Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Plot Thinkens

I just recieved an e-mail from Gerie Bledso, the North American director for the La La Carrera Panamericana, and it seems things have taken a very interesting twist for the 20th running of this race. While nothing is written in stone as yet there is the possibility of some major shake-ups in the Historica C class. It is as follows...


Few changes in the rules are expected this year, but super Historic cars, like the Corvette, Shelby Mustang, Cobra, Camaro, Falcon, Monte Carlo, and limited edition factory race editions, and even “specials” may well be moved into a new class, Historic D. These cars should be allowed to run four-barrels and other speed equipment. This would make competition in Historic C better for those driving less exotic Detroit iron.

Like I said, we do not not know if this will happen or not but we may find out as soon as this month or in March. This has major ramifications for many of us for obvious reasons. For example, will the Historica D class be allowed to use aluminun heads and what is, "other speed equipment?" Will 5 speed transmissions be allowed and so on. Right now as it is, my engine builder has already purchased most of my engine parts including special built cast iron heads and work is beginning on them soon. I sure would hate to have them completed only to find out the rules had changed. So for now, it's pins and needeles until the rules commitie finalizes the rules.

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