What could those three things have in common you ask... simple just read and learn. Today I installed the front brake cooling scoops, rotors and wheel bearings and then checked all moving clearances on the calipers, braided brake lines, etc. I also began installing the fuel pump mounting plate and some fuel line fittings just to get a sense of how and where to mount them. It seems like what should have taken an hour turned into a days project. Thank God I love what I do.
I also began getting my LAKEWOOD scatter shield ready to install as soon as the engine is back.
I am looking forward to tomorrow for some time to just relax even though my kids are out of town for the weekend and my wife will be gone all day shopping. Tom who is one of the team members from DOVER BROTHERS RACIN and I will be meeting in San Francisco for lunch and what could be more relaxing than lunch and talking racing with a fellow racer? Tom and his team mate George ran last years La Carrera Panamericana but this year they are taking the wives on holiday. Smart move guys! However from the sounds of things they will be ready for a repeat next year. Tom and his wife are here in San Francisco for the week and I thought it would be great to show Tom around the city while we talk about the La Carrera Panmamericana. Hmmm, I wonder if Tom has seen the movie BULLITT? Better buckle up Tom. LOL.
It's really beginning to look like a race car! Soon maybe you can recreate some of those scenes from Bullit!
Count on it. LOL.
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