When I was 18 years old I remember that old painting in a storefront window and it stuck after all these years. Now some 35 years later I have to agree.
Some of my fondest memories are ones that by comparison aren't all that old. They are memories of special moments spent with my family. Spending quality time with my wife and children has always been one of my highest priorities in life and ones that have paid off ten fold. The times that have been spent teaching, sharing and handing down family traditions seems to be the most rewarding of all time spent anywhere. For the same reasons I find that when I return from an adventure regardless of what it was, be it a hunting or fishing trip, a racing weekend or whatever, sharing all of what took place with my family makes it all the more meaningful when I see the excitement on their faces.
Today my grandson, Tyler Gene, is 14 months old and we went fishing, something I have waited for since the day he was born. I must say there were times when I asked myself if he would like it, hate it or could just care less. I just hoped for the best that he was going to enjoy it. I had the same concerns when my children were his age and just like Tyler, not only did they enjoy it but in fact loved it. I have to say, that for me it was one of the best times ever and God willing I look forward to many more. I can't wait to return home and begin sharing this upcoming trip to Mexico for the La Carrera Panamericana with all of them. Hopefully someday Tyler will sit on my lap as we look thru old photos and he will say, "Hey Grandpa, there you are driving Lucky in Mexico."
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