, look for former F1 driver Jochen Mass, driving a non-FIA Mustang, to lead the herd of ‘Stangs to victory, if Ralph Christensson falters in his Rally Falcon. Of course, there may be a sleeper among the Corvettes, and Bill Shanahan should return to the top ten in his well-prepared FIA Rally Falcon.
As noted above, about one-third of this year’s entries are Ford Mustang-Falcons and Porsche 911/912s. Given this situation, the Organizing Committee is encouraging future competitors to select a different brand of automobile to ensure diversity and increase spectator interest.
The new Historic A+ class should be of interest to potential rookies. It includes all four-cylinder sports cars and sedans made from 1965-1972 with engines of up to 2 liters. Cars made after 1972, which offer no mechanical advantage over the ‘72 model may participate. These cars may use a modern engine of up to 1600 cc. Right now, the class enrolls mostly Volvos, Alfas, Datsun 510s, and two Porsche 914s, one driven by Carrera book author Johnny Tipler and his beautiful and skilled co-driver Sarah Bennett-Baggs.
What to earn a trophy by just finishing? Enter Sports Mayor and Sports Menor. Given the fact that there are only three or four cars in each class, there’s a good chance if you just finish the race, you will be on the podium. Some replicas are accepted in each class, too.
The Organizers also like the Datsun Z cars and have amended the rules to allow them to participate in Historic B. Two are entered this year.
Original Pan Am is another class that is vastly under-subscribed this year. This class enlists cars made from 1940-1954, as did the original race in 1950. By rule, the cars should be prepared like they ran in 1954, that is, “pretty much stock.”
OPA cars may use disc brakes, dual master cylinders, 12 volt electronics, modern ignitions, and aluminum radiators/updated cooling systems. The Organizers want these cars to be dependable, safe, and fast enough to keep up with the pack. The gap between OPA and Historic C is a becoming a little blurry.
In this class a ’54 Ford V8 with manual transmission and overdrive--think six speeds--seems to be the pick of the class. Other popular cars include: ’54 Lincolns, ‘54 Studebakers, ’54 Olds, and ’54 Hudsons.
Because the moving parts of engines in the Pan Am are “free,” some of these older engines produce significantly more power than they did in 1954. Unfortunately, most of these cars were not available in ’54 with manual transmissions, so some drivers have a problem finding an automatic box that will perform well in the mountains of Mexico and survive the heat for seven punishing days.
Personally, I would like to see a Nash with a big straight six run the event, like the car used by NASCAR founder Bill France and Curtis Turner, NASCAR piloto, back in the ‘50s. There’s a rumor that someone is building such a car in Northern California. And where is that “fabulous” Hudson Hornet that was supposed to return to Mexico!?
Like Bobby Johnson once said, “we need more of these original cars to restore the Pan Am as a true vintage event, and not just a race dominated by hot rods that only look old.
In fact some have argued that the rules should be altered to allow more entries from the large number of historic cars racing in vintage leagues in the U.S.
**CHIHUAHUA EXPRESS, March 23-25, 2012
The next Express is scheduled for March 23-25, 2012, Chihuahua City, Mexico. It will three days of exciting racing over 1000 miles of paved, excellent roads, with about 300 miles of speed stages. The registration fee is $2400 USD, but there will a discount if paid before December 1. Accommodations at the luxury Soberano Hotel are extra.
The event is open to modern and classic cars. Pan Am cars will race in their respective classes.
Don’t want to put a six-point cage in your C Jag or Maybach? OK, you may also enroll in the regularity (TSD) rally, bracket racing, or the Express Tour for a much lower fee. All things considered, this event is clearly more bang for your buck. Driving these roads, across these impressive landscapes at any decent speed, is just plain fun.
If you are interested, please request the three-page brochure about the Express by hitting the reply button, and go to the official web site, www.chihuahuaexpress.com.
The Express is highly recommended for competitors who want to learn how to stage rally in Mexico before the LCP in October, since both events use the same rules. Also, the Express offers an excellent opportunity to test your car at speed, on a twisty Mexican road. It also will take only a week or less of your time.
After all, we get to return to the same hotel each night and sleep in the same bed. No hunting for the hotel or driver’s meeting each night, or toting suitcases across town. What could be sweeter, the maids?
What are you waiting for?

Visit the famous Copper Canyon during the Chihuahua Express
Competitors towing their cars or having them transported to Huatulco in October and other interested parties are invited to participate in the 10th Annual Coyote Convoy. The Convoy will leave Laredo, Texas on Friday, October 14, a day earlier than usual. It will again stop for two nights in San Miguel de Allende for a little R & R, before going on to Oaxaca on Sunday and Huatulco on Monday, October 17. Registration and inspection do not open until the next day around 10:00 AM.
Most of the competitors will import their race cars and tow vehicles with temporary tourist vehicle permits. The permits cost around $42 USD, plus a deposit of from $200-$400 USD to ensure the vehicles are exported from Mexico after the race. The deposit may be paid in cash or by credit/debit card. When the vehicle is properly exported, the deposit will be refunded.
It is also possible to use the services of a Mexican Customs Agent (broker.)
Following the end of the race in Zacatecas, the convoy, or portions of it, will return to Nuevo Laredo on Friday, October 28, at 08:00. Some of the competitors plan to return to the West coast via El Paso, Texas.
The convoy is open to all competitors and spectators. It is a service provided by the North American Coordinator. According to the rules, however, competitors are solely responsible for getting their cars to the start of the race.

Guanajuato Crowds – this city will be crowded not because the Carrera will stop there for the night, but during this period, the city (and San Miguel de Allende) is the site of the famous Cervantino, one of the biggest music festivals in the world. Too bad we won’t have time to take in a concert. Bring your viola and join the fun!
Pan Am Pre-Race Tour – nine racers, including several spouses, attended the first Pan Am Pre-Race Tour in San Miguel de Allende in early September. The tour included training in stage-rally navigation, plus visits to several key speed stages in the area, plus the cities of Morelia and Guanajuato. Some spouses made the best of San Miguel’s cultural attractions and spas. The tour will be offered again next year in late August or early September.
Carrera Panamericana Museum Opens – in Cancun. It may not be in the center of the country or in one of the cities along the usual route, but LCP now has its own museum. Check out the official LCP home page for a nice photo.
