Monday, December 25, 2006

Hurry up and wait

If what they say about "Good things take time" then this car is going to be awesome. The body shop took a little longer than planed but with some prodding finally the car is back in my hands. This week it will be hauled to Anthony Vanni's shop for the beginning of the full roll-cage installation. In the spirit of Christmas and little boys I am able to recall exactly how it felt when I used to have a hard time waiting for "THAT DAY" to hurry up and get here and waiting for each phase of completion on this project is no different. If all goes to plan, by this time next year Jon, Will and I will be excitedly recalling what an awesome adventure we all took part in down in Mexico. The only difference between us and the Christmas's we have experienced in the past is the fact that the toys are bigger now than they used to be and we don't have to make pretend motor sounds to get excited.

Merry Christmas to one and all and Happy New Year.

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