Several years ago my good friend Carson Scheller introduced me to one of the most amazing automotive guys I have ever had the privilege of getting to know. Way back then I made a post on my blog that started out... "Over the weekend I was very fortunate to get to spend a lot of time with a simply incredible car guy. His name is Frank Ruppert." Not only was I fortunate to meet Frank but in fact we became very good friends and talked on a regular bases. It is with heavy heart and tears in my eyes that I am saddened to report that Frank Ruppert passed away on Tuesday night, September 14, 2010. Like his son Chris Ruppert said, "He also loved life! Wow..90 years young! He was a unique and charismatic man who will be greatly missed by all."
I wished I felt more like writing about him as there is so much to tell and stories he shared with me that would leave even the biggest automotive story teller in dismay. Right up to the end Frank had a mind like a steel trap and better yet could back up ever detail with facts, photos and so on. Not only that but Frank helped give some of the biggest names in racing their start not to mention he hung out with many of the biggest names in racing. That said, I will be miss him terribly.
CLICK HERE for an article I posted way back when.
God's speed Frank. I love you.
Bravo ... well said Gary
Frank and his family are old friends of the Scheller family that included boats and cars . That horse drawn
chariot behind Frank in the photo you posted is the trophy they won( Ruppert Motors sponsor ) in the 1953 LCP large stock car class in a Lincoln Capri driven by Chuck Stevenson and Clay Smith as co-piloto
RIP Frank
correction ... as Gary points out in his earlier blog that beatiful trophy was won in the second LCP 1951 by Ruttman / Smith in a 1948 Merc in the stock car class ( 4th overall )
In 1952 Stevenson / Smith won the same class ( 7th overall)in a Lincoln Capri and again in 1953 all sponsord by Ruppert Motors
VIVA MEXICO is her bi-centenial celebration of her Independance from Spain
Sept 16, 2010
Dear Gary
I'm sorry for your loss of this good friend, and this friend to racing.
Godspeed, Frank.
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