Carrera Fiesta in Carmel-- thanks to the hard work of host Bill Hemmer (Historic A+) the annual fiesta in conjunction with the historic races at Laguna Seca was an unqualified success. Around 85 people attended, along with ten Carrera cars on display. Hemmer had souvenir hats specially made for Eduardo Leon and Monica Grossman Leon, the Organizers of the Pan Am. Although they were unable to attend, the hats were presented to them during the Patrio Rally in Morelia on September 17.
Guanjuato Capital
Promised way back in February, the rules for the 2011 LCP were finally posted on the official web site in Spanish late last month and were issued in English a week or two later.
The primarily change in the rules, a concept first announced officially in June, is the limit on speed for these classes: Turismo Production, Turismo Mayor, Sports Mayor, and Historic C. The first three classes are from the highly modified Panamericana Group (1940-1954), while the Historic C cars (with V8 engines) belong to the Historic Group (1955-1965).
Each car in these classes must use an electronic ignition system, like MSD or Mallory, that allows the engine’s RPM to be limited. The maximum RPM depends on the rear-gear ratio (differential) and the diameter of the tires. (The ratio of the top gear in the transmission must be 1:1.)
The limits on speed are: Turismo Production (144.6 MPH), Turismo Mayor (146.6 MPH), Sports Mayor (142.8 MPH), and Historic C (142.8 MPH). 144.6 MPH=232.6 KPH, and 142.8 MPH=229.8 KPH, according to the information provided by the committee.
Given the fact that there are few long straights in the current Pan Am’s route, the limit on top speed is not considered by some vets to be a significant in the outcome of the race, although it does limit the playing field (track?) somewhat, giving Historic C and, perhaps, Historic B cars (like Porsche 911s) a better chance at an overall win.
This race is mostly about the amount of torque the engine produces and how it is applied. In this race, the most successful cars produce a lot of torque in the lower and mid-ranges for climbing the hills and mountains. An engine that produces most of its torque at redline, like a track car, is just about useless in this event.
The new rules go into much greater detail about the modifications allowed, especially In Historic C. A special report on new the Historic C rules will be provided in the next CARRERA NEWS.
Proposed North American entries for the 25th Anniversary Carrera Panamericana next year will be accepted by the North American Coordinator (NAC) in November, shortly after the dust settles from this year’s event. Application forms will be provided to this list by the end of the first week in November. Based on last year’s experience and anticipated demand, North Americans should expect between 35 and 40 slots.
Applicants should remember that the Organizers, who will make the final selection, will seek to provide a diverse field. Rookies should choose their car accordingly.

Mercedes 300SL on La Bufa, 2010
The views expressed in CARRERA NEWS are those of the author and may not (probably don’t) represent the views of the Organizing Committee. The author is a competitor and any advice he offers may constitute a conflict of interest.
All forms of motor sports are inherently dangerous, and La Carrera Panamericana is no exception. It is a long, hard endurance race at high speeds mostly along mountain roads. Mechanical failures are common, accidents not uncommon, and serious injury and even death are possible. Crews will sign a waiver holding the Organizers harmless.
Cars should be carefully prepared, with an emphasis on safety (brakes, seat belts, roll cage, etc.), and driven prudently. Drivers and navigators should remember that the most important goal is to finish. Unless you finish, nothing else counts.
Gerie Bledsoe, North American Coordinator (U.S. and Canada)
La Carrera Panamericana and Chihuahua Express
USPO address:
220 N. Zapata Hwy Ste 11
Laredo, TX 78043
1-650-525-9190 (Home office)
Mexican phone number +52-415-185-8470
Mailing Address in Mexico (FedEx, UPS only):
La Quinta Prolong. 5-A
Centro-Ojo de Agua
San Miguel de Allende
37700 GTO
Email: gbledso@aol.com, Skype: gerie.bledsoe
Carrera car number 395, Chevy II Nova, Historic C (1999-2011)
©Gerie Bledsoe 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
From the Desk of Bill Hemmer:
On behalf of Lupita Hernandez, our Mexican Red Cross Nurse, I want to thank all of those who attended the 5th Annual Carrera Fiesta during the Monterey Historics. A great time was had by all and the event raised new funds to forward to Lupita. Again, thank you very much.
A special thanks to those who took the time to bring their Carrera cars. The Baja Cantina enjoys hosting our event and is looking forward to seeing us all again. We have been promised even more parking spaces for next year..... so plan on dusting off the race car and joining us next time !
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Ferrari 340 Mexico Berlinetta
Alberto Ascari was a man in a hurry. In a relatively short Grand Prix career between 1948 and 1955, he became Formula One World Champion in 1952 and 1953, winning nine consecutive races on his way to the 1952 title.
Ascari also finished second in Mexico’s La Carrera Panamericana in 1951, teamed with Luigi Villoresi in the second of two factory Ferrari 212 Inter Berlinettas. After eight stages totaling 2,096 miles, on road conditions best described as wretched, the pair were only eight minutes behind winners Piero Taruffi and Luigi Chinetti. Ferrari had achieved a one-two finish, ahead of 33 American sedans, with varying degrees of factory support.
Carrera Panamericana in 1952
Clearly, 1952 was going to be a factory fight to the finish, and Ferrari built four cars specifically for the event. That year, the race was divided into sports and stock classes, with 26 cars entered in the European sports-car category. Mercedes would bring two 300 SL Gullwing coupes and a roadster, and there were entries from Jaguar, Gordini, Lancia and Porsche.
The factory Ferraris were named “Mexico” for the event. Designed by Giovanni Michelotti for Vignale, the 77.5-inch hood was one of the longest ever to grace a Ferrari, while the unique fenders extended beyond the oval grille in what is one of the most wildly attractive Vignale designs to date. Built as lightweight “340 America models,” with a small-diameter Tuboscossia chassis, the cars were powered by the Lampredi-designed, 4.1-liter, V-12. With 280 horsepower on tap, the Mexicos were capable of 0-60 mph in six seconds and had a top speed of 174 mph – extraordinary performance both then and now.
Enzo Ferrari pinned his hopes on Alberto Ascari/Giuseppi Scotuzzi, Franco Cornacchia/Luigi Villoresi and Luigi Chinetti/Jean Lucas, who represented Ferrari’s American operation. Giovanni Bracco was entered in a lighter 250 MM Berlinetta and very nearly pulled off a win. A 340 Mexico Barchetta roadster was entered for American Bill Spear, but he did not start.
