Saturday, October 16, 2010

Coyote Convoy Arrives In Mexico

Thanks to my good friend Francisco Ortiz here are some photos of the Coyote Convoy crossing a toll booth in northern Mexico. Francisco reports everything was OK at the 10:30am stop at the tool booth and said they were delayed an hour for import permissions the border. I had to laugh when Francisco said, "Bill was in the front of the convoy 20 min ahead of Gerie and he is a little more fast with the trailer too!"

Gerie Bledsoe reports that he has organized a convoy of 24 trucks, trailers, and race cars for the trip across the border, and down to San Miguel, where they can relax for a couple of days. He also has a new navigator from Texas, who will fly down to Tuxtla Gutierrez for the start of the race.

Why does this picture of Bill remind me of Captain Morgan? lol


F.O. said...

Good luck to all the teams for that long way to Tuxtla!

Jorge Arellano said...

With the first pics, the excitement increases. The 2010 Carrera Panamericana its starting. Good luck to everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

Great shots! Thanks for posting!