Designed by Giovanni Michelotti for Vignale, the 77.5-inch hood was one of the longest ever to grace a Ferrari, while the unique fenders extended beyond the oval grille in what is one of the most wildly attractive Vignale designs to date.

Ascari and 0226 AT
The Mexico Berlinetta presented here – s/n 0226 AT – is remarkable for its matching-numbers originality and the comprehensive provenance that accompanies it. S/n 0226 AT was originally sold by Luigi Chinetti to Allen Guibertson of Dallas, Texas for the princely sum of $14,500. Chinetti also arranged for Ferrari team drivers Ascari and Scotuzzi to race the car in the 1952 Carrera Panamericana. The intensely competitive Ascari had been a runner-up the year before and had already disobeyed team orders to make certain of his first Formula One World Championship. He was a fiercely competitive and highly talented driver, to say the least.
Starting in 14th position, Ascari set a blistering pace and worked his way up to sixth by the 50-mile mark, where he passed Speed Age magazine writer Vince McDonald, camped by the side of the road. Here’s what McDonald saw:
“50 miles out (from the start), just over the first series of hills, the road wound down into a valley, across three narrow bridges, then back up into the hills. A blinding blanket of fog lay over the valley and it was here that we awaited the racing pack.
“At 7.25 a.m. the first car could be heard, as it screamed through the turns and down into the soup, hit the first, second and last wooden bridge with a deep rumble and disappeared. The fog was so thick that only by standing on the edge of the road and straining hard could the first car be distinguished – a Mercedes.
“Almost immediately the other two Mercedes-Benz went through, then the fog began to lift and the next car came off the bridge, a Ferrari driven by Efrain Ruiz Echeverria of Mexico City. Santos Litona Diaz in a Jaguar was next, with Alberto Ascari, who had started in 14th place trying desperately to pass on a bridge that was hardly wide enough for one car.”
The pace was clearly fast and furious. In a race that claimed more lives than would be acceptable by any modern standards, Ascari passed nine competitors at blistering speeds before his race came to an end prematurely as he lost control over loose stones and collided with a rocky ledge.
With John Fitch disqualified in his Mercedes, the Chinetti/Jean Lucas Ferrari Mexico salvaged third place for Ferrari, while Jack McAfee finished fifth and Phil Hill and Arnold Stubbs were sixth. In all, there were only 39 finishers from 92 starters.
Ascari’s car, s/n 0226 AT, was shipped back to Ferrari and Vignale for repairs, then returned to Guibertson in Dallas in the spring of 1953. Guibertson sold it to A.V. Dayton, who entered it in the July 4th SCCA race at Offut Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska, driven by Carroll Shelby and Jack McAfee, who finished second. Just one year old, 0226 AT had already been driven by some of the greatest international racing legends in the world.
On October 25, Dayton entered the car in the Sowega SCCA races in Atlanta, Georgia, where, driven by a Mr. Duncan, it was sidelined by electrical problems. Dayton sold the car back to Chinetti before the end of the year.

Subsequent history
Throughout the rest of the decades, 0226 AT traded hands between several known owners on the East Coast and in Detroit until 1958, when Richard Londergran showed the car at the 1958 Detroit Auto Show. The following year he sold it to General Motors designer and Ferrari Club of America co-founder Larry Nicklin of Indiana.
Mr. Nicklin is well known to enthusiasts as he subsequently also owned chassis 0224 AT, one of the two sister cars to this car. 0226 AT, however, was one of the two Mexicos he owned. Years earlier, as a student in California, he saw such a car pictured in a magazine. As only three cars were ever built, it was surely unlikely he’d ever bump into one accidentally. But that’s precisely what happened – years later, while driving down the famed Woodward Avenue in Detroit, he spotted distinctive fenders poking out of a garage. As luck would have it, this 340 Mexico was 0226 AT. The talented young car designer acquired the car almost immediately and enjoyed it for about a decade, before parting with it to Art Jacobs of Mineola, New York in 1969. Jacobs kept the Berlinetta for only one year before passing it on to Theodore Pratt in New York City. There it stayed for five years until bought by David Carroll of Boston, Massachusetts, who would keep it for another ten years.

When Carroll did sell s/n 0226 AT in 1985, it was due for some work. New owner and prominent Ferrari collector J. Willard Marriott Jr. of Chevy Chase, Maryland commissioned a ground-up, three-year restoration by David Carte and Skip Hunt. Having restored s/n 0226 AT to its correct 1952 Carrera Panamericana specifications and livery, Marriott set out on the concours circuit in 1988.
He was immediately successful, winning Best of Show at the 1988 Ferrari Club of America’s Concours at Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin and also the Phil Hill Award for Best Competition Car. He collected the Honorary Chairman Award at the Ferrari National Meet at Lake Lanier Island, Georgia in 1989 and followed that with the Peter Helck Award for Best Race Car at the Meadow Brook Concours d’Elegance in Michigan. Marriott wrapped up the year with a Best in Class at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance in Monterey, California. Without exaggeration, these awards constitute some of the most desirable honors the car could have secured in the late 1980s. Distinction at Pebble Beach and Meadow Brook certainly speaks for itself, but winning Best of Show at an FCA event signifies very positive recognition from the largest Ferrari club in the world. Such was the outstanding quality of this 340 Mexico.
After this, Marriott enjoyed s/n 0226 AT for almost 10 years, until he sold it to Carlos Monteverde in London in November 1997. Monteverde owned the Berlinetta for two years, selling it to the current owner in 1999, who like the preceding caretakers, is a prominent collector of the finest GT and racing machinery.
Since that time, 0226 AT has been back at home in competition, participating twice in the Colorado Grand (2001 and 2007) and competing energetically in the Monterey Historic Races at Laguna Seca in 2002, 2005 and 2006. In 2007, the car was shown at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance in the Ferrari Competition class for exhibition only.

This featured 1952 Ferrari 340 Mexico Berlinetta, chassis number 0226 AT, will be offered for sale at the RM Auctions Monterey auction, scheduled for August 19-20, 2011 at the Portola Hotel in Monterey, California.
With only three Ferrari 340 Mexico Berlinettas built, this aggressive Vignale coupe would be welcome at events anywhere, be it the Mille Miglia Storica or any concours event around the world.

Furthermore, the car was recently inspected by Brooke Betz, who confirms that “all stampings and numbers appear original and match those on the Ferrari build sheets.” Betz, a highly respected Ferrari authority summarized the car best: “it is likely the best 340 Mexico in existence.”
Ascari also finished second in Mexico’s La Carrera Panamericana in 1951, teamed with Luigi Villoresi in the second of two factory Ferrari 212 Inter Berlinettas. After eight stages totaling 2,096 miles, on road conditions best described as wretched, the pair were only eight minutes behind winners Piero Taruffi and Luigi Chinetti. Ferrari had achieved a one-two finish, ahead of 33 American sedans, with varying degrees of factory support.
Carrera Panamericana in 1952
Clearly, 1952 was going to be a factory fight to the finish, and Ferrari built four cars specifically for the event. That year, the race was divided into sports and stock classes, with 26 cars entered in the European sports-car category. Mercedes would bring two 300 SL Gullwing coupes and a roadster, and there were entries from Jaguar, Gordini, Lancia and Porsche.
The factory Ferraris were named “Mexico” for the event. Designed by Giovanni Michelotti for Vignale, the 77.5-inch hood was one of the longest ever to grace a Ferrari, while the unique fenders extended beyond the oval grille in what is one of the most wildly attractive Vignale designs to date. Built as lightweight “340 America models,” with a small-diameter Tuboscossia chassis, the cars were powered by the Lampredi-designed, 4.1-liter, V-12. With 280 horsepower on tap, the Mexicos were capable of 0-60 mph in six seconds and had a top speed of 174 mph – extraordinary performance both then and now.
Enzo Ferrari pinned his hopes on Alberto Ascari/Giuseppi Scotuzzi, Franco Cornacchia/Luigi Villoresi and Luigi Chinetti/Jean Lucas, who represented Ferrari’s American operation. Giovanni Bracco was entered in a lighter 250 MM Berlinetta and very nearly pulled off a win. A 340 Mexico Barchetta roadster was entered for American Bill Spear, but he did not start.
Designed by Giovanni Michelotti for Vignale, the 77.5-inch hood was one of the longest ever to grace a Ferrari, while the unique fenders extended beyond the oval grille in what is one of the most wildly attractive Vignale designs to date.

Ascari and 0226 AT
The Mexico Berlinetta presented here – s/n 0226 AT – is remarkable for its matching-numbers originality and the comprehensive provenance that accompanies it. S/n 0226 AT was originally sold by Luigi Chinetti to Allen Guibertson of Dallas, Texas for the princely sum of $14,500. Chinetti also arranged for Ferrari team drivers Ascari and Scotuzzi to race the car in the 1952 Carrera Panamericana. The intensely competitive Ascari had been a runner-up the year before and had already disobeyed team orders to make certain of his first Formula One World Championship. He was a fiercely competitive and highly talented driver, to say the least.
Starting in 14th position, Ascari set a blistering pace and worked his way up to sixth by the 50-mile mark, where he passed Speed Age magazine writer Vince McDonald, camped by the side of the road. Here’s what McDonald saw:
“50 miles out (from the start), just over the first series of hills, the road wound down into a valley, across three narrow bridges, then back up into the hills. A blinding blanket of fog lay over the valley and it was here that we awaited the racing pack.
“At 7.25 a.m. the first car could be heard, as it screamed through the turns and down into the soup, hit the first, second and last wooden bridge with a deep rumble and disappeared. The fog was so thick that only by standing on the edge of the road and straining hard could the first car be distinguished – a Mercedes.
“Almost immediately the other two Mercedes-Benz went through, then the fog began to lift and the next car came off the bridge, a Ferrari driven by Efrain Ruiz Echeverria of Mexico City. Santos Litona Diaz in a Jaguar was next, with Alberto Ascari, who had started in 14th place trying desperately to pass on a bridge that was hardly wide enough for one car.”
The pace was clearly fast and furious. In a race that claimed more lives than would be acceptable by any modern standards, Ascari passed nine competitors at blistering speeds before his race came to an end prematurely as he lost control over loose stones and collided with a rocky ledge.
With John Fitch disqualified in his Mercedes, the Chinetti/Jean Lucas Ferrari Mexico salvaged third place for Ferrari, while Jack McAfee finished fifth and Phil Hill and Arnold Stubbs were sixth. In all, there were only 39 finishers from 92 starters.
Ascari’s car, s/n 0226 AT, was shipped back to Ferrari and Vignale for repairs, then returned to Guibertson in Dallas in the spring of 1953. Guibertson sold it to A.V. Dayton, who entered it in the July 4th SCCA race at Offut Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska, driven by Carroll Shelby and Jack McAfee, who finished second. Just one year old, 0226 AT had already been driven by some of the greatest international racing legends in the world.
On October 25, Dayton entered the car in the Sowega SCCA races in Atlanta, Georgia, where, driven by a Mr. Duncan, it was sidelined by electrical problems. Dayton sold the car back to Chinetti before the end of the year.

Subsequent history
Throughout the rest of the decades, 0226 AT traded hands between several known owners on the East Coast and in Detroit until 1958, when Richard Londergran showed the car at the 1958 Detroit Auto Show. The following year he sold it to General Motors designer and Ferrari Club of America co-founder Larry Nicklin of Indiana.
Mr. Nicklin is well known to enthusiasts as he subsequently also owned chassis 0224 AT, one of the two sister cars to this car. 0226 AT, however, was one of the two Mexicos he owned. Years earlier, as a student in California, he saw such a car pictured in a magazine. As only three cars were ever built, it was surely unlikely he’d ever bump into one accidentally. But that’s precisely what happened – years later, while driving down the famed Woodward Avenue in Detroit, he spotted distinctive fenders poking out of a garage. As luck would have it, this 340 Mexico was 0226 AT. The talented young car designer acquired the car almost immediately and enjoyed it for about a decade, before parting with it to Art Jacobs of Mineola, New York in 1969. Jacobs kept the Berlinetta for only one year before passing it on to Theodore Pratt in New York City. There it stayed for five years until bought by David Carroll of Boston, Massachusetts, who would keep it for another ten years.

When Carroll did sell s/n 0226 AT in 1985, it was due for some work. New owner and prominent Ferrari collector J. Willard Marriott Jr. of Chevy Chase, Maryland commissioned a ground-up, three-year restoration by David Carte and Skip Hunt. Having restored s/n 0226 AT to its correct 1952 Carrera Panamericana specifications and livery, Marriott set out on the concours circuit in 1988.
He was immediately successful, winning Best of Show at the 1988 Ferrari Club of America’s Concours at Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin and also the Phil Hill Award for Best Competition Car. He collected the Honorary Chairman Award at the Ferrari National Meet at Lake Lanier Island, Georgia in 1989 and followed that with the Peter Helck Award for Best Race Car at the Meadow Brook Concours d’Elegance in Michigan. Marriott wrapped up the year with a Best in Class at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance in Monterey, California. Without exaggeration, these awards constitute some of the most desirable honors the car could have secured in the late 1980s. Distinction at Pebble Beach and Meadow Brook certainly speaks for itself, but winning Best of Show at an FCA event signifies very positive recognition from the largest Ferrari club in the world. Such was the outstanding quality of this 340 Mexico.
After this, Marriott enjoyed s/n 0226 AT for almost 10 years, until he sold it to Carlos Monteverde in London in November 1997. Monteverde owned the Berlinetta for two years, selling it to the current owner in 1999, who like the preceding caretakers, is a prominent collector of the finest GT and racing machinery.
Since that time, 0226 AT has been back at home in competition, participating twice in the Colorado Grand (2001 and 2007) and competing energetically in the Monterey Historic Races at Laguna Seca in 2002, 2005 and 2006. In 2007, the car was shown at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance in the Ferrari Competition class for exhibition only.

This featured 1952 Ferrari 340 Mexico Berlinetta, chassis number 0226 AT, will be offered for sale at the RM Auctions Monterey auction, scheduled for August 19-20, 2011 at the Portola Hotel in Monterey, California.
With only three Ferrari 340 Mexico Berlinettas built, this aggressive Vignale coupe would be welcome at events anywhere, be it the Mille Miglia Storica or any concours event around the world.

Furthermore, the car was recently inspected by Brooke Betz, who confirms that “all stampings and numbers appear original and match those on the Ferrari build sheets.” Betz, a highly respected Ferrari authority summarized the car best: “it is likely the best 340 Mexico in existence.”
Monday, July 11, 2011
Carrera News
JULY, 2011
A Midsummer Night’s Edition
It is official: the 2011 Pan Am race will stop for lunch and service in beautiful San Miguel de Allende on October 25. The city will welcome the 120 race cars with open arms.
Picked by Condé Nast magazine as one of the top ten places to visit in the world, San Miguel de Allende remains a unique city in Mexico and, indeed, the world. It is a mix of quaint Spanish colonial architecture and a hip, artistic culture. A recent article in a influential art magazine picked it as one of the top ten art centers of the world. The only question is: will all this success spoil the nature of this special place?
Founded in 1542, San Miguel de Allende (SMA) was a key stop on the famous silver road from the mines in northern Mexico to the capital in Mexico City and a trading center. Centuries later its citizens also played a key role in the beginning of the Mexican Independence movement in 1810, earning the city enduring fame.
The city was declared a national monument by the Mexican government in the 1920s, but it was facing hard times during this period, evidenced by a serious loss of population. Fortunately, because of its location and topography parts of the historic center city were not demolished to build modern highways through the city. Today its cobblestone streets look (and feel) pretty much as they did in prior centuries.
With the help of some adventuresome Americans the city was slowly revived in the 1940s and 1950s as a center for the arts. These Americans and their Mexican counterparts recognized the unspoiled beauty of the place. Its growth accelerated in the ‘80s and ‘90s as it because not only a major art center, but a retirement community for norteamericanos (Americans and Canadians), a trendy weekend retreat for wealthy citizens from Mexico City, and tourist destination. Recently, the city was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Situated at 6200 feet above sea level, SMA offers a moderate year-round climate --- average temperature in the 70s (F.) sunny, dry, and unpolluted by factories and foundries. Snow has never been seen by most natives, and the rain usually falls only in the summer months.
The Pan Am cars will approach SMA from the south, coming north from Morelia via Celaya. When they reach the city, they will go around the east side of town up the mountain and then enter the city down the Calle San Francisco. They will park for 15 minutes in the main square, directly front of the iconic church “La Parroquia,” to be saluted by city officials and citizens. After a brief ceremony the cars will exit via Aldama Street to the new city parking ramp on Calle Cardo for lunch and service.
After lunch the Pan Am will head north to Dolores Hidalgo to run speed stages on the mountain highway to Santa Rosa and their destination for the night, the university city of Guanajuato. (See last month’s edition.)
Never raced in Mexico? Concerned about public safety and security, the food, and ambience? Join us for the Pan Am Pre-Race Tour, Sept. 8-13 in San Miguel de Allende. We will spend three or four days talking about the event and its unique protocols, and visiting some of the most famous speed stages. Above all, we will check out at least five of the cities along the route. Want to show your significant other a good time? Bring her/him along. SMA is a great spa and shopping town, too. The registration fee is only $450. A deposit of $300 by August 1 will hold your place. You may also participate Sept. 9-12, if you are pressed for time. A schedule and info regarding hotels are available. gbledso@aol.com or call 1-650-525-9190 .
Competitors towing their cars or having them transported to Huatulco in October and other interested parties are invited to participate in the 10th Annual Coyote Convoy. The Convoy will leave Laredo on Friday, October 14, a day earlier than usual. It will again stop for two nights in San Miguel de Allende, before going on to Oaxaca on Sunday and Huatulco on Monday, October 17.
Each competitor will be asked to fill out papers to have their race car and tow rig brokered across the border, instead of using temporary tourist permits. A procedure and forms for obtaining the necessary permits will be sent to all competitors soon.
Following the end of the race in Zacatecas, the convoy or portions of it will return to Nuevo Laredo to be brokered back across the border to the U.S. The convoy is open to all competitors and spectators.
The fifth annual Carrera Fiesta will be held August 20 at the Baja Cantina in Carmel, California, 5:30-8:00 PM in conjunction with the Historic Races and the various car shows and auctions. Tickets are $25 or $30 at the door. Our gracious host again will be Bill Hemmer, who will be driving a Porsche 914 in the event this year. Reserve a place by emailing Bill at bekgroup@gmail.com.
This Fiesta has become a major reunion of Carrera vets and those interested in the event. Normally, there’s a brief, informal program, maybe a short film, and a Q and A session about this year’s event.
Around 120 cars are expected to start the Pan Am this year in Huatulco. Of these, about 1/3 will suffer mechanical failure or an accident along the way, but most will eventually cross the finish line (meta) in Zacatecas seven days later.
Mustangs, Falcons, and Porsche 911/912s will again dominate the event. At last count there are 22-24 Mustangs-Falcons and 15-17 Porsche 911/912s registered. So about 1/3 of the entries will be these models. Oh, where did all the Chevys go?! Fortunately, there will be three or four midyear Corvettes in the event.
Of special interest are the three Chrysler 300s being prepared by Mr. Kevin Kelly in North Carolina. These cars are being prepared as a tribute to the 300s that dominate NASCAR , ending the Lincoln’s reign, and were to run in La Carrera. Unfortunately, the Pan Am was cancelled in 1955, depriving the Chryslers a chance to show their stuff in Mexico. The identically-prepared cars will be driven by Mr. Kelley (USA), Mr. Marc Noel (Belgium/USA), and Mr. Roberto Quiroz of Mexico.
The Chryslers are schedule to compete in Historic C, but depending on their engines, they could be allowed to run in the Original Pan Am class, just as the Mexican LT Special, which was built for the 1955 Pan Am and never ran, was allowed to compete in Sports Mayor, which is limited to cars built from 1940-1954.
The final, complete set of rules (“reglamento”) for the 2011 La Carrera Panamericana has not yet been promulgated. An early version of the rules that apply to the preparation of the cars was released in June, but we yet await the final rules.
As posted last month in CARRERA NEWS, the speed of five classes will be limited by two specified combinations of tire size, rear end gear ratio (differential), and RPM rev limiter chip. The resulting limits on top speed are: Turismo Production (144.6 MPH), Turismo Mayor (146.6 MPH), Sports Mayor (142.8 MPH), and Historic C (142.8 MPH). 144.6 MPH=232.6 KPH, and 142.8 MPH=229.8 KPH, according to the information provided by the committee.
According to the preliminary rules, the cars must use either:
a) a 3.50 rear gear, 26.2” tires, and a 6600 RPM chip = 144.1 MPH/231.9 KPH, OR
b) a 3.70 rear gear, 26.2” tires, and a 7000 RPM chip =144.6 MPH/232.6 KPH
The Organizing Committee has been asked to permit any combination of rear gear, tires, and RPM chip that limits the speed to the maximum set for each class. The Committee is also expected to issue penalties for violations of these new limits.
Bag O Nails, 1966 Mustang GT 350 R
“Bag O Nails” is a 1966 Mustang GT 350 R clone maintained by Mustang guru Todd Landon with the intention of winning the Historic class on La Carrera and other events. The car was built from a bare shell in 2007 utilizing the very best of everything, and with the possibility of reverting to FIA homologation spec after the event. This car is simply the best prepared, fastest (420BHP) and most reliable Historic C Mustang alive, and is now for sale to a serious competitor. A lot of work has been done (weight reduction operation) to bring it to the highest standards.
2007: La Carrera Panamericana : 6th overall and 2nd in Historic C
2008: La Carrera Panamericana: 6th overall and 1st in Historic C
2010: Chihuahua Express: 5th overall and 1st in Historic C
Pikes peak: 2nd in Historic class (just beyond Doug Mockett)
La Carrera Panamericana: 4 times on the daily podium with at the end the 4th place in Historic C. Despite the very high level of competition this year, most of the time we finished in the top 15 overall
For more detailed info please phone or email.
Phone : +32497495495 or email tdl@panini.be
’53 Studebaker Commander. $120,000. Finished to your specifications: color and FIA seats and racing harness fitment. This car won the La Carrera Panamericana championship in 2008 and qualified first in 2010. Finish will be as good/better than 2010.
The car has been re-bodied and completely rebuilt since the 2010 event. It is now even faster and safer. The price includes a spares package and delivery/service is available. A build sheet is available. Completely Carrera-legal in all respects and guaranteed to pass all tech inspections. Needs nothing but you to win again. A rental arrangement for 2011 is a possibility. Contact Bill Beilharz, bbeilharz@aol.com or 602-320-5173 (Phoenix).
’68 Porsche 911. Guards Red 2.0L. Full Cage, Fire System, Kirkey Seats, 5 Point Belts, 27 gal Fuel Cell, MSD, Fender Mounted Extra Oil Cooler, Smart Racing and Elephant Suspension. Fully sorted – Porsche Racing Ready. Built 2 cars at once, the sister car to this one in 2003 finished 9th overall. Call 512-346-1880 or email alg@texcpa.com
Over $55,000 invested– asking $26,500.
‘66 Sunbeam Tiger. Ford 302 .060 over. High flow head . Roller rockers. Heavy-duty valve springs. Racing pistons, 10.5 to 1 compression. Racing cam. Heavy-duty oil pump . Edelbrock F4B manifold . Single wire chrome alternator. MSD distributor, coil, and ignition. High flow water pump. Fluidyne aluminum radiator. Aluminum oil cooler. Braded stainless steel fuel and oil lines with Aeroquip fittings. Holley 650 cfm Double pumper with regulator. Headers from Sunbeam Specialties. Remote oil filter. Heavy duty racing clutch lightened flywheel. Engine was totally rebuilt and computer balanced with the flywheel and harmonic balancer, approximately 8 hours on the engine. Ford top loader transmission, Rebuilt by "Toploader Heaven". Custom made heavy-duty drive shaft . Welded rear end. Custom made Mark Williams one-piece solid rear axles. Dual Holley Blue fuel pumps with relays. ATL 15 gal. fuel cell. Dual inline filter screens, Summit racing canister type fuel filter. Stainless steel fuel flex lines with Aeroquip fitting. $33,000 or b/o. Contact: Ed (415) 341-4965; ehugo@bhplaw.com
Photos and additional information are available at www.panamrace.com. Click on Classifieds. The advertisers assume all responsibility for their ads.
The views expressed in CARRERA NEWS are those of the author and may not (probably don’t) represent the views of the Organizing Committee. The author is a competitor and any advice he offers may constitute a conflict of interest.
All forms of motor sports are inherently dangerous, and La Carrera Panamericana is no exception. It is a long, hard endurance race at high speeds mostly along mountain roads. Mechanical failures are common, accidents not uncommon, and serious injury and even death are quite possible.
Cars should be carefully prepared, with an emphasis on safety (brakes, seat belts, roll cage, etc.), and driven prudently. Drivers and navigators should remember that the most important goal of this event is to finish. Unless you finish, nothing else counts.
Gerie Bledsoe, Coordinator
La Carrera Panamericana and Chihuahua Express
USPO address: 220 N. Zapata Hwy Ste 11
Laredo, TX 78043
1-650-525-9190 (Home office)
Mexican phone number +52-415-185-8470
Mailing Address in Mexico (FedEx, UPS only):
La Quinta Prolong. 5-A
Centro-Ojo de Agua
San Miguel de Allende
37700 GTO
Email: gbledso@aol.com, Skype: gerie.bledsoe
Carrera car number 395, Chevy II Nova, Historic C (1999-2011)
JULY, 2011
A Midsummer Night’s Edition
It is official: the 2011 Pan Am race will stop for lunch and service in beautiful San Miguel de Allende on October 25. The city will welcome the 120 race cars with open arms.
Picked by Condé Nast magazine as one of the top ten places to visit in the world, San Miguel de Allende remains a unique city in Mexico and, indeed, the world. It is a mix of quaint Spanish colonial architecture and a hip, artistic culture. A recent article in a influential art magazine picked it as one of the top ten art centers of the world. The only question is: will all this success spoil the nature of this special place?
Founded in 1542, San Miguel de Allende (SMA) was a key stop on the famous silver road from the mines in northern Mexico to the capital in Mexico City and a trading center. Centuries later its citizens also played a key role in the beginning of the Mexican Independence movement in 1810, earning the city enduring fame.
The city was declared a national monument by the Mexican government in the 1920s, but it was facing hard times during this period, evidenced by a serious loss of population. Fortunately, because of its location and topography parts of the historic center city were not demolished to build modern highways through the city. Today its cobblestone streets look (and feel) pretty much as they did in prior centuries.
With the help of some adventuresome Americans the city was slowly revived in the 1940s and 1950s as a center for the arts. These Americans and their Mexican counterparts recognized the unspoiled beauty of the place. Its growth accelerated in the ‘80s and ‘90s as it because not only a major art center, but a retirement community for norteamericanos (Americans and Canadians), a trendy weekend retreat for wealthy citizens from Mexico City, and tourist destination. Recently, the city was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Situated at 6200 feet above sea level, SMA offers a moderate year-round climate --- average temperature in the 70s (F.) sunny, dry, and unpolluted by factories and foundries. Snow has never been seen by most natives, and the rain usually falls only in the summer months.
The Pan Am cars will approach SMA from the south, coming north from Morelia via Celaya. When they reach the city, they will go around the east side of town up the mountain and then enter the city down the Calle San Francisco. They will park for 15 minutes in the main square, directly front of the iconic church “La Parroquia,” to be saluted by city officials and citizens. After a brief ceremony the cars will exit via Aldama Street to the new city parking ramp on Calle Cardo for lunch and service.
After lunch the Pan Am will head north to Dolores Hidalgo to run speed stages on the mountain highway to Santa Rosa and their destination for the night, the university city of Guanajuato. (See last month’s edition.)
Never raced in Mexico? Concerned about public safety and security, the food, and ambience? Join us for the Pan Am Pre-Race Tour, Sept. 8-13 in San Miguel de Allende. We will spend three or four days talking about the event and its unique protocols, and visiting some of the most famous speed stages. Above all, we will check out at least five of the cities along the route. Want to show your significant other a good time? Bring her/him along. SMA is a great spa and shopping town, too. The registration fee is only $450. A deposit of $300 by August 1 will hold your place. You may also participate Sept. 9-12, if you are pressed for time. A schedule and info regarding hotels are available. gbledso@aol.com or call 1-650-525-9190 .
Competitors towing their cars or having them transported to Huatulco in October and other interested parties are invited to participate in the 10th Annual Coyote Convoy. The Convoy will leave Laredo on Friday, October 14, a day earlier than usual. It will again stop for two nights in San Miguel de Allende, before going on to Oaxaca on Sunday and Huatulco on Monday, October 17.
Each competitor will be asked to fill out papers to have their race car and tow rig brokered across the border, instead of using temporary tourist permits. A procedure and forms for obtaining the necessary permits will be sent to all competitors soon.
Following the end of the race in Zacatecas, the convoy or portions of it will return to Nuevo Laredo to be brokered back across the border to the U.S. The convoy is open to all competitors and spectators.
The fifth annual Carrera Fiesta will be held August 20 at the Baja Cantina in Carmel, California, 5:30-8:00 PM in conjunction with the Historic Races and the various car shows and auctions. Tickets are $25 or $30 at the door. Our gracious host again will be Bill Hemmer, who will be driving a Porsche 914 in the event this year. Reserve a place by emailing Bill at bekgroup@gmail.com.
This Fiesta has become a major reunion of Carrera vets and those interested in the event. Normally, there’s a brief, informal program, maybe a short film, and a Q and A session about this year’s event.
Around 120 cars are expected to start the Pan Am this year in Huatulco. Of these, about 1/3 will suffer mechanical failure or an accident along the way, but most will eventually cross the finish line (meta) in Zacatecas seven days later.
Mustangs, Falcons, and Porsche 911/912s will again dominate the event. At last count there are 22-24 Mustangs-Falcons and 15-17 Porsche 911/912s registered. So about 1/3 of the entries will be these models. Oh, where did all the Chevys go?! Fortunately, there will be three or four midyear Corvettes in the event.
Of special interest are the three Chrysler 300s being prepared by Mr. Kevin Kelly in North Carolina. These cars are being prepared as a tribute to the 300s that dominate NASCAR , ending the Lincoln’s reign, and were to run in La Carrera. Unfortunately, the Pan Am was cancelled in 1955, depriving the Chryslers a chance to show their stuff in Mexico. The identically-prepared cars will be driven by Mr. Kelley (USA), Mr. Marc Noel (Belgium/USA), and Mr. Roberto Quiroz of Mexico.
The Chryslers are schedule to compete in Historic C, but depending on their engines, they could be allowed to run in the Original Pan Am class, just as the Mexican LT Special, which was built for the 1955 Pan Am and never ran, was allowed to compete in Sports Mayor, which is limited to cars built from 1940-1954.
The final, complete set of rules (“reglamento”) for the 2011 La Carrera Panamericana has not yet been promulgated. An early version of the rules that apply to the preparation of the cars was released in June, but we yet await the final rules.
As posted last month in CARRERA NEWS, the speed of five classes will be limited by two specified combinations of tire size, rear end gear ratio (differential), and RPM rev limiter chip. The resulting limits on top speed are: Turismo Production (144.6 MPH), Turismo Mayor (146.6 MPH), Sports Mayor (142.8 MPH), and Historic C (142.8 MPH). 144.6 MPH=232.6 KPH, and 142.8 MPH=229.8 KPH, according to the information provided by the committee.
According to the preliminary rules, the cars must use either:
a) a 3.50 rear gear, 26.2” tires, and a 6600 RPM chip = 144.1 MPH/231.9 KPH, OR
b) a 3.70 rear gear, 26.2” tires, and a 7000 RPM chip =144.6 MPH/232.6 KPH
The Organizing Committee has been asked to permit any combination of rear gear, tires, and RPM chip that limits the speed to the maximum set for each class. The Committee is also expected to issue penalties for violations of these new limits.
Bag O Nails, 1966 Mustang GT 350 R
“Bag O Nails” is a 1966 Mustang GT 350 R clone maintained by Mustang guru Todd Landon with the intention of winning the Historic class on La Carrera and other events. The car was built from a bare shell in 2007 utilizing the very best of everything, and with the possibility of reverting to FIA homologation spec after the event. This car is simply the best prepared, fastest (420BHP) and most reliable Historic C Mustang alive, and is now for sale to a serious competitor. A lot of work has been done (weight reduction operation) to bring it to the highest standards.
2007: La Carrera Panamericana : 6th overall and 2nd in Historic C
2008: La Carrera Panamericana: 6th overall and 1st in Historic C
2010: Chihuahua Express: 5th overall and 1st in Historic C
Pikes peak: 2nd in Historic class (just beyond Doug Mockett)
La Carrera Panamericana: 4 times on the daily podium with at the end the 4th place in Historic C. Despite the very high level of competition this year, most of the time we finished in the top 15 overall
For more detailed info please phone or email.
Phone : +32497495495 or email tdl@panini.be
’53 Studebaker Commander. $120,000. Finished to your specifications: color and FIA seats and racing harness fitment. This car won the La Carrera Panamericana championship in 2008 and qualified first in 2010. Finish will be as good/better than 2010.
The car has been re-bodied and completely rebuilt since the 2010 event. It is now even faster and safer. The price includes a spares package and delivery/service is available. A build sheet is available. Completely Carrera-legal in all respects and guaranteed to pass all tech inspections. Needs nothing but you to win again. A rental arrangement for 2011 is a possibility. Contact Bill Beilharz, bbeilharz@aol.com or 602-320-5173 (Phoenix).
’68 Porsche 911. Guards Red 2.0L. Full Cage, Fire System, Kirkey Seats, 5 Point Belts, 27 gal Fuel Cell, MSD, Fender Mounted Extra Oil Cooler, Smart Racing and Elephant Suspension. Fully sorted – Porsche Racing Ready. Built 2 cars at once, the sister car to this one in 2003 finished 9th overall. Call 512-346-1880 or email alg@texcpa.com
Over $55,000 invested– asking $26,500.
‘66 Sunbeam Tiger. Ford 302 .060 over. High flow head . Roller rockers. Heavy-duty valve springs. Racing pistons, 10.5 to 1 compression. Racing cam. Heavy-duty oil pump . Edelbrock F4B manifold . Single wire chrome alternator. MSD distributor, coil, and ignition. High flow water pump. Fluidyne aluminum radiator. Aluminum oil cooler. Braded stainless steel fuel and oil lines with Aeroquip fittings. Holley 650 cfm Double pumper with regulator. Headers from Sunbeam Specialties. Remote oil filter. Heavy duty racing clutch lightened flywheel. Engine was totally rebuilt and computer balanced with the flywheel and harmonic balancer, approximately 8 hours on the engine. Ford top loader transmission, Rebuilt by "Toploader Heaven". Custom made heavy-duty drive shaft . Welded rear end. Custom made Mark Williams one-piece solid rear axles. Dual Holley Blue fuel pumps with relays. ATL 15 gal. fuel cell. Dual inline filter screens, Summit racing canister type fuel filter. Stainless steel fuel flex lines with Aeroquip fitting. $33,000 or b/o. Contact: Ed (415) 341-4965; ehugo@bhplaw.com
Photos and additional information are available at www.panamrace.com. Click on Classifieds. The advertisers assume all responsibility for their ads.
The views expressed in CARRERA NEWS are those of the author and may not (probably don’t) represent the views of the Organizing Committee. The author is a competitor and any advice he offers may constitute a conflict of interest.
All forms of motor sports are inherently dangerous, and La Carrera Panamericana is no exception. It is a long, hard endurance race at high speeds mostly along mountain roads. Mechanical failures are common, accidents not uncommon, and serious injury and even death are quite possible.
Cars should be carefully prepared, with an emphasis on safety (brakes, seat belts, roll cage, etc.), and driven prudently. Drivers and navigators should remember that the most important goal of this event is to finish. Unless you finish, nothing else counts.
Gerie Bledsoe, Coordinator
La Carrera Panamericana and Chihuahua Express
USPO address: 220 N. Zapata Hwy Ste 11
Laredo, TX 78043
1-650-525-9190 (Home office)
Mexican phone number +52-415-185-8470
Mailing Address in Mexico (FedEx, UPS only):
La Quinta Prolong. 5-A
Centro-Ojo de Agua
San Miguel de Allende
37700 GTO
Email: gbledso@aol.com, Skype: gerie.bledsoe
Carrera car number 395, Chevy II Nova, Historic C (1999-2011)
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